The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1817: 2 old guys


Xia Tian's eyes lit up: "It can still be like this."

"Although I have been dead for many years, the power inside the Xuanwu Immortal Crystal is also out of ten, but the power inside is not what you can imagine!!" Xian Xuanwu said very proudly.

He is the same as the tree.

So their levels should be equal.

If so.

Their peak power is indeed terrifying.

Xia Tian glanced at Tu Ling: "Senior Tu Ling, I will depend on you next."

"Don't worry, I won't let you down." Tu Ling said very confidently.

"Then next, my vision will be completely shared with you, you can look for it according to my vision." Xia Xia opened the vision of his eyes completely, so that after the earth spirit entered, he could rely on his integrity Look for the field of vision.


Tu Ling didn't talk nonsense, wrapped his body with the power of Xuanwu, and then rushed in.

All summer can do now is wait.

But he remembered an interesting thing: "You just said that you accidentally knocked a cultivator into an ice-blue planet, didn't you?"

"Yes, I was flying so fast at that time that I didn't see that person at all, and then I bumped that person into an ice-blue planet. That person's strength should be okay, so he entered That planet, its own laws and power directly destroyed the laws of that planet, causing that planet to be almost destroyed. Although it was finally saved, the life on that planet was almost dead." Xian Xuanwu explained road.

"How long?" Xia Xia asked again.

"It should be hundreds of millions of years, I can't remember exactly!!" Xian Xuanwu said.

I calculated it in the summer. The calculation of time and year in China is different from that on the earth. If it is calculated, it is tens of millions of years ago on the earth. It should be the same time as the era of dinosaurs. The extinction of the era is actually a disaster caused by Xianxuanwu.

It was he who smashed a cultivator into the earth and nearly destroyed the earth.

"Do you remember any other features of that planet?" Xia Tian asked again.

"There is a big fireball next to it, the temperature is very high, the inside of the fireball to the center of the ball is full of flames, which is very suitable for fire-type practitioners to practice." Xian Xuanwu explained again.

Xia Xia understood at this time that the icy blue planet in Xian Xuanwu's mouth was probably the Earth.

But he remembered it again: "You said earlier that there was an attack on the earth that hurt you, and it was precisely because of that power that you were destroyed, right!!"

"What is Earth?" Xian Xuanwu asked in confusion.

"It's that icy blue planet!" Xia Xia explained.

"Yes, I didn't expect that there would be such a terrifying attack on that small planet. In fact, I flew here all the way, and many planets were destroyed because of me. I didn't care at that time. In my eyes, those planets are like the grass and trees you see now, who cares about destroying a few trees and trees!!" Xian Xuanwu explained.

This summer, I figured it out.

In the eyes of an existence like Xian Xuanwu, a small planet like Earth is indeed like a weed, but he did not expect that there was a poisonous insect on this weed, and this poisonous insect would kill him.

This analogy is more appropriate.

"The attack at that time couldn't even withstand your defense, what would it be like?" Xia Xia asked.

"One light, only one light hit, and I didn't see anything left. This kind of revenge blow was something I didn't expect." Xian Xuanwu said with emotion.

Summer frowned.

Is there any terrifying existence hidden on the earth?

This makes summer feel puzzled.

"I don't know too many things. Although I instantly gathered the strongest defense, the instinctual fear made me know the result before I was attacked." Xian Xuanwu is a very arrogant existence. .

Because he is a holy beast.

Fairy, holy beast.

But even he will have instinctive fear, which shows what kind of terror the other party is.

"It seems that the other party is a very terrifying existence!!" Xia Xia said with emotion.

"It's been so many years, I don't feel anything anymore." Xian Xuanwu smiled slightly, and he had already looked down on everything.

"Sacred beasts like you were originally very Buddhist. If it wasn't for your holy beasts and the races of divine beast bloodline breeding everywhere, it would be hard to see so many immortal beasts with divine beast bloodline and holy beast bloodline now. "Tianshu said jokingly.

"What do you know, this is called love. When we see what we like, we will naturally release our instincts, but I haven't experienced it a few times in my life!!" Xian Xuanwu said.

"Trust you a ghost!!!" Tianshu obviously didn't believe Xian Xuanwu's words.

"I'm not like you trees, I don't even have feelings, and I don't know love. It's a waste of life. No matter how long I live, it's meaningless!" After Xian Xuanwu finished speaking, he suddenly thought of something: "Forget I take back what I just said."

He already knew that Summer's mother was the mother tree.


He is also wrong.

"What we are after is dedication, what do you know!!" Tianshu and Xianxuanwu obviously found a topic.

"Dedication, others don't know you, I don't know yet, if you don't find a world to support, then you will be targeted by the Zerg, and those Zerg will eat you away little by little." Xian Xuanwu and Tianshu Now they are exposing the old bottom to each other.

"Then we are also better than you. We can at least compete with the Zerg. Your first reaction when you see the Zerg is to escape." Tianshu complained.

"I ran because I thought those Zerg were troublesome and not tasty, otherwise I would eat them all." Xian Xuanwu and Tianshu began to complain to each other.

"Okay, okay." Xia Xia hurriedly persuaded the two of them to quarrel like this.

It might end up fighting.

"Forget it, I don't have the same knowledge as you, you will die immediately, as if I bullied the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled." Xian Xuanwu finally said something provocative.

"I'm just dying, you are already dead, you are not even old, weak, sick and disabled!!" Tianshu responded.

"With me here, you can't die. Senluo Wanxiang will protect the sky tree and grow gradually. Immortal Xuanwu will be nourished in my dantian and will recover in the future, so as long as I don't die, you can't die!!" Xia Xia explained road.

"Isn't it still dead, you are going to die in a few years, aren't we going to die with you!" The two said together.

Apparently, they also thought that Xia Xia's attack on Tian Clan was self-defeating.


The black line on Xia Tian's face: "Senior Tu Ling found it."

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