The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1774: Not wrong to lose

The boundless Tongtianhai disappeared in an instant. Such a scene is very terrifying.

"Where is Tongtianhai?" asked the demon girl.

She was really confused, although she knew that she would see a lot of incredible things with Xia Xia, and she was mentally prepared.

But seeing such a large piece of Tongtianhai just disappeared.

Who can not be surprised?

"Take it away!" Summer said flatly.

The corners of Yaoji's mouth were twitching. Xia Xia's words were very simple, but the content really made her feel terrified.

Even Silent is a black line on his face.

Such a big sea, just take it away?

This is beyond their comprehension.

"Okay, let's continue on the road, there should be nothing good along the way." Xia Tian took away the entire Tongtianhai, so all the treasures below were taken away by him.

"You're really not that simple. I feel more and more now that if you join forces with Tianlong, maybe you can really subvert the Celestial Clan!!" Wuyin said with emotion.

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry up and practice this clone, my future enemies are definitely not easy, if you can't be useful, what do I want you for?" Xia Xia said very rudely.

There is no such person.

He will not give a good face.

And he wouldn't give Silent much authority.

"Don't worry, I'm Silent." Silent said confidently.

"See how talented you are!!" Xia Tian didn't talk nonsense.


They began to rush forward according to the route given by the king of the sea clan.

Crossed the sea of ​​​​through the sky.

It's in the endless thunder penalty area.

"Mr. Xia, I'm a little excited!!" Qiqiongzhimou said.

He is also a fairy beast king, but at this time, it is difficult for him to control his emotions.

His family is still around.

He couldn't be sure either.

If it is.

What will his family have become after so many years.

Can't imagine.

He is also looking forward to it now.

that's it.

They have been gone for seven days.

Finally came to this thunder penalty area.

What can be seen here is the endless thunder penalty.

"This is not something that can be passed casually. When you first entered, you were subjected to these thunder penalties, and you can still resist, but later, your inner demons will appear, and the bad things you have done over the years. , the promises that you have not fulfilled will appear. Thunder Punishment will punish you according to how many unfortunate things you have done yourself, and it will become more and more terrifying. Every cultivator is going against the sky, and everyone has done a lot of guilt. It has created a lot of massacres, so the thunder penalty will become more and more terrifying!!" Silent reminded.

"Although the laws of heaven and earth have constraints on us, I am very curious how the thunder penalty here determines how many constraints we have on our bodies!!" Xia Xia asked inexplicably.

"I don't know, unless it is a spirit, no one can completely understand what this piece of heaven and earth represents." The highest realm of Silent Voice is also a semi-spiritual state.

That is the realm of Haotian now.

He was the number one player in China that year.

But even in his realm, what he saw in Shenzhou was only part of it.

"I'll go in and have a look, you don't want to go in!!" Xia Tian reminded.

"My body has become stronger now, and I have consumed a lot of thunder and punishment power recently, so I can absorb some more now!!" Hongfeng reminded.

Although the power of thunder and punishment in Hongfeng's body is very powerful, it is all stored power, not his own power, and there is no source of power.

Use some, consume some.

However, Hongfeng still stored a large amount before.

"Let's fill it up first, there is plenty of power here, we don't have to worry about consumption!!" Xia Xia said.

"I now have a layer of lightning armor attached to your body. If there is a special thunder penalty attack, you can also resist it!!" Hongfeng said what he did.

Directly arranged a thunder and lightning armor for the summer.

When this lightning armor appeared.

Summer looks majestic.

As if the ancient Thor was reborn.

"The thunder penalty here is so terrifying, how could there be anything alive." In Hongfeng's eyes, Xia Xia was the most powerful person to fight against the thunder penalty, but even if it was Xia, if he was here all year round, his body might not be able to bear it. .

Not to mention someone else.

No one else can do that.

"Don't underestimate this Shenzhou, this is the fairyland, and we are only half a step away from unveiling the fairyland." Xia Xia's current strength is improving every day.

Every improvement can give him a great insight.

There will be more awareness of the world.

He also understood that once he broke through to the half-spirit realm, the world he saw would still be different.

And once he breaks through to the spirit, he can see the entire Shenzhou.

This kind of situation is completely different from what others say.

Many things, only by seeing it with your own eyes can you understand what the world is like.

Tiankeng here.

It hides the secrets about the spiritual world back maybe.

He can find what he most wants to know here.


"There is a trace of spatial fluctuations!" Hong Feng suddenly reminded.

Spatial fluctuations?

When I heard this, Xia Xia's eyes turned to that direction. This space is full of thunder and punishment. Normally, such a space should be very complete. That is to say, in this space, there will be no If there is any slightest spatial fluctuation, where does this spatial fluctuation come from?


The body moves fast in summer.

"Your body is really against the sky, you are not afraid of thunder and punishment!!" Wuyin said with emotion.

Summer now gives him the right to look outside, but doesn't share the perspective with him.

So he can only be regarded as a spectator.

But he can also sense the extraordinaryness of summer.

"There's more that you don't know!!" Xia Xia has been maintaining his sense of mystery, and it is not so easy for a master like Wuyin to control it.

If you are a little careless, it is easy to be swallowed by the silent backlash.

"It seems that I am not wronged for losing, but maybe this is also a kind of opportunity for me. Following you, I may have more gains." Wuyin said with emotion.


He saw a glimpse of his future.

future show.

He has the opportunity to break through to the spirit.

But this future is very slim.

Very uncertain.

So at that time, he thought that this slimness just required his own efforts.

"Look here!!" Hongfeng reminded.

Xia Xia followed his gaze and saw that there was a shallow scratch here. If there were no creatures in this place, how could there be scratches?

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