The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1432: take 20,000 flowers

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> Need for all-rounders

> Chapter 1430 Take 20,000 Flowers to the Directory Set Bookmark Comments Chapter 1430 Take 20,000 Flowers

Novel: The Need for All-rounder Author: Huadu Number of Words: 2528

?0 Summer and Mr. Qian came directly to Tianximen for dinner. Flash Dance Novel Network

"Boss, I'm so excited, you know how much I miss you." Mr. Qian's tears were almost streaming down his face.

"You're a big old man, I'll throw you out if you do this again." Xia Xia said with a look of disgust.

"No, boss, although I am a husband, I will always be your little brother in front of the boss." Mr. Qian said excitedly.

"How is it, does it feel good to be a gentleman?" Xia Xia teased.

"It's cool, but it's also very tiring. I'm your little brother. I'll absolutely enforce the law with integrity. Otherwise, the people above would have arrested me long ago, and it's easy to offend people if I enforce the law impartially." Mr. Qian said helplessly. .

"Don't be afraid to offend people, Bao Gong dared to offend even the queen mother back then, what are you afraid of, and no one can do anything to you, we only believe in justice, I will say hello to the above, he will take care of it, as long as it is dark 0 hands, then I'm afraid no one can touch you in Jianghai City." Xia Xia said very confidently, in Jianghai City, there are absolute superpowers here, whoever dares to be here in Xiaxia is simply courting death.

"Boss, I knew you were the best for me." Mr. Qian seemed to be acting like a spoiled child again.

"By the way, you can go to Elder Xu in the future and practice martial arts with them, so that you can move easily and have the ability to protect yourself." Xia Xia said.

"Okay, thank you old man." Before Mr. Qian finished his words, his eyes were attracted by a person at the door. 35xs

Seeing Mr. Qian's appearance, Xia Xia also turned to look: "Damn it, wearing a mink."

It is not uncommon to wear a mink, but it is too rare to start wearing a mink this month. Others have just put on a coat on the boat, but this person actually wears a mink. He has big sunglasses on his face and more than ten strings of beads on his hands. The gold chain around the neck was thicker than the **** combined, slightly hunched over.


Whoever wears such a thick gold chain has to hunch back.

This person is full of local tyrants.

"Nine tables!" The local tyrant man's eyes searched around, and finally sat directly at the table next to them in the summer, the woman at that table was stunned.

"You are the person introduced by my Uncle Zhang. My name is Wang Wanyuan." The local tyrant man said straight to the point.

"Uh, my name is Zhang Yu." The woman said after adjusting her state.

"Oh, it's so hot." While speaking, the local tyrant man pulled all the gold chains around his neck out of his clothes. The gleaming gold chains simply blinded everyone.

In the Tianximen room, the temperature is 28099 degrees. He is wearing a mink. If it is not hot, it will be hell.

"Well, it's a little hot." The woman wanted to finally hold back her laughter.

"Oops, where's my Land Rover key?" The man took out his bag and wrapped it in big words lv, and then he suddenly realized: "Oh, by the way, today I drove a domineering one, look at my memory. , I didn't take my Kookie in the morning, the Land Rover keys are there."

There are black 0 lines all over the woman's forehead.

This local tyrant is obviously showing off his wealth.

Ding ding ding.

The phone rang 0.

Wang Wanyuan took out the Apple 6p directly from his bag, "It's not this sound."

Then he took out another s6, "It's not like this either."

Then he took out a Samsung again: "It rang."

"Hey, what are you doing, eating?"

"Fuck you, are you too embarrassed to talk to me for 10 to 20 million? You will call my secretary and ask him to call you 30 million directly."

"Hey, what is the phone number of my secretary 0? I'm busy every day. I'll look for you." of.

Twenty thousand dollars in cash.

Various gold cards.

Big watch rings are everywhere.

If people who don't know it, think he just returned from the robbery.

"I found it, xxxxxxx, it's alright, you can call him 0, and don't talk about it."

After Wang Wanwan hung up the phone, he put the gold watch and gold ring back in his bag, and the 20,000 yuan was not taken back: "Staff."

"Hello, sir, do you need anything?" the female staff member asked very politely.

"I don't need anything, just spend 20,000 yuan." Wang Wanyuan directly took the 20,000 yuan there.

This time, everyone was confused. This eldest brother is really no one. He has never served anyone in Xia's life, but this time he did, and he was completely obedient by Wang Wanyuan.

Take twenty thousand dollars to spend.

Who else has this momentum?

Not in summer anyway.

At this time, the woman named Zhang Yu opposite Wang Wanyuan was completely stunned. She had heard of the existence of local tyrants, but it was the first time she had seen such local tyrants.

"Cow!" Xia Tian gave a thumbs up and couldn't help but praise.

"I'm sorry, sir, we won't let you collect money." The female staff member said directly.

"What's the matter, who are you talking to? I can't talk to you, right?" Wang Wanwan stood up at that time, his eyes widened, and his aura seemed to have to kill two of them. Seeing this picture of him It looks like the female staff is really confused.

"Sir, I'm sorry, I'm the supervisor here, we really don't allow money to be collected here." The supervisor hurriedly stepped forward and explained.

"What's the matter, you are so good. B, don't let me accept the money, call your boss out to me, I want to see who is so good. B." Wang Wanyuan said very unhappy.

"Sir, we are a company of Xia Group 0 Group." The supervisor said hurriedly.

"Xia's group 0, I don't care what group 0 group, I am engaged in development, I earn hundreds of millions a year." Wang million said very proudly.

"Sir, our Xia Group 0 group donated more than 300 billion a year." The supervisor said lightly.

"No, it's more than 3,000." Wang Wanwan almost didn't sit on the ground when he was half-said: "How much?"

"More than 300 billion." The supervisor said very calmly.

"You're sure it's more than 300 billion." Wang Wanwan said dumbfounded.

"The whole world knows about this, you can also ask the lady across from you," the supervisor said.

"Is what he said true?" Wang million asked in surprise.

"Well, Xia's Group 0 is the most famous group in Jianghai City, and it is also the most famous company in the country and even the world. This is indeed the Xia's Group 0." Zhang Yu nodded.

"Uh!" Wang Wanwan felt that he was covered in cold sweat, and he hurriedly took the money and fanned the air.

Xia Xia looked at Wang Wan Wan with a smile on his face, and Wang Wan Wan also saw Xia Xia: "What are you laughing at."

"It's up to you to pretend. b is really interesting, don't worry about me, you continue." Xia Xia said very casually.

Novel recommendation: is the protagonist me The marriage of non-gods and demons is sultry: the wife of the major general is too hot with the doctor and is reborn in the sky 100 days: Ye Shao, addicted to the pet and reborn Xiao Qiao Daughter-in-law: Chief, good morning! The god-level master of the female president

Prev Chapter Catalog Next Chapter 1430 Take 20,000 flowers

?0 Summer and Mr. Qian came directly to Tianximen for dinner. Flash Dance Novel Network

"Boss, I'm so excited, you know how much I miss you." Mr. Qian's tears were almost streaming down his face.

"You're a big old man, I'll throw you out if you do this again." Xia Xia said with a look of disgust.

"No, boss, although I am a husband, I will always be your little brother in front of the boss." Mr. Qian said excitedly.

"How is it, does it feel good to be a gentleman?" Xia Xia teased.

"It's cool, but it's also very tiring. I'm your little brother. I'll absolutely enforce the law with integrity. Otherwise, the people above would have arrested me long ago, and it's easy to offend people if I enforce the law impartially." Mr. Qian said helplessly. .

"Don't be afraid to offend people, Bao Gong dared to offend even the queen mother back then, what are you afraid of, and no one can do anything to you, we only believe in justice, I will say hello to the above, he will take care of it, as long as it is dark 0 hands, then I'm afraid no one can touch you in Jianghai City." Xia Xia said very confidently, in Jianghai City, there are absolute superpowers here, whoever dares to be here in Xiaxia is simply courting death.

"Boss, I knew you were the best for me." Mr. Qian seemed to be acting like a spoiled child again.

"By the way, you can go to Elder Xu in the future and practice martial arts with them, so that you can move easily and have the ability to protect yourself." Xia Xia said.

"Okay, thank you old man." Before Mr. Qian finished his words, his eyes were attracted by a person at the door. 35xs

Seeing Mr. Qian's appearance, Xia Xia also turned to look: "Damn it, wearing a mink."

It is not uncommon to wear a mink, but it is too rare to start wearing a mink this month. Others have just put on a coat on the boat, but this person actually wears a mink. He has big sunglasses on his face and more than ten strings of beads on his hands. The gold chain around the neck was thicker than the **** combined, slightly hunched over.


Whoever wears such a thick gold chain has to hunch back.

This person is full of local tyrants.

"Nine tables!" The local tyrant man's eyes searched around, and finally sat directly at the table next to them in the summer, the woman at that table was stunned.

"You are the person introduced by my Uncle Zhang. My name is Wang Wanyuan." The local tyrant man said straight to the point.

"Uh, my name is Zhang Yu." The woman said after adjusting her state.

"Oh, it's so hot." While speaking, the local tyrant man pulled all the gold chains around his neck out of his clothes. The gleaming gold chains simply blinded everyone.

In the Tianximen room, the temperature is 28099 degrees. He is wearing a mink. If it is not hot, it will be hell.

"Well, it's a little hot." The woman wanted to finally hold back her laughter.

"Oops, where's my Land Rover key?" The man took out his bag and wrapped it in big words lv, and then he suddenly realized: "Oh, by the way, today I drove a domineering one, look at my memory. , I didn't take my Kookie in the morning, the Land Rover keys are there."

There are black 0 lines all over the woman's forehead.

This local tyrant is obviously showing off his wealth.

Ding ding ding.

The phone rang 0.

Wang Wanyuan took out the Apple 6p directly from his bag, "It's not this sound."

Then he took out another s6, "It's not like this either."

Then he took out a Samsung again: "It rang."

"Hey, what are you doing, eating?"

"Fuck you, are you too embarrassed to talk to me for 10 to 20 million? You will call my secretary and ask him to call you 30 million directly."

"Hey, what is the phone number of my secretary 0? I'm busy every day. I'll look for you." of.

Twenty thousand dollars in cash.

Various gold cards.

Big watch rings are everywhere.

If people who don't know it, think he just returned from the robbery.

"I found it, xxxxxxx, it's alright, you can call him 0, and don't talk about it."

After Wang Wanwan hung up the phone, he put the gold watch and gold ring back in his bag, and the 20,000 yuan was not taken back: "Staff."

"Hello, sir, do you need anything?" the female staff member asked very politely.

"I don't need anything, just spend 20,000 yuan." Wang Wanyuan directly took the 20,000 yuan there.

This time, everyone was confused. This eldest brother is really no one. He has never served anyone in Xia's life, but this time he did, and he was completely obedient by Wang Wanyuan.

Take twenty thousand dollars to spend.

Who else has this momentum?

Not in summer anyway.

At this time, the woman named Zhang Yu opposite Wang Wanyuan was completely stunned. She had heard of the existence of local tyrants, but it was the first time she had seen such local tyrants.

"Cow!" Xia Tian gave a thumbs up and couldn't help but praise.

"I'm sorry, We won't let you collect money." The female staff member said directly.

"What's the matter, who are you talking to? I can't talk to you, right?" Wang Wanwan stood up at that time, his eyes widened, and his aura seemed to have to kill two of them. Seeing this picture of him It looks like the female staff is really confused.

"Sir, I'm sorry, I'm the supervisor here, we really don't allow money to be collected here." The supervisor hurriedly stepped forward and explained.

"What's the matter, you are so good. B, don't let me accept the money, call your boss out to me, I want to see who is so good. B." Wang Wanyuan said very unhappy.

"Sir, we are a company of Xia Group 0 Group." The supervisor said hurriedly.

"Xia's group 0, I don't care what group 0 group, I am engaged in development, I earn hundreds of millions a year." Wang million said very proudly.

"Sir, our Xia Group 0 group donated more than 300 billion a year." The supervisor said lightly.

"No, it's more than 3,000." Wang Wanwan almost didn't sit on the ground when he was half-said: "How much?"

"More than 300 billion." The supervisor said very calmly.

"You're sure it's more than 300 billion." Wang Wanwan said dumbfounded.

"The whole world knows about this, you can also ask the lady across from you," the supervisor said.

"Is what he said true?" Wang million asked in surprise.

"Well, Xia's Group 0 is the most famous group in Jianghai City, and it is also the most famous company in the country and even the world. This is indeed the Xia's Group 0." Zhang Yu nodded.

"Uh!" Wang Wanwan felt that he was covered in cold sweat, and he hurriedly took the money and fanned the air.

Xia Xia looked at Wang Wan Wan with a smile on his face, and Wang Wan Wan also saw Xia Xia: "What are you laughing at."

"It's up to you to pretend. b is really interesting, don't worry about me, you continue." Xia Xia said very casually.

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