The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1846: let him suck

Ten Venerables struck a fatal blow.

Xia Xia didn't dodge, and remembered the attacks of ten of them abruptly. How could a normal expert dare to use his own body to forcibly carry the attack of ten people.

But summer is different.

Even if there is no defense, it is only the defense of the body, which can withstand the simultaneous attacks of ten Venerables.

It's not difficult either.

"The ten all-out strikes of them are weaker than the all-out strikes of normal Venerables, but being able to raise the strength of ten quasi Venerables to Venerable realm in a short period of time is already very terrifying!!!" Hong Feng Reminder oh ah.


The power of the ten of them was absorbed by Kaiwang Jue, and finally turned into pure power to replenish into Xia Xia's body, and the other part flowed into everything.

"Even if you have acquired the power of the venerable level in a short period of time, in front of me, you are still like ants!!" Xia Xia looked at the ten people in front of him with disdain.

These ten people.

The strength has just broken through, and everyone must be arrogant.

So provoked by summer.

The anger of the ten people also came up instantly.


The ten people also began to bombard Xia Xia's body wildly, all kinds of forces hit Xia Xia's body, Xia Xia didn't dodge or dodge, and even the defense of the body surface was useless, so let the ten of them go. attack.

"Is he a monster? He didn't do any defense at all, just relying on his body to withstand the attacks of ten venerables. Although these ten people were all raised with medicinal pills, their overall combat effectiveness was not at all. It's not weak." Those who were watching the show were simply looking stupid.

What kind of fighting style is this in summer?

Not fighting back at all.

Just let the opponent attack at will.

All kinds of things: Immortal power: 5 million points, Reiki: 50 million points, Law power: 50,000 points, Innate power: 50,000 points, Spiritual power: 10 points.

"Upgrading: five percent."

Originally, all kinds of things were just upgraded, so I saw something in a short time.

But now.

There are signs of escalation again in all things.

The next upgrade of all kinds of things may be what it will be like.

After coming out of the Tiankeng, Senluo Wanxiang is also generating power on its own, coupled with Tongtianhai, the two ancient sacred treasures in the Thunder Punishment area are also continuously generating power, various treasures in Senluo Wanxiang, sea clan, fairy The cultivators of the Beast Clan and the Thunder Clan can also increase the power in the universe.


The previous upgrade of Sen Luo Vientiane has reached 4%.

And just now, he absorbed the continuous attacks of these ten Venerables for a long time, and the upgrade progress of Sen Luo Vientiane increased by 1% again, reaching 5%.

"It really works. If it continues like this, Senluo Wanxiang can be improved again. If Senluo Wanxiang is upgraded next time, the overall change will definitely be greater, including the overall area. Once the area becomes larger, the thunder penalty area and The Babel Tower can also come out with a larger body and release more power." Xia Xia's eyes lit up.

The ascension of all kinds of things.

gave him a lot of benefits.

The simplest is that when he is in this kind of battle, his power is almost constant, and there is no way to fight him in a war of attrition.

"Just right, let them continue to fight, and see if they can help you level up everything!!!" Hongfeng reminded.


"No, stop it!!!" Haotian suddenly shouted.

"What's the matter, Mr. Haotian?" Tian Jin asked in confusion.

Either this medicinal pill is not exposed, and since it is exposed, he wants to use this medicinal pill to deter other forces and let them understand that the Celestial Clan has the ability to continuously create Venerables.

"Don't you realize that he has no defense from the beginning to the end, and these attacks hit him, he not only has no consumption, but is still recovering, that is to say, his body can absorb other people's attacks , to restore himself!!" Haotian is still well-informed.

whatever it is.

As long as he looked at it, he probably understood what was going on.

Although he doesn't understand how Xia Xia did it, he can now accept whatever happens to Xia Xia.

Because from the start of the war to the present, summer has done so many incredible things.

"Does he want to absorb it?" Tianmu waved his right hand: "Everyone is preparing for me to fight, I want to see how much his body can absorb, I want to blast him!!!"

He's on fire now.

In a small summer, let them all come forward, exhausted all means, and now they still can't win the summer.


Those masters began to make preparations one after another.

Destroy the fairy finger!

Xia Xia saw the opportunity and directly killed a Venerable in front of him, and then the five stars suddenly appeared and hit the bodies of five people.

Tianhan sword swept across.

Kill one person again.

that's it.

The ten Venerables were killed one by one by Xia Xia. At the same time, the five Great Realm King Pills were refined by Xia and other powers flowed into everything.

"These people are really bad. Only ten people have condensed five Great Realm King Pills. This number is really small, but there is still a lot of power purified into the universe!!" Hongfeng also understood. The overall strength of these venerables who have been forcibly promoted is definitely not as much as that of normal venerables.

Therefore, after refining them, the power obtained is much less than the normal Venerable.

"The armor just now on them is not easy. When I killed them, the defense of the armor was stronger than the normal armor of the Venerable, and it seemed to have the ability to regenerate." Xia Xian just now When killing a few people, I also paid attention to the layer of armor on them.

It can be said.

Although their overall strength is not as good as the normal Venerable.

But that layer of armor is stronger than the normal Venerable.

"There are all kinds of things, the upgrade progress is 7%!!"

After refining ten fake Venerables, he obtained five Great Realm King Pills in the summer, and there is still a 100% progress, which is a good harvest.

"What? Ten Venerables were killed by him like this. How strong is he now!!!" The people around were also dumbfounded. What kind of terrifying power will he play next?

No one knows how long he can fight.

Tian Jin clenched his fists: "Ten groups, attack to the death, others, support the attack, kill him!!!"

ten groups.

One hundred people.

At the same time, he took out the previous medicinal pill.

They stuffed the medicine pill into their mouths.

Then, black rays of light emerged from their bodies one by one, and black carapaces grew out of their bodies.

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