The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1751: summer shot

Xia Xia looked at the Demon Venerable in front of him. This was a terrifying opponent, but now he was very excited when facing such a master.

"Why don't you let me try it!!" said the enchantress.

"Do you still want to try?" Xia Xia asked in confusion.

"I just broke the Pisces mark by him, I still have a beast, and now my ability to respect the beast has evolved a lot!!" Said the enchantress.

"He is a very dangerous guy." Xia Xia reminded again.

"I know, I'm just going up and trying, and I'll come back soon." The enchantress's idea is actually very simple.

Seeing such an opponent, she really wanted to try.

at the same time.

She also wants to use the strongest attack method to attack Demon Venerable, so that Xia Xia can see it more clearly. In this way, when Xia Xia fights Demon Venerable, Xia Xia can also know more about Demon Venerable.

for so long.

Summer has always been helping her.

She also wanted to do something for the summer.

"Then go!!" Xia Xia didn't stop the enchantress.


The enchantress was not polite, she shot instantly, and she shot very fast, and she directly used her fiery red tail to draw the Demon Venerable in front of her.

The powerful impact knocked the Demon Venerable back.


Demon Venerable was stunned: "At first, I thought that you only have the blood essence power of the ancient fire phoenix, but now it seems that you should have stronger blood power!!"

If it is just the blood essence power of the ancient fire phoenix, he can block it very easily.

But the attack of the enchantress just now made him feel a little numb, and even needed to unload.

This has already shown the extraordinaryness of the enchantress.

"This is just the beginning!!" The enchantress is also very excited. Her current physical strength has been nourished by the essence of the ancient fire phoenix, the flesh and blood of the hundred-footed python, and the blood of the Holy Vermillion Bird.

The overall attack power, defense power and toughness are not comparable to those before.


A strip of blood-colored tails twitched.

"The demon girl is helping us calculate the attack power and defense power of Demon Venerable!!" Hongfeng reminded.


"I can see it, she is really a strong woman." Xia Xia naturally also saw what the enchanting girl meant. He understood that the enchanting girl must feel that he was taking too much care of him, so she wanted to help.

"Then I can't live up to her good intentions!!" Hongfeng also used Xia Xia's eyes to calculate all the data of Mozun as soon as possible.

At this time, although the Demonic Venerable was beaten by the demon girl, he was gradually defeated.

But they can see it.

Demon Venerable is just unloading.

In other words, he is now using the least consumption to offset the strongest attack of the enchantress.

This is the devil.


They are all calculating their opponents.



Such a powerful attack by the enchantress really calculated the overall strength of the Demon Venerable.

"I see how long you can carry it!!" The hundreds of tails of the demon princess began to bombard wildly.

The Demon Venerable relied on the surrounding demonic energy to remove these powers little by little: "I didn't expect that there was still a trace of spiritual power in your attack, but fortunately you can't control it, otherwise, it would be true. Trouble!!"

Although the enchantress also played the power of the spirit.

But they are all played out under random circumstances.

It's not something he can control at all.

It is precisely because of this.

Only the Demon Venerable can unload the attack so easily.

"The power of the spirit works for him. Every time the enchantress unintentionally casts the power of the spirit, he will use the most instinctive way to dodge!!" Hongfeng reminded.


"It seems that his origin of the devil is not invincible!" Xia Xia observed for so long.

Just started to find out.

The origin of this demon is both offensive and defensive.

It's simply insane.

Coupled with the rich combat experience of Demon Venerable.

It can be said.

His use of the source of the devil is absolutely impeccable. Although Xi Batian has always been studying the source of wood, if Xi Batian is against the devil, they are both in the same realm.

Xi Batian will definitely lose, and he will lose very badly.

"It's almost there!!" Demon Venerable saw the opportunity, and with a counterattack, the blood-colored whip in his hand slammed directly on the forehead of the enchantress.

The location is very accurate.

The enchanting girl's body was pumped out.

If it weren't for her strong physical strength now, then this time, she would definitely be seriously injured.


Even so.

She was also injured.

Summer pulled her back for the first time.

On the other hand, he looked at the Demon Venerable in front of him: "You are really strong to be able to use the source of demons to this level, but it is precisely because you are strong that I need to defeat you even more!!"

the way he went.

It's all about defeating your opponent.

Defeat all enemies.


It will only be his stepping stone.

"If you have any skills, use them. Of course, you must be careful, because I really want to kill you!!" Demon Venerable's face was full of bloodthirsty expressions.

It seems that it is not the same person as the trance-like Demon Venerable I saw in the previous summer.


Five in one shot!

Summer is the ultimate at the same time.

He also killed himself.


Demon Venerable also felt a powerful killing intent, he did not dare to be sloppy and hurriedly defended, but Xia Xia had already killed him at this time.

Destroy the fairy finger!

Break everything.

In this way, Mozun's defense was torn apart by Xia Xia.

The combined attack of the five clones also hit the Demon Venerable directly.

Quick and accurate.

The location is extremely precise.

Moreover, all the attacks and defenses of Demon Venerable are calculated exactly, this is the result of Hongfeng just now.

"Beautiful work!!" The demon girl said excitedly.

Watching the summer battle is simply a kind of enjoyment, because the summer battle is more like an art, a very perfect art.


A mouthful of blood spurted out of the Demon Venerable's mouth.

There was a puzzled look on his face: "How is it possible?"

"Mozun, when I was able to save you back then, did you think this was giving you freedom?" Xia Xia stretched out his fingers: "But if I can give you freedom, I can make you lose your freedom, and even lose your life!!! "

At this time, the Demon Venerable looked towards the summer time.

Suddenly there is a feeling in my heart that I need to look up: "How could I have this feeling, it must be an illusion, I am a Demon Lord!!"

He readjusted his mentality: "Xiamen, since you want to die, then I'll give you a ride."

Immortal skill!

Demon world! !

For a moment.

The whole world seemed to have disappeared, the darkness devoured everything, and the magic destroyed everything.

Endless magic dragons crawled out from under the ground, and their eyes were full of bloodthirsty expressions.

"One blow, I only need one blow to break your world!!" Xia Tian stretched out a finger.

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