The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2063: Son of Dragon

It's so quiet!

All the people present were dumbfounded.

This is clearly the highest level ability of Sky Strike, which only exists in legends.

In addition, the **** of death just couldn't catch Xia's spirit.

This is definitely a problem.


Hundreds of millions of souls disappeared completely in front of them, and Tian Jin panicked: "Who are you?"

"My name is Summer!!"

Xia Tian got up slowly, his toes were a little on the ground.

An ice formation appeared at his feet, and the formation penetrated this ancient immortal formation and directly wrapped hundreds of teleportation formations outside.


Hundreds of teleportation arrays.

Just crush it.

Who said that if you don't go out, you can't destroy the teleportation array?

Just sitting there in summer.

Just to condense this blow.

From the start of the war to the present, the Celestial Clan has used countless abilities to deal with Xia Xia. Any of these abilities is an invincible means outside, but in front of Xia Xia, it seems to be useless.

"You just used the Sky Strike technique!!" Tian Jin asked.

Xia Xia's eyes turned to the ancient immortal formation in the sky.

At this time, the ancient immortal formation has begun to condense and take shape.

Compare the appetizers before.

Next, is the real power of the ancient immortal formation.

Formation on the head.

Full of oppression.

"Xia Xia, this is your own death. Originally, you could still use your body and soul to contribute to our Celestial Clan, but unfortunately you don't know how to cherish such an opportunity!!" Although Tian Jin wondered why Xia Xia would use a similar Sky Strike technique Ability.

but now.

He can't handle that much anymore.

Kill summer.

is their main task.

Summer has come this far, and it must be killed.

"It's just a bunch of trash, does anyone dare to stand in front of me?" Xia Xia looked at the people in front of him with disdain.

They consider themselves heavenly.

High above.

Shenzhou is a **** above all ordinary people.

The result is such an existence, but now no one dares to stand in front of Xia Xia.

"Your biggest mistake is that you shouldn't come to our Celestial Clan. If we were in China, it would be really difficult for us to deal with you. It can even be said that with you, none of our experts in China would dare to go to heaven. Clan, it’s a pity that you have to deliver it yourself, so we can’t blame it.” Tian Jin also understood that Xia Xia was indeed the biggest threat to their Celestial Clan for so many years.

such a threat.

If they were in Shenzhou all the time, they would be almost unable to kill Xia Xia, and even make Shenzhou completely out of the control of the Celestial Clan.


Summer had to come and die by himself.

"Just a bunch of trash!!" Xia Xia looked at the person in front of him with contempt.

his words.

Going deep into the hearts of the Celestial Clan people at the scene, it can be said that even if Xia Xia died, Xia Xia would be the biggest pain in their hearts in the future.

In the future, as long as I think of the name of summer.

will become a stinger.

"Bragging about how powerful you are every day, but you can only rely on a formation to trap me!!" Xia Xia looked at the Celestial Clan people in front of him with great disappointment.

When their eyes and Xia Xia's eyes met.

They all bowed their heads.

Don't dare to look directly at summer.

They themselves are guilty.

"Summer, our Celestial Clan's ability is far from what you can imagine, and only our Celestial Clan can protect Divine State. If you don't die, we will not be able to completely rule Divine State and resist foreign enemies!!!" Tian Jin shouted loudly.

"It doesn't need to be said to be so righteous. If you really have the ability, then naturally no one dares to touch the Celestial Clan. If you don't have that ability, even if you die 10,000 Xia, you won't be able to save Shenzhou!!" Xia Xia naturally understood that the Celestial Clan Only care about your own interests.

Their so-called guardianship of Shenzhou is just an excuse.

The ninth and tenth parties are completely ruled by them.

What is the result now?

It was the back garden they kept in captivity, and the people in it didn't look like people at all, but like livestock they raised.


summer head.

A magic weapon appeared.

The magic weapon was suspended on it, as if the entire world was to be pressed down.

Endless coercion.

Compressed the air.


At this moment, a force erupted from Xia Xia's body.

Directly offset this coercion.

"Heart of the Strong!!!" Tian Jin was also taken aback when he saw this scene.

"He actually awakened the heart of a strong man!!!" Tianmu was also very surprised.

"The heart of the strong, only the true king, the legendary spirit can awaken the ability. According to our records, the signs of the strong heart appear, which proves that this person already has the potential of a king and can become a spirit in the future. The heart of a complete powerhouse can only be condensed by the spirit, so what is his current situation?" Tianshui asked inexplicably.

"We must let him die, he is alive, and will become our greatest threat in the future!!" Tianjin's eyes turned cold: "Open the Immortal Killing Array!!!"

Xia Xia looked at Tian Jin: "Can you tell me Tianlong's secret now?"

"Yes, but I need to know what's going on with your Sky Strike!!" Tian Jin didn't care how much a dead person knew.

Anyway, in his opinion, Xia Xia was already a dead person.

It's really a good idea to use this kind of news in exchange for some news he wants to know from Summer.


The five high priests took a step forward, and the halo on their heads shrouded the formation. The purpose of this was to prevent their conversation from being transmitted, and people outside could not hear it.

"You have a total of three minutes, the formation has been activated, and after three minutes, the formation will kill you!!" Tian Jin said.

"Okay, then you can talk about it first!!" Xia Xia said directly.

"Tianlong is a clone, but he is the most successful clone. I can't tell you what his ontology gene is, but as long as we regain control of him, we can conduct new research on him and completely copy him!! "Tianjin didn't hide anything.

There is no need to hide anything He is not worried that Xia Xia won't say it.

Because if Xia dared to trade, he would definitely tell him.

"Clone? Isn't it human?" Xia Tian asked.

"It's a human, but it's not. When he comes back this time, we are 100% sure to catch him, so he will also become our most successful product. At first, we thought that if we could catch you too, Then we can be even more successful." Tian Jin waved his hand after finishing speaking: "It's your turn."

A smile appeared on Xia Xia's face: "I am the son of the clone you mentioned!!!"


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