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Chapter 1878: Conditions that cannot be rejected

Tian Qi knelt down this time, not only to ask the Queen Mother of the West to save him, but also to apologize. When he went to the tomb of the Queen Mother of the West, where did he find a lot of things, and finally in order to find more secrets, he even killed the Queen Mother of the West. The master's body was destroyed.

This is also the pain in his heart.

Summer didn't say anything.

He understands.

This is a matter between Tian Qi and the Queen Mother of the West.

"Do you think that I can forgive you?" Queen Mother of the West asked.

"I know I was wrong!" Tian Qi said.

"Queen Mother, Tian Qi must be wrong, there is no doubt about it, but he is willing to come with me this time, which means that he has the determination to admit his mistake, so, if you can forgive him, I can make a certain amount of compensation. !!" Xia Xia and Tian Qi are also old acquaintances.

He couldn't watch Tian Qi just kneel and die here.


"Oh?" Queen Mother of the West looked at Xia Xia: "What do you mean?"

"First, I can promise you a request, as long as it doesn't involve me, I can do my best to satisfy it." Xia Xia said.

summer now.

But people who can get to know Haotian 55 to 50.

one of his promises.

The weight is definitely very heavy. It can be said that with this commitment, the Queen Mother of the West can accomplish many things that she could not do before.

"It sounds very tempting." The Queen Mother of the West did not answer directly.

"Secondly, I have some superfluous famous items, equipment and some special materials on my body. They are all treasures brought out from the Tiankeng. The level and quantity can definitely satisfy you!!" Xia Xia said again.

He has obtained a lot of treasures in the Tiankeng.

Although these treasures are good things.

Queen Mother Kexi still did not agree.

"Third, 20 Realm King Pills; three Great Realm Pills, and one Immortal Realm Pill!!" Xia Xia's three conditions were all finished.

"What are the Great Realm King Pill and the Immortal Realm King Pill?" The Queen Mother of the West had seen the power of the Xia Xian Realm King Pill before.

It can be said.

Nothing is more attractive to an alchemist than the realm king pill.

if so.

That is the Great Realm King Dan.

If the Great Realm Pill is not enough, it is the Immortal Realm Pill.

"The Great Realm King Pill can make the venerable improve his realm. The first time you take it, the effect is the best, and you can increase it by about nine stars at most. Depending on your personal talent, the later effect will gradually weaken; if the Immortal Realm King Pill is used, even if it is used against the Venerable Nine Stars. More than ten stars, even the masters of Venerable Hundred Stars, are infinitely useful!!!" Xia Xia explained.


The Queen Mother of the West was stunned this time.

The third condition is simply too tempting for her.

It can be said.

If Xia Xia only said the third condition, she should have no way to refuse.

But the reason why Xia Tian said three conditions was to give her a step and an attitude.

After all, this time, I not only want the Queen Mother of the West to forgive him, but also hope that the Queen Mother of the West can help him.

Tian Qi looked at Xia Xia gratefully. At this time, he couldn't speak. As for being grateful to Xia Xia, he wouldn't say much, he could only make up for it later.

"Okay, I promise you!!" Queen Mother of the West nodded.

This time.

She agreed.

"I knew Queen Mother that you are a reasonable person!!" Xia Xia said.


"Don't say it so nicely, one day your elder's grave was dug up, let's see if you can be a reasonable person!!" The Queen Mother of the West glared at Xia Tian.

Although she now agrees.

But that doesn't mean it didn't happen.

She just weighed the pros and cons.

So this does not mean that she can accept Tian Qi.

"Yes, yes." Xia Tian could only laugh with him.

"He is in this state of being reborn, and I will ask the Three-legged Golden Crow to prepare a nutrient pool for him, and soak it in it for three days. "The Queen Mother of the West reminded.


"Thank you Queen Mother!!" Xia Xia cupped her hands.

"Thank you Queen Mother!!" Tian Qi followed.

"You haven't been here for a long time. Go inside and take a rest. I heard that you like to drink. Some time ago, I specially made some for you. How about you try it!" The Queen Mother of the West reminded.

"Thank you Queen Mother, you still miss me!" Xia Xia said.

"Don't be pompous, let's go!!" The Queen Mother of the West still likes summer very much.


Tian Qi is not even qualified to set foot on Kunlun Xianshan Mountain.

"Brother, thank you so much!!" Tian Qi hurriedly walked out with Xia Xia.

"Be low-key, here, the less you talk, the better. If you say anything that makes the Queen Mother unhappy, it will be for nothing!!" Xia Xia reminded.


Tian Qi didn't dare to be sloppy.

Three days passed quickly.

Tian Qi's body also completely recovered.

After the recovery, Tian Qi is obviously in better condition.

"Queen Mother, you are here!!" Xia Xia looked at the Queen Mother.

"Do you like the wine?" Queen Mother of the West asked.

"I like it very much, especially the fruit wine, it tastes delicious!!" Xia Xia responded.

"You take the rest away, remember, you have to drink each fruit wine once, every This fruit wine is the formula left by my master, and the effect is amazing. It will slowly sense." The Queen Mother of the West reminded.

"Okay!" Summer smiled.

"By the way, didn't you promise me one thing?" Queen Mother Xi recalled the three conditions put forward by Xia Xia.

"Yes, Queen Mother, please order." Xia Xia said.

"Then go and find someone for me," said the Queen Mother of the West.

"Who?" Summer asked.

"King Lu!!" said the Queen Mother of the West.

"Who is that?" Xia Xia asked in confusion.

"My former lover," said the Queen Mother of the West.

"Okay, are there any features and clues?" Xia Xia asked again.

"He went to the ancient battlefield three million years ago and never came back. Here is his portrait three million years ago!!" The Queen Mother of the West threw the portrait to Xia Xia.

"It just so happens that I'm also going to the ancient battlefield." Xia Tian felt that this was the way to go.

"If you find him, help me kill him!!" said the Queen Mother of the West.


The black line on Xia Tian's face: "Kill him?"

Xia Xia was a little confused. The other party was the lover of the Queen Mother of the West. If she killed the other party by herself, wouldn't it mean that she would have a complete feud with the Queen Mother of the West.

"Yes, kill him. Three million years ago, he left with a woman!!" said the Queen Mother of the West.


Summer got it.

This King Lu is a heartless man, so the Queen Mother of the West will let herself kill the other party.

"Well, since I've already agreed, I can only do it." Xia Xia said helplessly.

Although he has no injustice or enmity with the other party, who made himself agree.

"I'm waiting for your good news, and, take him, get out of here, I don't want to look at him at all!!" It was Tian Qi who was talking about the Queen Mother of the West.

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