The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1882: see ancestral tree

Ancestral tree.

This is the source of Shenzhou's power.

It is also a symbol of China.

After leaving the Venerable Temple in Xia Xia, he walked towards the ancestral tree: "It's so big!"


He can see the ancestral tree.

Although it is still far away, it can be seen now.

very high.

very large.

Branches and leaves are swirling everywhere.

Soar into the sky.

"This is the legendary ancestral tree, it looks really spectacular!!" Hong Feng said with emotion.

"This is just the periphery. When you get to the edge of the ancestral tree, you will know how terrifying the ancestral tree is." Wu Yin reminded.

that's it.

Summer is moving forward step by step.

The further forward he went, the clearer he could see.

Ancestral tree.

The branches of the ancestral tree have covered the sky.

Although he had seen quite a few giant trees in Shenzhou, many of which were unbelievably large, it was the first time he had seen such resilient branches and leaves.

He didn't touch the branches, because that would trigger an attack on the Shrine of the Venerable.

Moreover, the ancestral tree is the source of power of Shenzhou. If you touch and destroy it casually, it will bring a lot of disaster to Shenzhou.

"It's finally here." At this time, the ancestral tree was five hundred meters ahead in the summer.

When I went to see the ancestral tree at this distance, the scene was completely different.

From the outside.

It is definitely a deep shock to summer.

it's here.

He had a feeling of entering a cage, as if he would be attacked by Ancestral Tree as long as he had any thoughts of attacking Ancestral Tree.

any branch.

Both are invincible weapons.

Not just sharp.

And the defense is also very anti-sky, full of toughness.

"How many branches are there on the ancestral tree? Tens of millions, hundreds of millions?" Hongfeng said with emotion.

A branch is equivalent to a human arm, so many branches add up, if it is a battle situation, wouldn't it be invincible.

"Of course there are, and even more!!" said Silently.

"If that's the case, no matter how many Zerg come, the ancestral tree should be able to deal with it!!" Hongfeng asked inexplicably.

In his opinion.

Ancestral tree is so strong.

There is absolutely no need for humans to protect it, right?

"In the previous Shenzhou, it was said that the ancestor tree was protecting himself alone, and there was no need for humans at all, but at the same time, at that time, the power of heaven and earth in Shenzhou was very small, and the number of cultivators that could be supported was also very small, because ancestors The tree needs to be distracted to deal with the Zerg. Originally, all of this was considered to have reached a balance point until a special bug appeared in the Zerg. This bug is not too strong, and even we humans can easily kill them. But once they stick to the ancestral tree, it is a disaster for the ancestral tree. These seemingly incomparably strong branches will be corroded one by one, and the roots and stems will also fester, and even the tree of the ancestral tree will be destroyed. The skin will fall off along with it!!" Wu Yin explained.

"What happened after that?" Xia Xia asked in confusion.

"The first human in the back broke into the ancient battlefield and guarded the ancient tree here. Later, he took over his family. Of his three sons, one created the Shrine of the Venerable, one created the Celestial Clan, and the other became The founder of Tongtian Tower!!!" said Silently.


When hearing this.

Summer is also stunned.

"There is still such a relationship between them!!" Xia Xia said in surprise.

"That was a long time ago, and the three brothers had different ideas at the time, so they parted ways in the end. I don't know how many people have been replaced between the three forces, and there is no blood relationship between them anymore." Silent. explained.

Although the Celestial Clan has always adhered to the bloodline inheritance, other forces have always been inhabited by the capable, not the inheritance.


Xia Xia looked at the ancestral tree in front of him.

He'd heard of it before.

Ancestral trees are very powerful.

But he had no concept, but now when he really stood in front of Ancestral Tree, he realized how weak he was.

"Kid, come closer!!" A voice appeared in front of Xia Xia.

"Me?" Summer asked in confusion.

"Yes, it's you!!" The voice appeared again.

Then Xia Xia continued to walk forward, and just like this, he walked all the way to Zu Shu, and he understood that the voice just now came from Zu Shu, that is to say, Zu Shu was talking to him.

A long branch fell and slapped lightly on Summer's body.

As if stroking summer.

There is no resistance in summer.

"With such a strong body toughness, how much innate power have you absorbed? Absorbing so much innate power, your body has not melted. Obviously, you should have practiced the Sun Heaven Sutra, right!!!" Zu Shu's voice appearing again.

"I practiced the complete Yangtian Eight Forms." Xia Xia explained.

"Being able to cultivate the complete Yangtianjing, it seems that you have already obtained his approval, is he okay?" What Zu Shu said was exactly the Only the real approval of the Tianshu is obtained.

Only then can we practice the true Yangtian Sutra.

"He's gone. In order to save some people and to fulfill me, I dissipated my last strength!!!" Xia Xia explained.

"It seems that I won!!" Zu Shu said.

"Does winning or losing matter that much?" Xia Tian asked.

"At that time, the three of us chose this world and attached ourselves to the Shenzhou, the spiritual world and the heavenly world. I persuaded the mother tree by weighing the pros and cons, and finally the mother tree returned, but no matter how I persuaded, the sky tree refused to return, he He has his own thoughts, and he also has his own decisions. He believes that the Immortal Realm should have the strongest person leading everyone to reach the highest realm, and I think that stability is the most important thing in Immortal Realm. Now that he is gone, I'm still here, enough to prove that I'm right!!" Zu Shu said.

Do not!

"I don't think anyone is right or wrong about ideas. Everyone's ideas are different, so their choices are different. As long as you pursue your own heart, you are right. It may be that you have lived to the end, but it does not mean that you are definitely right. , For a long time, the fairyland in my heart should be the kind of freedom where people can pursue everything and yearn for everything, instead of using high-level monks to keep low-level monks in captivity!!" Xia Xia was neither humble nor arrogant.

Even in the face of Ancestral Tree.

He has the same attitude.

Right is right.

Wrong is wrong, and he will not compromise.

Silent has been frightened.

He never dreamed of it.

Xia Tian dared to talk to Zu Shu like this, you know, Zu Shu wants to kill Xia Xia, that's just a thought.

"Aren't you afraid that I will kill you?" Zu Shu's voice became cold: "If you have some sinful thoughts, it is best to kill them in the cradle."

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