The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1147: All resolved

Hearing that someone wanted to check the video, the manager directly pressed the button in his hand.

A large screen suddenly appeared in front of him.

When they saw the big screen suddenly appear, everyone understood that someone said goodbye to a thousand people. This big screen is not just opened. It costs 100 million US dollars to open it once, and it is paid by the requester.

The big screen is back to when it started just now.

The man shouted an all-in frantically.

Then Xia Xia said a call, and then the man went to see his hole cards.

"Stop!" the man shouted.

The screen froze instantly.

Everyone looked in the direction of the trump card captured on the surveillance video.


is q.

This time the man was completely confused. He remembered clearly that his hole card was clearly j, but why did it become q!

In fact, the truth is very simple.

He has been in a state of excitement, and his spirit is already highly nervous. In the summer, instead of playing with poker, he will play with his fingers, and at the same time pierce his acupuncture points with silver needles, which will make him have hallucinations, He will see what he wants to see, he wants to see j, then he naturally regards q as j on his finger.

I won this summer.

The chips in front of him had become less than 900,000, and now there were only him and the last person left at the table, who had 250,000 chips in his hand.

As long as he wins this person again, he will qualify.

After the inspection was completed, it was proved that there was no thousand out of the summer.

So this table can go on.

Before leaving, the man gave Xia Xia a vicious look.

"Avenge me," he said to the last remaining man.

Although the last man nodded, he had no idea in his heart now, because Xia Xia was too mysterious, it was too easy for him to win along the way, and every time others fell for him.

How much this person wants to get out of here now.

He has won anyway.

He now has 2.5 billion US dollars in chips. Except for the principal of 800 million US dollars, he has won the other 1.7 billion. This amount of money is enough for him to squander, but there are rules here, or Take the first place, or you won't be able to take a penny.

He used to be very confident in himself, but now his confidence is almost gone. He finds that sometimes gambling is really not just about luck. He has already got a lot of good hands, but what can he do? ?

When he has a good hand, he will not bet in the summer, and if his hand is not good, he will go all-in in the summer.

"There are only two of us left. Do you have to struggle? Go all-in. Let's make a pre-deal all-in this time to see who has the better luck." Summer said lightly.

Hearing this proposal, the man was moved.

Because doing so is a matter of luck.

This is fair to him, otherwise his confidence will be lost if he comes again a few times.

"Okay! Now let's push it all over. After a while, we won't be able to get any cards back." The man said directly.

"Deal the cards!" Xia Xia said to the dealer.

The croupier deals the cards directly.

After the two cards were dealt, neither Xia Xia nor that person looked at their hole cards.

The dealer then continued to deal cards.

The dealer dealt all five cards of the two at one time.

"I don't think you need to look at the hole cards." Xia Xia's card was three kings, and the opponent only had two jacks.

"Why? Why can't I even fight for luck against you." The man said very unwillingly.

Xia Xia smiled slightly and didn't say anything. Of course the opponent couldn't fight against him, because he had seen the deck of cards with perspective before he planned to fight the opponent's luck, and he would definitely win.

That's why it's called luck.

If the opponent was not overwhelmed by his aura, he would never agree to this kind of gambling, but he was completely frightened by Xia Xia's aura, so he would definitely lose no matter how much he bet.

It's just more enjoyable this way.


Xia Xia has already eliminated all the people at his table, and he is also the second person to qualify. At this time, his chips are as high as 11.3 billion US dollars.

This is money that no one else can earn in a lifetime.

Even those big entrepreneurs, they are only the company worth the money, and they definitely don't have so much liquidity themselves.

Of course, although it looks like Xia Xia's victory was very easy and glamorous on the surface, but looking at how miserable those who lost, know that this industry is not a good way to make a fortune.

Unless you are really a master at the level of gambling gods, don't come here. Many of those who lose money may have lost everything in one fell swoop.

They originally came here to win money and go back, but a loss is hundreds of millions, who can stand it?

since ancient times.

Ten bets and nine cheats!

Even Xia Xia is playing mental tactics with the opponent, and he is also lying.

The monitoring here is too strict, and no one dares to make thousands, so it is stronger than whoever cheats. Of course, luck also has a The most important thing is to cheat, as long as you completely deceive the other party If you are confused, he won't be able to beat you with any cards, because he is afraid.

Unless he has the luck of the greedy wolf.

After winning Xia Xia, he sat in the rest area and closed his eyes. He was recharging his energy. Originally, his recent physical condition was not good. He had to concentrate on gambling. It consumes a lot.

Wang Bing saw Xia Tian's appearance and knew that his situation was not good.

Although Xia Xia looks very cool, he has won more than 10 billion US dollars, and he has won money that others would never dare to think of in his entire life, but his secret battles these few hours are more tiring than famous battles, and this time he is also There is this opportunity.

Just in time for the annual World Gambling Championship, so he can win so much money.

Otherwise, on the first and second floors, after playing for a month, you may not meet a few rich people. Even if you do, you will often win money here and everyone will think that you have something wrong and will not play with you. .

So if it weren't for this situation, summer would definitely not have won so much money.

At this time, the people at the table have ended the battle.

In the end, only 20 people qualified. Among these 20 people, the least funded is 6 billion US dollars, and the most is the world gambling king Ciro, who holds 30 billion US dollars in chips in his hand.

Everyone understands that the real battle is next.

Five people at a table, four people at a table to gamble.

The four winners at the end compete for the betting king.

This is the promotion rule of the game. The people who can get to this point are almost all the gambling king-level masters of various countries. None of them are easy to deal with. Even Ciro dare not guarantee 100% that he will win easily. these people.

The real game begins.


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