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Chapter 2073: Return to the realm

Both Hongfeng and Tianhanjian have returned.

He has really felt it.

The so-called One Spirit.

Not the current spirit, but a tear from my sister, the pure spirit.

The three saints are Mo Weiyang, not the law of the sun, moon and stars.

In the past, he always thought that he already possessed the law of the three saints, but this time, he obtained the flesh and blood of the general, and then he realized that the so-called three saints were the power of the three saints, the power of the flesh.


His bones are Yang, his flesh and his frosty skin are Mowei! !

This is the three saints.


At the moment when the five stars appeared, the five avatars had already been integrated into it.

Five stars.

It is the five avatars.

I don't know what the Absolute God's Eye is, but now one of his eyes has completely turned white, that is, he has lost his light and vision.

Now, he has gained a new life and a chance to be reborn.

Everything has returned to its best state, and even his body has begun to undergo special changes, but his eye has no signs of recovery.


The fake Tianlong attacked the general again.

Just when the ghost-headed knife in his hand was about to slash at the Great General, Xia Xia suddenly appeared, and a pair of invisible thugs grabbed the fake Tianlong's body and threw him away fiercely.


This is also the first time that the fake Tianlong has been repelled from the front since it was shot.


Fake Tianlong also looked at Xia Xia with a puzzled face: "What happened to you?"

"I'll tell you after I kill you!!!" Xia Xia looked at the fake Tianlong in front of him expressionlessly.

"Do you really think you can kill me?" The corner of Fake Tianlong's mouth raised slightly: "Don't forget, I'm your father!!"

He is now.

He looks exactly like his father.

Including the breath is exactly the same.

"Are you worthy?" Xia Xia's answer was simple, but the content was full of sarcasm.

Obviously, he really looked down on the fake Tianlong in front of him.

If this fake Tianlong really has any ability, he can fight him head-on, but this fake Tianlong attacked behind him in the most despicable way.

This kind of people.

What is it in his eyes?

"You still don't understand, from the very beginning, it was the biggest mistake that you came here. Tianlong should have been preventing you from coming to Tianzu, because he didn't want you to send back the sea of ​​​​knowledge!!!" Fake Tianlong said in the summer In summer, it still seems to be looking at a dead man.

Even if the summer is now restored.

"But he still didn't choose to stop me in the end!!" Xia Xia said.

"That's because he also thought that you would die in the Immortal Slaughtering Formation, and completely hid this secret, so that we would never be able to obtain the sea of ​​​​knowledge!!" Fake Tianlong said.

"Now you can't get anything like that, and I will step down the Heavenly Clan!!" The Tianhan Sword in Xia Xia's hand pointed to the fake Heavenly Dragon in front of him.

Ha ha ha ha!

"Do you really think that you can be our opponent?" Fake Tianlong shook his head: "If that face hadn't appeared just now, you would already be a dead person and you would have already lost, but even if that face appeared It doesn't matter, because she is very far away from us and can't come over in a short time, when he comes over, everything is over!!!"

The person he was referring to was my sister!

That is to say.

The person he is afraid of is not Xia Xia, but his sister.

But he thought that the sister would not be able to reach Shenzhou in a short period of time, which gave him plenty of time.

"It seems that you also know that the Celestial Clan must be destroyed!!!" Xia Xia understood that this fake Celestial Dragon and the others seemed to be ready to escape.

After all this is done, they will leave this so-called Celestial Clan.

Fake Tianlong glanced at Xia Xia contemptuously: "Actually, like your father, I was cloned, but I know better than him how to make a choice. After getting your sea of ​​consciousness, the Tianzu has disappeared. It's so important, but your body really surprised me, if you can bring your body back, it will definitely be an unexpected gain."

"My father is more like a person, and you are just a created monster!!" Xia Xia said.

"If I'm a monster, then what are you? You're just a child of a clone and the mother tree. If we had known about your existence, then we wouldn't need to waste so much energy on Tianlong!" Tianlong rushed up directly.


The attack is also extremely sharp.

"Return to the realm!!" Xia Tian saw the realm of the fake Tianlong at a glance, and he was already half a step away from becoming a spirit.

Human beings cultivate to the spirit: half-spirit, returning to the original, returning to the truth and becoming a spirit!

Eight-color light has already begun to condense on his forehead.

When Shenzhou normally cultivates monsters, the gathering spirit is six-colored light, and the half-spirit is seven-colored The spirit body is eight-colored light, and the spiritual body is nine-colored light; while human cultivation is different, half-spirit is Six-color light, returning to the original is seven-color light, returning to true eight-color light, and becoming a spirit is nine-color light.

"A little knowledgeable, but I'm not the same as other stunners. I fight with my brain and skills!!" Fake Tianlong obviously looked down on those who fought with brute force and madness.


He is more flexible.

There are more means and treasures on the body.


Later, my king once again killed the general. This time, Haotian also joined the battle, and the two of them besieged the general together.

Under normal conditions.

My king will definitely not allow someone to fight with him for prey, especially in his current state of madness.

But now he instinctively felt the threat from the general.

That's why Haotian was allowed to fight with him.

at the same time.

Some people rushed to the enchantress.

However, the current state of Enchantress is completely different from before, and now she is more like a crazy demon.

A demon who wants to crush the Celestial Clan.

The other Celestials were fighting against the cosmic stars that landed in the sky.

the entire battlefield.

All-out war.

After the face of the elder sister appeared, it brought the greatest help to Xia Xia, so that Xia Xia could get support here in a real sense.

Ghost knife.

It appeared in the hands of the fake Tianlong again. Before, he relied on the ghost head knife to easily kill Xia Xia and pierced the skin of the general: "This is the nemesis of you people with strong bodies, I will use it next. , chop you up piece by piece."

A bloodthirsty look appeared on Xia Xia's face: "Then give it a try."

At the same time, he hid the golden knife in his left hand.

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