The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1808: fight again

The five of Yinglong and the others did it perfectly. If they only attacked humans, no one could fault them. They didn't say that they were here to help Xia Xia. What are you doing?"

"I'm helping you deal with human beings, aren't you unhappy with the human beings who came in? We directly shared three human masters, which gave you a chance to go head-to-head with the remaining human, you won't be able to beat him. Come on!!" Yellow Bird said very casually.

The conversation they had just had in the summer, the Five Immortal Beast Kings could hear clearly.

They also understood.

Jumang must have lost to Xia Xia before.


When they say this, they are taunting Jumang.

"Fire Phoenix, your opponent is me!!!" Qiqiongzhimu stopped in front of the ancient Fire Phoenix.

That is to say.


Jumang's opponent is Xia Xia alone.

"Come on, didn't you say that you are good at fighting?" Xia Xia defiantly looked at Jumang in front of him.

Last time, he still relied on a lot of means and the sneak attack of the golden knife to defeat Jumang, but now it is different. Now his strength has improved again. Now he is completely different from before. Once again, with Jumang If he fights, he also has more confidence.

This is summer.


The first time we met, we couldn't kill the summer.

The next time we meet, the growth in summer will be beyond the reach of the other party.

"Xia Xia, do you really think you will be my opponent?" Jumang thinks that he lost to Xia Xia last time because he was careless. He didn't know Xia Xia had such a sharp weapon in his hands. If Xia Xia was attacked with that weapon, Xia Xia would not be his opponent.

He couldn't lose face in front of so many people.

He will wash his shame with the blood of summer.

Let everyone understand the true strength of the six kings.

"Last time you escaped so embarrassedly, I thought you would find a place to hide, but now it seems that you are not very smart, and you dare to come out, then your fate is destined to be the same as the hundred-legged python. "Xia Tian killed the hundred-legged python with his own hands.


"Xiamen, it seems that I have to teach you a lesson." Jumang's body moved.

Endless wood elements appear out of thin air.

The strong impact also hit the summer.

Xia Si instantly stood in front of Summer.


Xia Si perfectly blocked Jumang's attack.

"Your attack is so weak, how can you fight me?" Xia Xia looked at Jumang with disdain.

In the past, when he was alone, he was under a lot of pressure when he took the attack of the six masters, but now, if he is singled, his pressure is much less.

All his clones can attack Jumang.

"I'll try it!!!" Silent began to fight.

"Let him consume it first, his attack is still very strong, wait for him to consume a few rounds, then you go up again, rely on your physical strength and physical toughness to confront him head-on, and then the senior earth spirit will make a surprise attack, like this He will reveal his flaws faster." Xia Xia had seen Jumang's attack last time.

Really powerful.

boom! boom! boom!

Gumang's several attacks were all blocked by Xia Si.

Under normal conditions.

This made him very puzzled. He had seen Xia Xia's ability before. When they fought last time, Xia Xia's ability should not be able to stop his attack, but now, his attack was completely blocked by Xia Xia.

"Did he really get stronger?" Jumang was a little surprised.

The growth rate in summer is too scary, right?

In fact.

That's it. In the past, Xia Si really couldn't withstand a few attacks, and her body would reach its limit, but now Xia Si is different. Xia Si's current defense and toughness have grown to a very high level, so even if it is a continuous sentence Even if he launched an attack, he could withstand it. As long as several masters kept attacking in turn, Xia Si's defense would not be broken.

This is the defense of Xia Si now.

"Jumang, you really let me down. It's been a while since we last fought. You haven't made any progress. Last time at least you injured Qiqiongzhimu, but this time, you didn't even make any progress. I dare not take the initiative to attack!!" Xia Xia's face was full of disappointment.

He was provoking Jumang.


"I haven't used my true skills yet!!" Jumang said.

"Your real ability isn't the branch behind you. I cut you off last time, and you were so frightened. Do you dare to use this ability in front of me this time?" Xia Xia said with great disdain.


Even the ancient fire phoenix began to shake.

Because of the conversation between Xia Xia and Jumang, and the fight, it seems that the two of them really are not fighting for the first time.

And if it was Jumang who won last time, Jumang wouldn't deny it. The reason why he didn't admit it should be because he lost last time.

Jumang also felt everyone's doubts.

"I'll let you see how capable I am." Jumang's body charged up Last time he relied on such a blow to directly knock Qiqiongzhi into the air. .

This time.

He wants to defeat Xia Xia's clone head-on.


at this time.

Silent came up.

He used his body to block the impact this time abruptly. Not only did he block the impact of Jumang, but he also started to fight back. The toughness of his body reached a terrifying level, and the speed of the counterattack was very unbelievable.


Jumang didn't expect such a blow at all, and the side of his body that was hit flew out.

Origin Warhammer, Gravity Earth! !

Tu Ling also seized the opportunity and launched an attack instantly.


The branch behind Jumang appeared, blocking the blow, and at the same time he began to counterattack Tu Ling.


Xia Si's defense appeared again, blocking Tu Ling's face.

"Good chance!!" Jumang believes that now is the best chance to attack Xia Xia's body.

But right now.

The silent attack appeared again, and his body that had just stood firm was thrown out.

This is just the beginning of the fight. Jumang, one of the legendary six kings, was beaten so passively by Xia Xia.

boom! boom!

Tu Ling's second attack also came out.

Although he and Wuyin didn't cooperate much, the tacit understanding between the two of them was generated by Xia's body, so the points they attacked were also the best attack positions Xia found.

Jumang was beaten and retreated.

"Looks like we can start to fight back!!!" A smile appeared on Xia Xia's face.

This time, he wanted to leave a shadow on Jumang for a lifetime, so that Jumang would instinctively want to escape when he saw him in the future. Of course, if he gave Xia Xia a chance, Xia Xia would definitely kill him.

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