The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1812: bet

The messenger of light and dark has blocked the front of summer.

meet again.

The two sides are no longer the same.

In the current summer, the overall strength has been improved, and he already has a certain understanding of the ability of the messenger of light and darkness.

"Summer, we meet again." The light messenger said lightly.

His eyes were on summer.

It was as if there was endless pressure to smash it down.

"Yeah, we meet again!" Xia Xia responded.

Although the opponent is the top expert, and also belongs to the highest-level existence in Tiankeng, Xia Tian didn't care about it at all. In his eyes, no matter what kind of existence the enemy is, as long as the two sides fight, there will only be one result. That is your life and death.

There is no other possibility.

I'm afraid it won't solve the problem.

"Do you still want to pass us this time?" asked the messenger of light.

"Yes, my purpose here is to pass here, no one can stop me!!" Xia Xia responded.

"Do you really think you are our two opponents?" The Lightbringer asked again.

"If you don't try it, how can you know if it works!!" The corner of Xia Tian's mouth raised slightly.

"Let's put it this way, not counting any other means, just physical toughness, the two of us are dozens of times, or even hundreds of times, your normal Venerables, your control ability is of no use to us, yours The chance that the attack can hit us is also very small, and we mobilize the attack and the reaction are many times yours, you can't defeat us!!" The light messenger reminded.

"If the data can replace the battle, then whoever has the highest battle data will win!!" Xia Xia said.

"If you really fight for life and death, you are destined to die here. Isn't it a pity for you to cultivate?" The light messenger wanted to let Xia Xia retreat.

"Well, don't you like to bet? I can make a bet with you two!!" Xia Xia said.


The messenger of light looked at Xia Xia in confusion: "What bet?"

"You two stand there and don't move, let me attack once, if I can't kill you, I will never step into you again in my life, but if you die, no one will stop me!!" Xia Xia said.


"Why don't you say that you stand still and let us both attack once?" The Dark Messenger said very unhappy.

The last time he played against Xia Xia, it can be said that he suffered a big loss.

Now the two of them haven't found out that Tianshu has disappeared. If the two of them know about it, I'm afraid they won't be so calm, and there's no reason to bet with Xia Xia here.

They will surely lose their cool.


They must have guessed that it was made in summer, too.

Because only been here in summer recently.

"Also, I'm standing here and let the two of you attack me once, only once, if you succeed, then I will definitely die, but if you fail, then you not only have to let go of the past, you must also let me How about the fastest way?" Xia Xia asked the messenger of light and dark.

The light messenger glanced at the dark messenger.

"You mean, you stand there still, let us two strike together?" asked the dark messenger.

"Yes, only one blow, you two together!!" Xia Xia responded.

The dark messenger nodded to the light messenger. The two of them are very clear about their abilities. Once the two of them join forces, then in this world, is there anything else they are afraid of?

The dark joint attack of the two of them is extremely powerful.

Even Haotian couldn't take it head-on without being hurt.

"Okay, then let's bet!" A smile appeared on the face of the dark messenger, but he really wanted to kill this human who broke the rules here.

over the years.

Xia Xia is definitely the most special person he has ever seen, a person who makes him completely invisible. He even feels that if Xia Xia is not killed, then something unforeseeable will happen in the future. It can even be said that is to destroy them.


Only summer dies.

They can restore peace.

"Come on!!" Summer said standing there.

"Don't you need to prepare?" The messenger of light asked puzzled.

In his opinion, since Xia Xia said that he wanted to block one of their attacks, Xia Xia must have arranged various formations in advance, put on the strongest armor, etc. Only in this way can it be possible to block their attack. .

"The existence of the two of you at this level, a joint blow, even the defense of the hundred-footed python, will definitely be unstoppable. Any formation and armor defense are not worth mentioning in front of you, then I still have Is any arrangement necessary?" Xia Tian smiled.

"Since you know, why do you choose to die?" The Messenger of Light asked inexplicably.

"I just said that the hundred-legged python can't handle it, but I didn't say that I couldn't." Xia Xia responded arrogant, the hundred-legged python is the most defensive immortal beast here. "The dark messenger looked at the summer coldly.

"That's just the strongest for people like you, and for me, it's nothing." Xia Xia said very casually.

The hundred-legged python had already been killed by him.

He is naturally qualified to say such things.

"Okay, I would like to see if your strength is as hard as your mouth." The dark messenger has made a decision at this time. With this blow, he must let Xia Xia die here.


The endless dark power flowed into his body from behind him.

"Summer, since you are not ready, then we will come." After the voice of the light messenger fell, the light behind him began to flow into his body continuously.

Both of them.

It is supported by the strength of two heaven and earth.

It can be said to be extremely powerful.

The blow they hit next.

It is no longer their own attack, but the attack of these two worlds.

ambassador of light.

Strength: 300,000. (Ordinary hundred stars 100,000.)

Defense: 700,000. (Ordinary hundred stars 100,000.)

Toughness: 400. (Ordinary Baixing 10:00 to 20:00)

The power of the sky: 300,000.

Spiritual Power: 20.

Hongfeng immediately analyzed.

"The overall statistics are higher than mine, especially the physical toughness, which is 100 points higher than my body. It seems that they have indeed gained a lot of benefits over the years!!" Xia Xia said with emotion.

"The combination of the two of them is absolutely terrifying. Look at the power behind them," Hongfeng reminded.

See in summer.

at this time.

Behind the two of them, a door of light and a door of darkness appeared.

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