The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2020: Shenwei's mission


This was one of their former members, but Ying died in the battle against Xia Xia. From that moment on, he was considered to have escaped from the guards, but Ying Hou was resurrected by Xia Xia, which is why he is who he is now.

"How could it be like this?" Shadow asked inexplicably.

"A group of people came, and they started fighting here and captured the boss. We originally wanted to fight to the death, but they didn't give us a chance at all, saying that we were not worthy!!" This person's morale is very low now.

They are divine.

Across China for so many years.

It was the first time I was called unworthy.

"I just got news from Lingcheng that there is such a group of people, can you tell me the specific situation?" Ying asked.

"Hundreds of people came from the other side at that time. As soon as these people arrived, we were all under control. Although the boss was resisting, he couldn't resist at all. In the end, he was arrested. When the boss was arrested, he secretly sent us a message. Let's find you as best we can!!" One of them stood up.

He handed the scepter in his hand to Ying.

This scepter is the supreme command of the guard.

That is to say.

The boss of Shenwei, gave Shenwei to Ying.

Looking at the familiar brothers in front of me, I looked at the scepter in my hand: "I'm used to being idle, and it's really not suitable for this position!!"

"Do you look down on your brothers? I know that since you've been with Xia Xia, you are much stronger than us in terms of strength and knowledge, but don't forget, our brothers were once bloodbathed. Fighting out!!" One of them said.

"If you want me to sit in this position, from now on, you have to act according to my rules. As long as there is one person who disagrees, then I will not sit in this position." Ying was still soft-hearted.

Look at these brothers who used to fight together.

He really couldn't bear to see them become what they are now.

"Agree!!" Everyone nodded.

"Don't agree so early, this jade slip contains all my rules, you have to swear in front of me, and I'm the one who said the ugly words in front of me, if anyone does something wrong, I won't give any face. Kill without mercy!!!" Although Ying wanted to help these people.

But he also had to be sure.

Will these guys break the rules of the summer?

If they violated the rules of the summer, they would never be merciful.

Everyone opened the jade slip, and when they saw the rules above, they looked at each other in dismay.

Because the above rules are really too many, especially some rules, have changed the nature of their guards.

"You decide for yourself. If you agree, I will take you away. If you don't agree, then go find a new owner for the scepter!!!" 's reply.

He must get everyone's approval to take over the guard.

at last.

Everyone still agreed with Ying's words.

Ying picked up the scepter: "Okay, from now on, I will be the leader of the guards. If one day, we can rescue the boss, I will return the scepter to him. Now, after I get the scepter, I will The first thing to do is to go to the Tower of Babel!!!”


When they heard the Tongtian Tower, everyone was stunned.

Because it's a forbidden place for the guards.

The boss would never agree with them to go to that kind of place before.

And they also prevent them from having any contact with the people of Babel.

"Aren't you going to listen to my first order?" Shadow asked.

"Yes!!!" Everyone didn't hesitate any more, since Ying was already the new boss of Shenwei, and they chose it by themselves, then there was no need to deny Ying's decision.


Shenzhou is not just a guardian.

In addition to the Celestial Clan, the major forces are all headless, including the Tongtian Tower, their boss has also been captured.

Although the tower masters of the Tongtian Tower have not disappeared, the Tongtian Tower has always been in unilateral contact, so there are not many means of contact between the tower masters, which makes them fight on their own now, and the main tower is up to now. Neither responded.

The place where the shadow came this time was the main tower of the Tongtian Tower.

When he came here, he found that he was really late.

In the main tower of the entire Tongtian Tower, everyone is gone.

"Are they all dead?" The people of Shenwei were stunned.

They don't understand why this place has become like this. There is no living person in the dignified Tongtian Tower, and all the restrictions and formations have been broken.

"It seems that the secrets in the Tongtian Tower have been taken away!!" one of them said.

Do not!

Ying shook his head, his eyes went to the top of his head, and then he threw the scepter up.


The scepter is directly embedded on the top of the head, so the scepter is a key.

"The boss told me the secret of the scepter before. The reason why he didn't let us have contact with the people from the Tongtian Tower was that he was worried that we would be caught by the other party and eat us a little bit, and the scepter would fall into the other party's hands. And once they get the scepter, then they can open the things left by the ancient gods!!" Shadow explained.

"Now, isn't the thing ours?" Everyone's eyes lit up.

"No, these things belong to the ancient gods!!!" After Ying finished speaking, he clapped his hands together.

Then ten people disappeared.

When they appeared again, they had come to a dark cave.

"Who is here!!" A long voice appeared.

"The new boss of the guards, Shadow, leads all the guards to get the ancient gods' battle armor!!!" Shadow said respectfully.

"Are the ancient gods still alive?" the voice asked.

"There are two groups, one group has been living in the ancient battlefield, and the other group lives in the corner of Shenzhou, but there is only one person left in the second group!!" Ying explained.

"I know!!!" The voice gradually disappeared: "The right to is in your hands!!!"

In front of them, a golden box appeared.

Shadow took the box and didn't open it.

"Boss, don't you open it and take a look?" Everyone asked in confusion.

"My mission here is to deliver things to the descendants of the Protoss, not to take the armor for myself!!!" Ying said.

The crowd looked at the shadow in disbelief.

In the past, although there were times when the guards fought together, they usually fought on their own. Everyone was selfish. When they saw treasures, how could they not be moved?

But now the shadow.

There is such an air.

"Young man, take the scepter, it has become different!!" The voice gradually disappeared.

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