The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1892: sworn sovereignty

The Venerable Temple is the manager here, and they have an absolute position here.

As long as they waved their arms, all the forces and masters here will stand on their side. This is the ability of the Venerable Temple.

If the Celestial Clan finds the Venerable Temple.

That's trouble.

"It's okay!!!" Summer smiled slightly.

"Let's go, continue to look forward, aren't there many Zerg in front?"

Everyone followed the summer and walked forward.

"In the front, the number of Zerg will increase, and too many places are not suitable for small teams like us to advance. Generally, teams of hundreds of people advance together, and almost half of them will die in the end, but The Zerg inside must have a higher probability of obtaining insect crystals." Thirteen explained.


I also saw it in summer, the more in-depth.

The more the number of Zerg, and the fewer human beings here, once they appear, the surrounding Zerg will also be killed immediately.

Just in the summer when they plan to go deeper.

A person from the Shrine of the Venerable found Xia Xia.

"Mr. Xia, the master of the three halls is looking for you!!" The people in the temple of the venerable said respectfully.


"Go back now?" Xia Tian asked.

"Yes, go back now!!" said the person from the Venerable Temple.

"Then what about my next loss?" Xia Xia asked again.


The people in the Temple of Venerables were taken aback: "What loss?"

"If I continue to be here, I can continue to hunt insects to obtain a large number of insect crystals, but if I go back with you now, I will waste such a good opportunity. Can you make up for the insect crystals that I lost?" Xia Xia asked road.

The black line on everyone's face.

The statement of summer simply makes them speechless.

Can you do this?

The person from the Venerable Temple was also stunned: "I can't be the master of this!!"

"Then why don't you send a message to the person you can call the shots and ask him for his opinion!!" After Xia Xia finished speaking, he walked forward, and several people began to cooperate again.


Same as summer.

They quickly hunted down some Zerg, and they all obtained insect crystals, which was very fast.

He hurriedly reported the matter to the hall master.

The palace master's reply was also very fast.

‘Let Xia Xia come back first, if there is really any loss, the Venerable Temple will give it. ’

"Okay, since your three hall masters have already said so, then I naturally won't say anything, let's go, brothers!!" A smile appeared on Xia Xia's face.

Everyone really admires summer.

This works too.

You can also negotiate conditions with the Venerable Temple.

To know.

The people they usually see in the Temple of Venerable are very polite and dare not provoke them in the slightest.

"Do we need to prepare anything?" Thirteen asked in a low voice.

What he was worried about was that after he went there, the leadership was with the other party. If the other party really wanted to deal with them, it would be troublesome.

"Get ready to see how the insect crystals bloom!!" Xia Xia responded.


Hearing Xia Xia's words, Thirteen and the others were all speechless.

Now they really don't know what to say.

They found out.

Summer is still that summer, but they seem to have changed.

In the past, as long as there was summer, they would not be afraid of the sky or the earth, but after they came to the battlefield of Chief Yuan, they saw too many masters. Although they are here, although their strength is not bad, they are not at all. What a master, so I have become more careful in life and work.

"It's different from outside. When we're outside, we can be so arrogant, but here, there are too many masters. Gradually, we can only restrain ourselves." Qu Xi looked at Xia Tian, ​​who was not afraid of the sky and the earth. Appeared to be anxious.

If it were someone else.

She will definitely think that there is something wrong with the other party's brain.

A second ancestor.

But it was summer so rampant, she didn't know what to say.

"It's the same everywhere. I've been like this character all my life in Xia Xia. I'll do it if I don't agree. We used to declare sovereignty, not accept the judgment of the other party. If you think about it this way, you won't be so nervous!" Xia Xia reminded.

Hear summer say that.

They were even more nervous.

Going to the Shrine of the Venerable to take the oath of sovereignty, this kind of thing is too scary.

The entire ancient battlefield.

Only summer dares to say such a thing.

"Mr. Xia, it's here!!" The man in the Venerable Temple said respectfully.


Xia Xia walked in directly with everyone. At this time, there was a huge palace in front of them, and they were going to talk about things here.

When Xia Xia had just entered, the guard at the door reached out and stopped everyone behind.

Thirteen is also very interesting and said: "Let's wait for you outside, call us directly if you have anything."

Xia Xia glanced at the guard at the door: "You are from the temple of the venerable. I will give you face of the temple of the venerable. Now go away, don't make me angry."

"The hall master only lets you in, not others," the guard said.

"My brother, you are also worthy to stop it. I found three. Whichever hand you use to stop my brother, I will cut off your hand!!" Xia Xia looked at the two guards blankly~www ~ uh!

heard here.

Thirteen and the others were all covered in cold sweat: "Forget it, we can just go outside."

They also don't want to cause trouble for the summer.


But Xia Xia still started to check, they are not the first day with Xia Xia, as long as Xia Xian decides, what they say is useless.

Now they can only keep silent.

The guard at the door frowned.

Here in the ancient battlefield.

No one has ever dared to speak to the people in the Shrine of the Venerable like this.

Especially in the Venerable Temple, they had to cut off their hands, which made them a little unhappy.


Summer said again.

But the other party still had no intention of letting go.


After Xia Tian's voice fell, the arms of the two guards were dried in front of everyone.

No one saw how Summer made the shot, but the two men's arms just disappeared.

"What?" Thirteen and the others were also stunned. At this reunion, they all felt that Xia Xia had become stronger than before, but they had never really seen Xia Xia make a move. The slaughter of the clan priests was over before they could see it.

Now see such means in summer.

They were also very surprised.

However, they were even more surprised that Xia Xia really dared to do something to the people of the Venerable Temple in the core area of ​​the Venerable Temple.

"Come on!!" the two guards shouted hastily.

For a moment.

Dozens of people around rushed out.

"I can guarantee that any of you here, as long as you dare to shoot at my brothers, no matter who it is, the moment his attack comes out, he will be dead, and I can also guarantee that he cannot be resurrected!! !" Summer exclaimed.

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