The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1727: 5 clones

Now summer, has been immersed in a realm.

He is condensing clones.

The first clone is Xia Si.

The second clone is none other than the earth spirit, which is the ability of the source of earth.

The third avatar is the law of the sun.

The fourth avatar is the Law of the Moon.

The fifth avatar is the Law of the Stars! .

A total of five clones.

around the body of summer.

And in his body.

The King of the Realm is the center.

The other clones are all connected by an invisible line, which is completely connected to Xia Xia's Realm King Judgment.

And this time.

The ability to be strong when it is strong is used by Xia Xia on his own extermination finger.

his body.

In the future, you can only practice the Realm King Jue.

As for other abilities.

The five clones will automatically practice.

Moreover, the five clones and himself exist in the same way. He can mobilize the power of the five clones at any time. The clone is the main body, and the main body is also the clone, but in the same way, if others want to kill him, they must pass these five clones. One off.


Because of the five overcast sutras.

The five clones have successfully condensed their own powerful attack methods.

The big move is a combined attack.

It can be said.

the former him.

Although he has a lot of abilities, with his rich experience and his eyes, he can bring these abilities into full play, but after all, it requires a lot of external force, and the growth rate will be much slower, but now it is different.

Now each of his clones.

All alone.

The scarier thing is.

The five clones can grow independently, cultivate independently, and even take the Great Realm King Pill!

Because the Great Realm King Pill is a treasure condensed by the Realm King Jue.

Therefore, taking the Great Realm King Pill by himself in the summer cannot improve any realm.

Can only be used for healing.

But now.

Five clones.

Everyone can take the Great Realm King Pill.

Although he only has a few Great Realm King Pills on his body, he still has one Immortal Realm King Pill, which is a higher-level pill than the Great Realm King Pill.

"Finally, the problem of avatars has been completely solved. This Cloudy Sky Sutra is simply too heaven-defying, and it is a matter of course. Moreover, the Cloudy Sky Sutra has a very good healing and repairing effect. It will also become stronger and stronger!!" Xia Tian felt that he really had a big harvest this time.

The Yin Tianjing has nine chapters and eighty-one volumes.

Even the priests of the Celestial Clan have only read one or two volumes.

Sibatian also only read a few volumes, and each time he had to pay a great price.

But he is now.

But read nine volumes.

And it's a complete one.

This is a completely different perception.

When he opened his eyes, he found that when he was looking at the world, the world had changed a bit, and the particles in the air were clearly visible.

"You're awake!" The enchantress hurried forward.

"How come there are so many light spots around your body!!" Xia Xia asked in confusion.

"Can you see the spot of light?" Yao Lingzun's eyes lit up.

"Yes, senior, there is a light circle around your body, like a beam of light, covering your whole body!!" Xia Xia nodded.

Ha ha ha ha!

"It's incredible!!" Yao Lingzun began to laugh.

He felt like he had seen the most incredible things with his own eyes.

"Senior, what's wrong?" Yaoji asked in confusion.

"Half-spirit, this kid is already in a state of advanced half-spirit. Although it is only an entry, it is this entry that stumped everyone. There are so many venerable people in Shenzhou, but there are very few half-spirits. It is because They can't enter the half-spirit, but now this kid has entered, that is to say, as long as he doesn't die, he will definitely become a half-spirit in the future, which is Haotian's current realm!!" Yao Lingzun explained.


The corners of the witch's mouth twitched.

There are really too many things about Xia Xia that shocked him.

It can be said.

In summer, it's just a general practice that goes all the way.

"Cultivation in Shenzhou is very simple. The so-called Venerable is to condense one's own power, infuse the fairy spirit, and let your fairy power evolve into a spirit. When you cultivate to the hundred stars, a mark will appear on your forehead, this mark Normal people can't see it, but when you can enter the spirit, you can see it. Of course, if they enter the battle, ordinary people can also see this mark, but the power of the fairy is not for normal people. I see!!" Demon Spirit Venerable explained patiently.

"I understand." Yaoji's eyes lit up: "Only when one's own fairy spirit begins to become a spirit, can one see the power of other people's fairy spirit!!"

"Yes, so he can now see the power of the fairy around your body, and the power of mine, but you can't see it!!" Yao Lingzun explained.

"That is to say, when you reach your realm, you can almost determine the opponent's strength and identity just by looking at it!!" The enchanting girl completely understood.

"That's right, I only need to take a look to see the approximate strength of this person!" Yao Lingzun nodded.

Xia Tian looked at his hand: "I used to have good but I couldn't see the microscopic world, but now I can see the microscopic world."

"No, this is no longer a microscopic world, but a world at another level, belonging to the dimensional world. If you can fly to more than ten trillion feet now, you can see what Shenzhou is like." Admiring look at summer.

He lived so long.

There are countless geniuses.

Among them demon clan.

More genius.

But every one can make him appreciate it so much.

"I told you what you said before, I don't understand. It turns out that I don't have such eyes to see through the dimensional world. I went up, and I couldn't see anything!!" Yaoji finally understood what Yaolingzun said before. .

"Yes!!" Yaoling Zun nodded: "This kid is really amazing!!"

Xia Xia bowed slightly to Yaoling Zun: "Thank you senior!!"

"Yin Tianjing can have this kind of insight from you. It's also very against the sky. Now you, your clones should be condensed!!" Yao Lingzun said.

"There are five avatars in total, each of which is invisible, silent, and has the same mind as me, and can also make combined attacks!" Xia Xia explained.


"But you have to remember that your current silence is for ordinary people, but it is useless for those who have entered the spiritual realm. Those who have entered the spiritual realm can see you. Clone!!!" Yao Lingzun reminded.


How many people in Shenzhou are above the spiritual realm?


summer now.

Five clones are almost a symbol of invincibility.

"By the way, there is a hundred-legged python in this abyss. I want to eat it. Go and catch it back!!" A mysterious smile appeared on the face of Yao Lingzun.

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