The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1841: sealed

The ancient seal formation plate is a treasure handed down from ancient times. Not only does it have endless power, but the formation method in ancient times is more thorough. For people today, it is equivalent to no way to crack it.

Because of their crack.

It is completely different from the current cracking of normal array disks.

It's been unstoppable from the very beginning.

And the array is smooth.

From the beginning of the war to the present.

They have been trying to find a way to completely trap Xia in the middle and form a real encirclement. Xia has been fighting and ignored this, because he has been surrounded since the beginning, but the current encirclement is not the same as the beginning. In the same way, Haotian has completely occupied the main position, no matter which direction he breaks through, he will be blocked by Haotian.

Unless he can defeat Haotian in an instant.


He can't get through here.

"We can use Tianquan's repulsion to temporarily knock Haotian flying, so that we can break through from another direction." Hongfeng reminded.

"No, Haotian is not alone in this encirclement, it seems that Haotian is blocking me, but in fact, no matter which direction I break through, I will suffer tens of thousands of attacks, even if I have already If I kill them in front of them, they will also kill their own people. When so many attacks come, my defense will also be broken, and then other people's attacks will also come. This kind of continuous impact will make me The state is even worse, and if Haotian counterattacks, it will be even more difficult for me to contend!" Xia Xia shook his head.

Just started.

He really can break through by repelling Haotian.

But it's different now.

He can only break through unless Haotian has no combat power for the time being. Although Tianquan's repulsion can knock Haotian flying, Haotian's ability will soon find that this kind of attack can't be carried hard, then he can kill again soon. return.

At that time, if it is continuously impacted by tens of thousands of people in the summer.

Haotian will definitely not miss such a good opportunity.

That would be dangerous.

If he doesn't attack now, he won't be attacked suddenly, then he can be blocked from these attacks.

"But if you don't break through, you will be sealed. The sealing ability of the ancient array plate must be very terrifying. Once it is sealed, it may really be like a demon, and it will be sealed forever." Hongfeng anxiously said.

He could see it too.

This ancient array is definitely not that easy to mess with.

"If you don't try it, you will always live in fear. Instead of escaping, if you confront it head-on!!" If Xia Xia chooses to escape now, although the success rate is not high, there is still a chance.

Can be the same.

Once he escaped.

That means he lost this time.

After that.

When he saw the people of the Celestial Clan, he was also a loser.

only to escape.

And the next time he sees the ancient formation plate, he will only continue to flee.

run away forever.

"Okay, do I need to make some preparations in advance?" Hongfeng asked.

"Leaving a feather outside, I injected my soul, and quietly sent the feather out. If I was really sealed, this feather might be my last straw." Xia Xia said.

"What can feathers do?" Hongfeng asked in confusion.

"Information, help me find the nightmare. I believe that if he knows that I have been sealed by the ancient disk, he will be very interested!!" Xia Tian trusts the nightmare very much.

Although Nightmare appeared with him in the Ascension Pool.

Not so many years in total.

But he gave summer a different feeling.

Of course.

This is just Xia Xia’s last move. Although Xia Xian also knows that the ancient formation plate is powerful, he also wants to try it. With his own ability, can he break through this ancient formation plate? , Xian Xuanwu and Yang, they both expressed their desire to see it.

So summer is also a temporary decision.

Since they want to seal themselves.

Then let them seal it up.

"Okay." Hongfeng also quietly found a piece of feather, let Xia Tian put her consciousness on it, and then knocked out all her feathers. Xia Tian used the source of soil to quietly send that piece of feather away.


All the feathers on the red phoenix return.

"Xia Xia, your resistance is meaningless. Here, you can't break through!!" Tian Jin shouted loudly.

The Haotian Blade in Haotian's hand also repelled Xia Xia again.

at the same time.


Tian Jin threw the array plate in his hand high and fell directly to the summer in front of him.

The moment the array appears.

Lights rose all around.

The endless rays of light turned into strands of silk threads, which were wrapped around Xia Xia's limbs, followed by every inch of the body's skin. His entire body was completely controlled in this way. When the thin lines controlled Xia Xia's body, the surrounding All the rays of light are turned into thin lines, and the entire space is full of thin lines.


"This is what happens when you go against Tian Jin said disdainfully.

"I can't break free!!" Hongfeng felt that every feather on his body was bound one after another. No matter how he resisted, it was useless. These thin threads were very hard and there were too many.

So many fine lines.

cannot be broken.

"Damn, I can't break these thin lines, and the number of these thin lines is still increasing. If this goes on, not only will they be sealed in a space, but they will be trapped here and cannot move. This is the ancient times. Array defense?" Hong Feng said in surprise.

"No, this should be just the beginning. Once this ancient formation plate is released, it will gradually take shape. It is not in the state of being formed yet. If it is really taking shape, then everything here is not that simple." Xia Xia could see that, This should only be the beginning.


Clouds of cyan power began to appear above the thin line.

These cyan powers caused what looked like rattan spikes to grow from the thin lines.

These spikes began to pierce the skin of the summer.

at the very beginning.

Rows of smashing spikes.

But with the continuous injection of cyan power, those thorns keep appearing. If it goes on like this, these thorns will definitely be able to break through the defense of Xia Xia's body and penetrate into Xia Xia's body after a hundred years, a thousand years, and ten thousand years. .

A black liquid slowly rose from under Summer's feet.

"Is this the black water from the previous dark messenger?" Hong Feng was taken aback.

"The temperature is so high!!" Summer sensed that the temperature on these black waters was very high.

Begin to gradually submerge the body of summer.

"The seal of this so-called ancient array plate should be the power of the five elements." Xian Xuanwu said lightly.

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