The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1765: Break through the world

Summer is in full swing at this time.

At the same time, Jiewang Jue's dantian began to frantically absorb the power of this world, but this world was too big, just after a while, Jiewangjue was already full, and this kind of The power is the whole world, as long as you start to absorb it.

just can't stop.

The power of this world will be continuously injected into the world king's dantian.

"Release!" Xia Xia released the purified power into everything.


He exhaled: "Successful, otherwise, I will really explode and die."

Although his Realm King Jue is very stable, the continuous inflow of such power is also very terrifying.

"This world is an independent world, and it is not integrated with the outside world, so once it is absorbed, the power of the whole world will move together, which is why once you start absorbing it, you can't stop! !" Hong Feng explained.

The outer world actually rejects this independent world.

So once this independent balance of heaven and earth is broken.

It will be squeezed by the outside world, and the vent is the summer's realm king Jue Dantian.

at this time.

The Realm King Jue Dantian, which had just been emptied, was filled again.

"Hongfeng, is it alright inside?" Xia Xia asked.

"No problem, I've already observed it, and the present is constantly evolving. The power of this independent world is very pure. It should be the power evolved from this sea of ​​​​opening the sky, and then purified by the realm of kings. It can be said that this power is perfect now, and the whole world is constantly expanding." Hongfeng explained.

"Okay." A smile appeared on Xia Tian's face.

If everything is completely formed, it would be really terrifying.

Not only did he create an independent world, but once he found an opportunity to introduce the enemy into this world, even Haotian, in his world, would not be his opponent.

Of course.

Something like Yaoling Zun is still possible.

Because people are already spirits.

A powerful person who can transcend this world.

Unless one day, his omnipotence can completely control the power of the spirit.

rather than aura.

that's it.

Summer's body and this world have reached a balance.

Seeing the changes in this world, the enchantress showed a smile on her face: "Sure enough, you are still that omnipotent summer."

Although she spoke very hard before.

But she also understands that this time will be a very big challenge.

But now.

There is a way in summer.

It can be said.

If it weren't for summer, she felt that she would have no way to deal with this space.

You might even be locked up here for the rest of your life.

That's the horror of summer.

"Mr. Xia really has a solution, and there is a solution so soon!!" Qi Qianzhi Mou was also very surprised.

"This is his horror!!" The enchantress said with emotion.

"Looks like I'm very hopeful this time!!" Qiqiongzhimou's eyes were full of hope.

He really has a lot of confidence in saving his wife and children now!

"It's not a blow to you. Your wife and children have not heard from them for so many years. It is uncertain whether they are still alive. If they are alive, there may be a way to save them in the summer, but if they are no longer there, then there is no hope!!" Ji didn't attack Qiqiongzhimu, but wanted to make Qiqiongzhimu prepare with both hands.

On the one hand, Qiqiongzhimou must have a shred of hope that he can save his wife and children; on the other hand, Qiqiongzhimou must be able to bear the news that his wife and children really died.

"I understand, it all depends on fate. They have used the illusion to accompany me for so many years, and I am very content!!" Qiqiongzhimu will never be hit again by this kind of thing.

He has it now.

It's that glimmer of hope.

"It seems that he's not feeling well either. Although this world is being broken open, he doesn't look good now!!" Yaoji saw that Xia Xia's face was flushed with suffocation, and the whole body was steaming. Obviously he was going through some kind of great pain and stress.


Along the way, no matter how difficult it is, how much pain Xia Xia has experienced.

He won't have the slightest complaint, everything is silently endured by himself.

This is summer.

"To fight against such a world, this is simply not something that humans can do!!!" Qiqiongzhimou also admired Xia more and more.

Summer at this time.

The situation is really not good.

The speed of the collapse of this world is getting faster and faster, and the pain that his body is suffering is getting bigger and bigger. Now his body is suffering a lot of pain, and the real king's dantian is also beginning to feel pain. Obviously now The Realm King Jue Dantian was also being impacted by this kind of power.

"After you purify, just throw it in, and leave the rest to me!!" Hong Feng reminded.

"Can you do it?" Xia Xia was worried that it would bring some sequelae to Hongfeng.

"It doesn't matter. When I practiced the Cloudy Sky Sutra recently, I had a great insight. This Cloudy Sky Sutra is very difficult." Hongfeng explained.

it is good!

Xia Xia also hopes that Hong Feng can use your Cloudy Sky Sutra to change herself. In that case, Xia Xia will no longer worry about Hong Feng being damaged.

With Hongfeng to help share.

Things finally got better in the summer.

Such power began to flow into everything.

Now all kinds of things.

Changes are also taking place.

Those alchemy materials began to sink into the vast underground, those alchemy materials began to grow in the vast, and various magic weapons and immortals appeared in the vast radiance.

It can be said.

Now all kinds of things.

More and more like an independent world.

And because there is no human destruction and cultivation, almost all of the power in the universe is now injected into plants and plants and All plants, trees, bamboo and stones are being controlled by this steady stream of power. Moisturize.

In the current forest, every grass and every tree are treasures.

"Come on, come on!" Xia Xia saw that the world in front of him had been completely shattered. If it weren't for the fact that the power was still pouring into his body, he would have been able to leave here now.

at the same time.

The eyes in the sky were also very surprised.

Because in his eyes.

It is impossible for this world to be broken open.


Xia Tian sighed: "Success, this time the harvest must be not small!!"

"Not only is it not small, the biggest gain is that the concentration of innate power becomes higher, and spiritual power begins to gradually appear!!!" Hong Feng said with emotion.

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