The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1391: 3 Recruit your head

"Three moves to take your head." Xia Xia shouted loudly while standing there.


The place was completely quiet.

Because Xia Xia's mouth said the most terrifying and unbelievable things, they understood that today's things must not be good, because Xia Xia's words have completely angered the other party.

The face of the disciple of the big family suddenly turned cold, and the smile on his face completely disappeared.


It was the first time in his life that he had heard such arrogant words that someone dared to talk to him like that, and now simply killing the other party was no longer enough to quell his anger: "How dare you talk to me like that."

"I'll give you a chance. Now that you leave, I don't care, otherwise I will definitely take your head within three strokes." Xia Xia's voice was very flat, as if he was talking about a very casual thing.

Everyone at the scene thought that summer was simply too arrogant.

Now there are more than 100 masters around the children of that big family, among them there are 100 people in the late prefecture level, and more than 20 people in the prefecture level Dzogchen. children.

This is simply a fantasy.

"You're crazy, apologize quickly." The thin man hurriedly persuaded.

"It's good to know you, I hope we can meet again if there is a chance." Xia Xia smiled at the thin man.

"What are you talking about?" said the thin man, frowning.

Xia Xia didn't answer, but looked at the big family child in front of him again. The big family child was completely angry at this time, and Xia Xia's arrogance had already made him feel that his face was deeply stinged.

At this time, he seemed to remember the scene in the family, when he was bullied by other children in the family. The reason why he bullied these loose cultivators outside was to find a balance in his heart.

But now summer actually made him feel that way when he was bullied again.

He wants Xia Xia to die, he wants to scatter all the anger he received in the family on Xia Xia, he wants to torture Xia Xia, let Xia Xia live rather than die, he wants Xia Xia to be those who bear him, ruthlessly Tortured summer.

"Mutilate him, I want to live." The big family boy gritted his teeth and said.

In an instant, the three prefecture-level Great Perfection masters closest to Xia Xia rushed directly to Xia Xia. Their speed was very fast, and the attacks in their hands were very sharp.

Summer stood motionless.

"Success?" Just when the three of them thought they were about to succeed.


Their attacks were blocked by a protective film.

Holy Armor!

Xia Xia had already worn Lucifer's Sacred Armor. When Lucifer's strength had not reached the late prefecture level, he could defeat three of the four major Chinese masters with Sacred Armor and Sacred Sword. How terrifying.

Except for Yin Nie who broke the Sacred Armor with all his strength, the Sacred Armor's defense has never been broken. It is precisely because of this that the Sacred Armor is called an absolute defense.

Although these three people are all masters of the prefecture-level Dzogchen, they are just ordinary masters of the prefecture-level Dzogchen, and their strength is not even as powerful as the ancestors of Maoshan.

Boom boom boom!

At the same time, other masters also attacked Xia Xia at the same time, but they found that no matter how they attacked, they could not break Xia Xia's defense.

"What?" All the people on the scene were shocked. They didn't expect Xia Xia to be so powerful. He could block the attacks of so many prefecture-level Great Perfection masters so easily.

At this time, Xia Xia stood there with a smile on his face, he didn't do anything at all, but the attacks of these people were completely blocked there, and even the children of that big family were blinded at this moment.

He had never seen such martial arts as Xia Xia.

This kind of martial arts is really weird.

"how can that be?"

All the people around were blinded this time, and the attacks of so many of them were completely ineffective against Xia Xia.

The first move.

Xia Xia stretched out a finger, and then a giant sword appeared in his right hand. This giant sword was Lucifer's holy sword. At this time, Xia used Lucifer's battle suit.


Xia Xia shot with a sword, and he shot it horizontally. At this time, there were eight masters of Great Perfection at the prefectural level in front of him. They didn't expect Xia to be so fast.


The eight figures were directly smashed out by this sword, and the eight masters of the prefecture-level Great Perfection were slapped away by Xia Xia with such a blow.

"What?" Brother Xiong and the others didn't know what to say.

The thin man finally understood why he could kill beasts so easily every time, because every time Xia Tian deliberately sent those beasts to him for him to kill, so he just needed to move his hands casually. .

The people behind Brother Xiong who were sad about the summer were all sweating on their backs at this time. They felt that they were simply brain-dead at the time, and they dared to embarrass such a horrible guy.

"This kid is really not easy." Brother Biao remembered when he introduced Xia to Brother Xiong.

"Impossible, it's impossible, give it to me, give it all to me." The big clan boy shouted angrily, he never dreamed that his eight prefecture-level Dzogchen masters would be knocked away by the opponent, and he saw It looks like he can't stand up for a short time.

The second trick.

Xia Tian stretched out one of his fingers, and then grabbed his left hand in the air, and the surrounding airflow changed dramatically. Those who rushed to Xia Tian found that their bodies seemed to be arranged in a straight line, and hundreds of mighty people stood there. into a row.

"That's cool." Xia Xia smiled slightly, silver light flashed under his feet, and then he grabbed the holy sword with all his strength, and his entire body rushed forward.

boom! boom! boom!

Hundreds of figures were rushed out one by one in the At this time, the summer was like a mobile fortress.

In just an instant, the opponent's strongest team completely disintegrated. Their bodies were all smashed to different positions. The moment Xia Xia shot, he withdrew his left hand. His left hand was not idle. He quickly touched the opponent's body. At this time, the weapons and items on the hundreds of masters had all been put into the small tripod by Xia Xia.

"No, it's impossible." The big family's children looked at Xia Xia with disbelief: "You are a heavenly master, how is this possible?"

He could never have dreamed that the boy standing in front of him, who looked like he was not even twenty years old, was actually a heavenly expert. Of course, this was just his guess, but he couldn't think of any other possibilities.

Because other than the heavenly masters, it is impossible for anyone to be so terrifying.

The third trick.

Summer stretched out three fingers.


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