The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2012: Heroes

After waiting for so long, the ten female insects finally arrived. They were pulled over by a group of Zerg. Ten female insects surrounded Xia in ten different directions.

Ha ha ha ha!

"Boy, you are dead this time!!!" Hei Shu shouted loudly.

in his eyes.

Summer is indeed a bit of a skill.

But no matter how strong it is, it is useless.

If ten female worms attacked together, even if they were spirits, they could only be killed.

All it takes is one attack.


Ten female worms have taken the best position.

for a while.

In the summer, all the Zerg are densely packed around, and even a little light can't be seen.

for them.

The summer that killed the Zerg mother worm is their threat and their biggest obstacle. Now that there is such a good opportunity, they must seize this opportunity and clear this obstacle.

Totally kill summer.

"It's not that easy to kill me!" Xia Xia looked up at the Zerg in front of him.

at this time.

The ten female worms began to brew a big move together, and they did not intend to give summer any chance.

"If you have any last words, hurry up, or you will have no chance!" Hei Shu shouted loudly.

This is the big move of ten female worms.

Together, it's terrifying.

It's simply not what a normal person can imagine.

"If I die, I'll take you as my back!!" Xia Xia said, looking at the black tree in front of him.

"It's a pity that you don't have that chance anymore. After I bring these Zerg to your Divine State, all the people in your Divine State will die!!!" Hei Shu said excitedly.


The big move of the top ten Zerg has been brewed, and they directly attacked the summer here.

"It's a pity that you don't have that chance." Xia Tian said softly.


volume is too low.

It was impossible for the black tree to hear.

When the attack of the top ten female insects came down together, Xia Xia also used the golden knife to quickly start digging holes. He had dug a passage before here, but the above was already dilapidated by the attack. Dig down, you can find the passage, dig all the way to the bottom, and then it's time to wait for the ancient battlefield to shatter.

Boom! !

The attack of the top ten wood worms is very terrifying.

When these attacks hit the ground, the ground has begun to gradually shatter, crack, and shake.

"No!!" Hei Shu suddenly thought of something.

His face changed: "He is here not because of the spirit gathering array, but because the place where his roots were after the ancestral tree left, has made this place very empty, as long as the central position suffers a huge attack, The entire ancient battlefield will collapse!!"


He finally figured it out, and he also remembered what he had done before the summer.

It turned out that everything was to lure him into the bait.

"Escape, hurry up!!!" Hei Shu gave the order, and at the same time he got off the body of the insect emperor.

He's running for his life.

Once the ancient battlefield completely collapses, it will fall into the endless galaxy.

The shattered space-time power will shatter their bodies.

He finally understood what the last sentence of Summer meant.

Even if he dies, he will be held on his back.

He never thought of it.

In summer, there will be such a choice.

In his eyes, those so-called top experts should be selfish. They can sell everything for themselves, but now, Xia Xia actually sacrificed himself for everyone.

"I'm not reconciled!!!" Black Tree shouted.

In his opinion, he has taken all the advantages, this is a battle that will definitely be won, but now, such a thing will happen.

big earthquake.

The entire ancient battlefield shook, and the ground began to shatter, extending infinitely.

The ten female worms also let out angry screams.

But now it seems a little weak.

"Do you want to escape?" A standing figure appeared behind Hei Shu.

It is the mother of insects.

The leader of this group of Zerg.

"Of course you have to escape, you will die if you stay here!!" Hei Shu said.

"You killed so many of my clansmen, do you want to remove them?" The Insect Mother asked again.

"I want to leave, no one can stop me!!" Hei Shu was still very confident.

But right now.

He suddenly found himself unable to move.

The attack of the ten female insects had already acted on him, directly binding his body firmly.

"If I don't eat you, how can I be worthy of these dying clansmen?" After the insect mother finished speaking, she opened her mouth and swallowed the black tree in front of her.

This is the end of the black tree.

He did everything.

It will also be destroyed in the end.

And those female worms, who gave up their last hope of escape, were considered dead with him.

"Summer!!!" There was a huge roar from the mother insect's mouth, and then his body turned into a streamline and disappeared in place.

The entire ancient battlefield.

It just collapsed.

On the ancient battlefield gathered billions, tens of billions of Zerg, but now the fate of these Zerg is only death, they will fall into the cracks of time and space, be torn apart a little bit, and The initiator of all this is summer.

When Xia Xia saw that the inside had been completely penetrated, he used Wuji to block the final impact of the ten female worms' ultimate move, and then he hid in the forest, which turned into a speck of dust, floating in the vastness. in the universe.

"Success." Yang said excitedly.

one person.

Destroying tens of billions of Zerg, what kind of feat is this?

"In this battle, he is the biggest hero and can get a dragon-level medal!!" Xian Xuanwu said.

"Is Shenzhou still eligible for medals now?" Yang asked in confusion.

"As long as there are two spirits, you can apply for him. Isn't there two spirits in Shenzhou, so you can communicate with the world!!" Xian Xuanwu said.

"I'm afraid those two won't, and everyone thinks Xia is dead now!!" Yang said.

"No, they will. They understand how much Xia Xia has done for Shenzhou, and this time as long as they return from the ancient battlefield, they can get a wolf-level medal!!" Xian Xuanwu said.

"What are you talking about?" Xia Xia asked in confusion.

"We're talking about the Hero Medal!!!" Xian Xuanwu explained.

"What is the Hero Medal?" Xia Xia asked in confusion.

in Shenzhou.

The spirits of the immortal beasts have already found the spirits of the immortals: "It's time to apply for the Hero Medal for them."

"But summer can't come back!!" Xian Yaozhi said.

"He can't come back, so I'll give the medals to his brothers. No one else can use them anyway!!" said the spirit of the fairy beast clan.

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