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Chapter 1357: No. 1 black in the world

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> Need for all-rounders

> Chapter 1355 The World's No. 1 Black Directory Set Bookmark Comments Chapter 1355 The World's No. 1 Black

Novel: Need for an All-rounder Author: Huadu Number of Words: 2520

"Damn, there are actually people." Dongweng cursed again.

"How can people be so black." Bei Jun also looked at the man lying on the ground in surprise.

"Who, who is talking, it's haunted, I saw a pair of teeth talking there." Xia Xia said even more exaggeratedly, they never found a black man lying on the ground, because this black man was too dark.

Xia Xia swears that he has never seen such a black person in his life.

Otherwise, the three of them wouldn't have missed this guy.

"I was actually frightened by a pair of teeth in the daytime." Xia Xia said, patting his chest for fear.

"Well, it's really scary." Dong Weng nodded.

The two of them, one old and one young, are a pair of living treasures.

"Hand over the spirit stone, I can spare your life." The black man said.

"Have you heard a story?" Xia Xia asked the pair of teeth, and then he answered to himself: "One day a man asked the magic mirror, magic mirror, magic mirror, who is the most beautiful in this world? Black man, the magic mirror was startled and shouted, who, who is talking there, come out to me."

"Haha!" Dong Weng laughed directly.

"It seems that you still don't know who you have offended." The black man looked at the three of them in the summer coldly.

"Who?" Summer asked.

"I, the King of Africa. Flash Dance Novel Network," the black man said proudly.

"What happened?" Summer asked.

"I said let you hand over the spirit stones, or I will kill you." The African King said coldly.

"Who?" Summer asked.

"Kill you." The African King was a little impatient.

"What happened?" Summer asked again.

This time, the African King has completely collapsed. Although his Chinese language is not bad, he is still killed by Xia Xia's language nirvana.

"Damn, I'm going to kill you." The African King looked at Xia Xia fiercely and said the three of them.

"Wait!" Summer raised his hand.

"Hmph, I'm afraid, since I'm afraid, then hand over the spirit stone." The African king thought that they were afraid in summer, so he said very proudly.

Rock paper scissors!

Dong Weng, Xia Xia and the Northern Army played rock-paper-scissors directly.

Seeing the actions of the three of them, the African King was even more confused.

"What are you doing?" asked the African king.

"Yeah, I won, I'll come." After Xia Xia won, he said excitedly, the three of them were deciding who would kill the world's No. 1 black guy. To be honest, Xia Xia really didn't want to kill this guy.

Because this guy has broken their perception of black, if he kills him, there will be one less black person in the world, but he heard their conversation in Xia, so Xia must kill him.

Only then did the African king figure out who the three of them were choosing to deal with him just now.


This is simply the greatest insult to him.

In his heart, he is not the No. 1 black man in the world, but the top master in the world, a master of the prefecture-level Dzogchen. He doesn't know the three of them in the summer. In his opinion, the three of them in the summer are the prefecture-level at most. They were only masters in the later stage. He didn't believe that Xia Xia and the three of them were all masters of the prefecture-level Dzogchen, because Xia Xia's age was too young, but the three of them seemed to have the same status.

Only people of the same strength can have the same status, so he judged from Xia Xia that Dong Weng and Bei Jun are definitely not masters of the prefecture-level Dzogchen.

And he didn't believe that the three masters of the prefecture-level Dzogchen would escape.

"Hey, that pair of teeth, what is your strongest ability?" Xia Xia asked.

"This kid is going to play again." Dong Weng said helplessly.

"Hmph, you're courting death." The world's No. 1 black directly punched Xia Xia. He used a subtle punch. He thought that his punch would definitely kill the ignorant boy on the opposite side.

"Playing with fists?" Xia Xia hit his right fist directly, and his punch was soft.

The African King's fist has a powerful and terrifying power.

But Xia Xia's fist was soft and seemed to have no power.

Just as the African King's fist hit Xia Xia immediately, Xia Xia's body rolled over to avoid the blow, and at the same time his soft punch also hit the African King.

The African king did not hide from this at all.

He thought that such a soft punch would never hurt him.

The reason why Dong Weng is so famous is because almost everyone who fights against him for the first time will suffer, and his moves are very suitable for surprise attacks.


When the African King was preparing for the second attack, a sudden force hit him in the ribs. He felt one of his bones was broken, and then his entire body was directly knocked out.

"Idiot!" Summer said.

"This kid." Dong Weng shook his head helplessly when he saw Xia Xia using his moves to sneak attacks. Although his martial arts were very effective for sneak attacks, his moves were also very powerful in normal combat.

When Xia Tian did this, it was as if his move was just for sneak attacks.

The African King did not expect that the seemingly soft punch could be so powerful, and it seemed that his internal organs were about to be shaken by the punch.

"What kind of kung fu is this?" The African King looked at Xia Xia with a surprised face and asked.

"Huaxia Kungfu." Xia Xia said very casually.

"Is this the legendary Huaxia's ultimate gymnastics, broadcasting gymnastics?" The African king said wisely, his face was full of incredible, shocked, when he said this conjecture, he was completely shocked .

The three of them have black lines all over their faces in summer.

Especially as the master of this set of kung fu, Dong Weng was almost mad at him without saying a word. Do all Africans think that the highest martial arts of China is stretching?

Where did they hear the four-handed gossip?

"It seems that you are a group of strong opponents." The African king seems to be facing a big enemy.

"Damn it, where does this guy get his confidence? He didn't even catch Xia Xian's move, and he still wanted to deal with the three of us alone." Dong Weng was completely speechless, he felt that the guy opposite was a superb The best in.

"Brother, I can't stand you anymore. You should say how you want to die. Anyway, I'm going to kill you. You can choose your own method of death." Xia Xia said to the African king.

"Looks like I'm going to use my real skills." The African King's expression was very serious, seeing his serious expression.

Xia Xia and others are also ready to fight, Xia Xia also wants to see what cards the opponent has.

For a while, the atmosphere at the scene has solidified.

Novel recommendation: is the protagonist me The marriage of non-gods and demons is sultry: the wife of the major general is too hot with the doctor and is reborn in the sky 100 days: Ye Shao, addicted to the pet and reborn Xiao Qiao Daughter-in-law: Chief, good morning! The god-level master of the female president

Chapter 1355: The No. 1 Black in the World

"Damn, there are actually people." Dongweng cursed again.

"How can people be so black." Bei Jun also looked at the man lying on the ground in surprise.

"Who, who is talking, it's haunted, I saw a pair of teeth talking there." Xia Xia said even more exaggeratedly, they never found a black man lying on the ground, because this black man was too dark.

Xia Xia swears that he has never seen such a black person in his life.

Otherwise, the three of them wouldn't have missed this guy.

"I was actually frightened by a pair of teeth in the daytime." Xia Xia said, patting his chest for fear.

"Well, it's really scary." Dong Weng nodded.

The two of them, one old and one young, are a pair of living treasures.

"Hand over the spirit stone, I can spare your life." The black man said.

"Have you heard a story?" Xia Xia asked the pair of teeth, and then he answered to himself: "One day a man asked the magic mirror, magic mirror, magic mirror, who is the most beautiful in this world? Black man, the magic mirror was startled and shouted, who, who is talking there, come out to me."

"Haha!" Dong Weng laughed directly.

"It seems that you still don't know who you have offended." The black man looked at the three of them in the summer coldly.

"Who?" Summer asked.

"I, the King of Africa. Flash Dance Novel Network," the black man said proudly.

"What happened?" Summer asked.

"I said let you hand over the spirit stones, or I will kill you." The African King said coldly.

"Who?" Summer asked.

"Kill you." The African King was a little impatient.

"What happened?" Summer asked again.

This time, the African King has completely collapsed. Although his Chinese language is not bad, he is still killed by Xia Xia's language nirvana.

"Damn, I'm going to kill you." The African King looked at Xia Xia fiercely and said the three of them.

"Wait!" Summer raised his hand.

"Hmph, I'm afraid, since I'm afraid, then hand over the spirit stone." The African king thought that they were afraid in summer, so he said very proudly.

Rock paper scissors!

Dong Weng, Xia Xia and the Northern Army played rock-paper-scissors directly.

Seeing the actions of the three of them, the African King was even more confused.

"What are you doing?" asked the African king.

"Yeah, I won, I'll come." After Xia Xia won, he said excitedly, the three of them were deciding who would kill the world's No. 1 black guy. To be honest, Xia Xia really didn't want to kill this guy.

Because this guy has broken their perception of black, if he kills him, there will be one less black person in the world, but he heard their conversation in Xia, so Xia must kill him.

Only then did the African king figure out who the three of them were choosing to deal with him just now.


This is simply the greatest insult to him.

In his heart, he is not the No. 1 black man in the world, but the top master in the world, a master of the prefecture-level Dzogchen. He doesn't know the three of them in the summer. In his opinion, the three of them in the summer are the prefecture-level at most. They were only masters in the later stage. He didn't believe that Xia Xia and the three of them were all masters of the prefecture-level Dzogchen, because Xia Xia's age was too young, but the three of them seemed to have the same status.

Only people of the same strength can have the same status, so he judged from Xia Xia that Dong Weng and Bei Jun are definitely not masters of the prefecture-level Dzogchen.

And he didn't believe that the three masters of the prefecture-level Dzogchen would escape.

"Hey, that pair of teeth, what is your strongest ability?" Xia Xia asked.

"This kid is going to play again." Dong Weng said helplessly.

"Hmph, you're courting death." The world's No. 1 black directly punched Xia Xia. He used a subtle punch. He thought that his punch would definitely kill the ignorant boy on the opposite side.

"Playing with fists?" Xia Xia hit his right fist directly, and his punch was soft.

The African King's fist has a powerful and terrifying power.

But Xia Xia's fist was soft and seemed to have no power.

Just as the African King's fist hit Xia Xia immediately, Xia Xia's body rolled over to avoid the blow, and at the same time his soft punch also hit the African King.

The African king did not hide from this at all.

He thought that such a soft punch would never hurt him.

The reason why Dong Weng is so famous is because almost everyone who fights against him for the first time will suffer, and his moves are very suitable for surprise attacks.


When the African King was preparing for the second attack, a sudden force hit him in the ribs. He felt one of his bones was broken, and then his entire body was directly knocked out.

"Idiot!" Summer said.

"This kid." Dong Weng shook his head helplessly when he saw Xia Xia use his moves to sneak Although his martial arts are very effective for sneak attacks, his moves are also very good for normal combat. awesome.

When Xia Tian did this, it was as if his move was just for sneak attacks.

The African King did not expect that the seemingly soft punch could be so powerful, and it seemed that his internal organs were about to be shaken by the punch.

"What kind of kung fu is this?" The African King looked at Xia Xia with a surprised face and asked.

"Huaxia Kungfu." Xia Xia said very casually.

"Is this the legendary Huaxia's ultimate gymnastics, broadcasting gymnastics?" The African king said wisely, his face was full of incredible, shocked, when he said this conjecture, he was completely shocked .

The three of them have black lines all over their faces in summer.

Especially as the master of this set of kung fu, Dong Weng was almost mad at him without saying a word. Do all Africans think that the highest martial arts of China is stretching?

Where did they hear the four-handed gossip?

"It seems that you are a group of strong opponents." The African king seems to be facing a big enemy.

"Damn it, where does this guy get his confidence? He didn't even catch Xia Xian's move, and he still wanted to deal with the three of us alone." Dong Weng was completely speechless, he felt that the guy opposite was a superb The best in.

"Brother, I can't stand you anymore. You should say how you want to die. Anyway, I'm going to kill you. You can choose your own method of death." Xia Xia said to the African king.

"Looks like I'm going to use my real skills." The African King's expression was very serious, seeing his serious expression.

Xia Xia and others are also ready to fight, Xia Xia also wants to see what cards the opponent has.

For a while, the atmosphere at the scene has solidified.

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