The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2100: greedy

The golden sword struck.

Cut out again.

After the golden knife absorbed the power of Slaughtering Immortal this time, great changes have taken place, as if it was activated. The previous golden knife had no use other than cutting, and could only deal with those who were very confident in their own defense. guy.

But now the golden knife.

more transformative.

more flexible.

It can even be changed according to the mood of summer.

Although there is no identification process.

But it seems that the golden knife only listens to the summer.

"What?" The old man obviously didn't expect Xia Tian to have such an ability.

At this time, he also suddenly remembered the golden light that defeated the Slaughter Immortal before, and the ghost-headed knife: "What kind of weapon is that in your hand?"

Although he is well-informed, he knows many things and treasures that others do not know.

But even him.

Now I can't see what the weapon in Xia's hands is.

"I'll tell you when you're dead!!" Xia Xia responded.


"Don't think you're sure to win!!" The old man's feet stomped on the ground hard.

The ancient magic formation that had been frozen before was opened again.


Endless black air began to entangle from the ground, as if to swallow everything.

"There are still more than 20 minutes of crisis in the sky, and the ancient demon formation on the ground is still ten minutes away. If you don't speed up, when the demon king appears, everything will be over!!!" Tianlong reminded.


The scissors in Xia Xia's hands were killed again.

This time the old man began to dodge Xia Xia's attack, instead of using his beard to resist Xia Xia.

He has already seen the power possessed by the golden knife in the summer.

Tianlong also quickly attacked the old man on the side.

If it was himself, he would also have a headache for the old man's beard attack and defense, but now that he and Xia Xia are together, he has completely begun to dominate. The old man is no longer the invincible state he used to be, but his The ontology is now more agile.

more means.

The combat power of the main body is many times stronger than before.

"He just fused the bodies of those four people, and he actually has such power, if you let him fuse with you!!" Xia Xia looked at Tianlong.

He can't imagine now, if the old man was fused with his father at that time, what would the result be?

The overall combat power will be ten times more terrifying than it is now.

"No, although the two of you seem to be suppressing him now, in fact, the two of you have not done much damage to him together. If this continues, once the ancient demon king appears, the variables will be huge! !!" Yang reminded.

The biggest variable right now is the ancient demon king.

Although Xia Xia didn't know how strong the ancient demon king was, he could probably tell from the old man's attitude.

The ancient demon king is definitely a very terrifying existence.

It can even be said to be the top combat power.

An existence comparable to spirit.

Summer knows how strong the spirit is.

"In a sense, if on the battlefield, the overall combat significance of the ancient demon king is greater than that of the spirit, and the spirit is stronger on the local top battlefield, it is like a giant and a master of 100 stars. The difference between the two, if you talk about realm and overall strength, it is definitely the 100-star master who is stronger, but in terms of destructive power, lethality and damage to the opponent, the giants are definitely stronger!!!" Xian Xuanwu explained.


"Is there any difference between the ancient demons and the demons in China?" Xia Xia asked.

"Your demons in China, to put it bluntly, some cultivators have cultivated some fragments of the ancient demons' cultivation methods, and then they can control their own bodies, so they call themselves demons, but in fact, the real demons want to When you release your own power, you are completely turned into a devil, completely unable to control the power in your body, almost become a lunatic, only know the existence of killing, unless..."

"Unless what?" Summer asked.

"It's useless if you know it now." Xian Xuanwu played the old routine.

Everything is half said.

Although he didn't answer, there was a smile on Xia Tian's face.

Because Xian Xuanwu has a characteristic, that is, when there is no danger in the summer, he likes to pretend to be mysterious and talk halfway, but when there is danger in the summer, he will say everything, and the faster he speaks, the more he talks about everything. Said, the more it proves that the situation in summer is dangerous.

And the more he said nothing.

That proves.

There is absolutely no danger in summer now.

And there must be a way to break it.

It's just that he hopes to find it by himself in the summer.


Xia Xia wanted to find opportunities from the attack. On the surface, he could never see how he would defeat the old man next, but the attack was different. No matter how strong a person was, it was impossible to completely predict all the changes in the battle situation.


The old man's body flashed, came to Tianlong's side, grabbed Tianlong's body wanted to forcibly devour Tianlong's body.

But right now.

Summer appeared behind him.


The golden knife pierced the defense on his body and directly penetrated his body.

"You are plotting against me!!!" The old man understood that Tianlong deliberately sold a flaw to him.

"I've known for a long time that you haven't given up my father's body, so as long as you use my father's body as a bait, you'll be fooled. No matter how strong you are, in the face of greed, it's the same." The most important thing is human nature.

In terms of the old man's current strength.

If it is under normal circumstances, he should be more careful. With his current body and means, Xia Xia will definitely not be able to defeat him in a short period of time. If we have to decide the outcome, it will take at least a few years, or even decades. time.

But the old man is greedy.

He believes that as long as he can get Tianlong's body, he can quickly defeat Xia Xia in a short period of time.

And that was the perfect body he wanted most.

"I've lived for so many years, and I've always calculated others, but I didn't expect you to be calculated today!!!" said the old man.

"You have lived for so many years, enough to die!" Xia Xia's attack instantly shattered the old man's body.

But right now.

The shattered old man's body reunited.

"What's the situation?" Xia Xia frowned.


its not right.

Where the golden knife penetrates, the body will continue to be corroded. Even if the old man uses any special power, it is impossible for him to have nothing at all.

"It's the realm of the ancient demon king!!!" Tianlong reminded.


As his voice fell, a large hand stretched out from under the ground, grabbed the ground directly, and began to climb up.

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