The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1824: All things are born

Xia Tian was stunned: "Why is this happening?"

"This is his choice!!" Xian Xuanwu said with emotion.

"If I don't practice Yangtianjing, he won't die!!" Xia Xia clenched his fists.

"No, he knows that he won't live long, and as the saying goes, when a tree falls, all things are born. He did this to give the twelve spirits a chance to survive, and didn't you realize that in your world? , is there an extra sapling? Maybe a billion or ten billion years later, a new sky tree will appear!!!" Xian Xuanwu reminded.

He also understood the tangle in Xia's heart.

After being with Xia Xia for so long, what Xia Xia dislikes most is that others have suffered because of him.

"Master made the greatest sacrifice for the twelve of us, but whether we can cultivate into demons is still unknown." Yang never thought that one day he would be able to continue to cultivate.

There is still a chance to survive.

"There is hope in living!!!" Xia Xia glanced at the small saplings in all kinds of things.

The current forest has become a higher level than before.

The previous all things: Immortal Power: 1 million points, Reiki: 10 million points, Law Power: 10,000 points, Innate Power: 10,000 points, Spiritual Power: 1 point.

The current situation: Immortal Power: 5 million points, Reiki: 50 million points, Law Power: 50,000 points, Innate Power: 50,000 points, Spiritual Power: 10 points.

It can be said.

The overall change in the current situation is more than five times more than before.

And the most precious thing is the power of the spirit.

There are ten o'clock.

That is to say.

From now on, you can also cultivate the spirit in the vast universe.

But the power of the spirit is still too small.

"I've already informed the other eleven spirits. As for how they choose, it's up to them." Yang Ke will not disappoint his master's kindness.

Since his master has done it.

Then he must cherish the opportunity his master gave him.

"Although this is an opportunity, it's also not a good thing!!" Xia Xia looked at Yang.

"Why?" Yang asked in confusion.

"Because there are still more than two years, I will kill the Celestial Clan. If I die, and everything will not exist, then you will also not exist. No matter how hard you work, it will be in vain. ." Xia Xia must kill the Celestial Clan, and no one can stop this matter.


Even if the twelve of them paid a great price to cultivate, when Xia Xia died, everything would be over.

Without the support of all things, without the protection of the power of the sky tree, they will die.

"Then it's better to survive!!" Yang said.

"It's not that easy. Anyone who knows the strength of the Celestial Clan can say to me that I will definitely lose!!" Xia Xia is not the kind of person who has no self-knowledge, and he also knows that his path is not that good. go.

Know more about what's going to happen next.

If you are a little careless.

may face death.

"As long as the strength is strong enough, nothing will definitely lose." Yang said.


Xia Xia nodded. For so long, he has been cultivating hard, from a person who has just stepped into the Divine State, with less than 10,000 points of the power of the law, to the present step by step.

Now even against Haotian, he still has the strength to fight.

It can be seen from this point.

How hard he tried.

"Actually, as long as you don't die and give you enough time, your future achievements will definitely surpass mine, but unfortunately the time you want is too short!!" Yang said with emotion.

"Yeah, I'm running out of time!!" Xia Xia said.

"Is the Ice Throne still there?" Yang asked.

"Yes, I was sealed in the Tianhan Sword." Xia Xia waved his right hand, and the Tianhan Sword appeared in his hand.


Yang's right hand is on the Tianhan sword: "You have a clone of the sun!!"

"Yes!!" Summer summoned the clone of the sun.

"The Frozen Throne contains the power of the future, but this power is very huge, so it has always been in a sealed state. I will teach you how to unlock the seal. At that time, your Tianhan sword will The earth-shaking changes will take place, and at the same time, the strength of your avatar will increase greatly, but it is impossible to fully digest the power of the Ice Throne, so you can only wait for this avatar to grow, and then slowly digest this power. " Central explained.

Summer understands.

This is equivalent to empowerment.

Using the power and weapons of a lifetime to empower oneself's clone and Tianhan Sword, although it can't get less than ten percent of the power, but slowly digest it, at least sixty percent can be obtained, or even more.


Yang told Summer about the method of unblocking.

When Xia Xia unblocked the power of the Ice Throne.

The entire Tianhan sword was shaken by the cold light.

Tianhan Sword has also officially started to advance.

This promotion is a kind of fusion, the fusion of the power of the Frozen Throne and the Tianhan at the same time.

The avatar of the sun holding the Tianhan sword also began to advance.

The process is quick.

at last.

It didn't stop until the realm of the avatar of the sun broke through to the Venerable Hundred Stars.

On the Tianhan Sword, a cold glow flashed.

"The Tianhan Sword is already the level of the ancient gods. This is the limit of the Tianhan Sword. Although the fusion level of the Frozen Throne should be higher, unless you have a way to re-refine the Tianhan Sword, the level of the Tianhan Sword will be higher. As for the clone of the sun, it has reached its limit for the time being, unless one day, your main body can comprehend the power of the spirit, otherwise the power will continue to be sealed!" Yang explained.

"I really don't know how to thank you." Xia Xia said.

"Shenzhou's weapon levels: low-level fairy weapons, medium-level fairy weapons, high-level fairy weapons, famous weapons, pseudo-ancient weapons, ancient weapons, and ancestors; there are three known ancestors in Shenzhou: the first is in In the hands of the Queen Mother of the West; the second is the Void Throne; the third is the Merciless Sword." Wu Yin reminded.

"Your strength has improved, and I have a greater chance of surviving, so there is no need to thank me, let's go, I still have my own gift to give you!!" Yang took the lead and walked inside.

His gift must be more precious.

The three laws of the sun, moon and stars.

The Law of the Moon already has certain abilities.

He also helped unblock the power of the Law of the Sun.

What about the law of the stars that belongs to Yang himself?

This is the gift he wants to give to summer, the biggest gift that belongs to him.

"What gift?" Xia Xia asked hurriedly.

"You'll know when you arrive!!" Yang looked into the distance, as if thinking of something: "I always thought 'One Spirit, Three Saints, Five Stars, Jushenyan' were ten people, but I didn't understand until you appeared. "

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