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Chapter 1311: Heavenly Power

After entering the light curtain, Xia Xia felt that the necklace on his chest was about to pull him out.

Summer can only open up and rush forward at the fastest speed.

"Huh!" Xia Xia discovered that the necklace containing the fragments of the sky didn't move, and became quiet.

When he looked up, he found two statues.

One of the statues is aggressive, exuding the aura of a king, while the other person is accompanied by three divine beasts, a phoenix, a unicorn, and a dragon, and the statues of the two are facing each other there.

Just the statue alone gave Xia a feeling that she couldn't look directly.


Summer's necklace was pulled off his neck.

The Tongtian Fragment Scroll flew out of the bead directly, and then landed under the statue of the king, where the four jade slips fell neatly.

"No, my Tongtian Fragment Scroll." Xia Xia's expression changed suddenly, he wanted to grab back his Tongtian Fragment Scroll, but the Tongtian Fragment Scroll had already disappeared into the stone wall at this time.

The Tongtian Fragment Scroll is the treasure that entered the Tongtian Cave.

Without it, they wouldn't be able to enter the Tonne Cave in summer.


Xia Tian hit the stone with a fist, but the stone did not respond.


Xia Tian took out the golden knife instantly, and he wanted to use the golden knife to dig out the fragments of the sky.

The golden knife is very sharp.


The golden knife slashed directly on the stone wall.


Sparks scattered on the stone wall.

"Did you succeed?" Xia Tian looked carefully.

"What?" Xia Xia looked at Shibi with an incredible face. He didn't succeed, and the golden knife actually missed. This is simply incredible. It was the first time he saw the golden knife miss.

"This is not a stone, but it can be so strong." Xia Xia looked at the stone wall carefully.

Since he used the golden knife, there is nothing that the golden knife can't cut, but now even the golden knife can only leave a shallow scratch on it.


A strong force flew the summer rolls out.

"My name is in control, and I am in charge of Tongtian. Those who are destined can gain the power of Tongtian. People surnamed Liu will surely die if they enter this cave."

Such a sentence actually floated out of the statue.

"The power of the sky? The surnamed Liu, control? What does this mean?" Xia Xia was completely confused this time. Fortunately, his surname was not Liu, but he guessed that this control must have hatred for the surnamed Liu. , maybe the statue standing across from him is the person surnamed Liu.

call out!

Haven't waited for summer to react.

A black force entered his body.

"What?" Xia Tian was shocked.


At this moment, the black energy directly entered his dantian. At the same time, his dantian exploded directly, his inner strength disappeared instantly, and the entire dantian became extremely chaotic.

"Damn, my inner strength." Xia Xia was completely blinded, but he didn't expect his inner strength to disappear.

A force from the meteor tears began to enter his limbs.


Xia Xia felt that the power in his dantian began to gather together, and there was an inexplicable feeling in his dantian: "What is this feeling? Why is it not uncomfortable at all."


That force actually began to quickly condense together.

In the end, that force seemed to have turned into a pillar the size of a fingernail and stayed in Xia Xia's body.

"What the **** is going on here?" Xia Xia was completely blinded, and he was led by the nose. He didn't need to do anything, the power of the sky completed the whole set of things.

"Hey, I broke through." Xia Xia finally found the first thing to be happy about.

That's what he broke through.

Earth level!

After such a long period of changes, the summer finally broke through to the prefecture level.

"Haha, it's not a bad thing." Xia Xia's face suddenly became happy. He didn't expect that he would actually make such a breakthrough, and a sense of happiness rushed to his face.

He glanced at the Tongtian Remnant Scroll that was stuck in the stone wall and shook his head helplessly. He couldn't take the Tongtian Remnant with him, but he didn't want to stay here any longer, he always felt weird here.

And that control doesn't seem to be a good thing.

"It's time to go out." Xia Xia went out directly from the light curtain. The light curtain was like a portal. When Xia Xia went out, the light curtain was permanently closed.

disappear there.


When Xia Xia came out, the three prefecture-level Dzogchen masters were still fighting, but Xia Xia was quietly walking outside. Run outside.

Before he ran out very far, he heard scolding from behind.

"Damn, what's the matter? Why are there no treasures." The voice belonged to the ancestor of Maoshan.

He and the Prince of Joseon spent so much energy to kill these bloodthirsty beasts, and later joined forces to defeat the American master, but in the end there was no treasure, how could he accept it.

" Of course there is no more, the treasure is the power of the sky, and now the power of the sky has been taken away by me." Xia Xia muttered, but he felt very puzzled, so he stood directly in the original On the ground, angered, Dantian shouted loudly: "Old Monster Maoshan, thank you for helping me clean up all the monsters, and I will take the treasures."

Xia Xia's voice was so loud that even he himself did not expect that he would be able to make such a loud voice, which was obviously the benefit of his improved strength.

He knew that the ancestor of Maoshan would definitely be able to hear his voice, and he could also guess who he was.

At this time, the angry ancestor Maoshan was stunned, and the Prince of Korea was also stunned. The two of them looked at each other and said at the same time: "Summer."

That's right.

They finally understood why there was no treasure.

It's summer.

Just now in the summer, when the two of them joined forces to deal with the American masters, they stole the treasure.

"Damn, in the summer, I must smash your corpse into ten thousand pieces." Maoshan's ancestor shouted angrily.

He didn't expect that he would be overshadowed by Xia Xia again. His dignified master of Dzogchen was actually planted in Xia Xia's hands several times in a row, which made him feel an indescribable shame.

At this time, the summer had already disappeared without a trace.

"Xiamen, hum, I will definitely not let you go." Jiang Tianshu's eyes in the crowd turned cold, he didn't expect things to turn out like this just now, and he didn't expect that Xia Tian would actually take away the baby: "Wenya, kill you What are the chances of summer?"

"As long as I can be within 50 meters of him, there is an 80% chance, within 30 meters, 90%, within 10 meters, 100%." ​​Wen Ya said lightly.

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