The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1466: super devour


fire punch!

The two shot at the same time.


Summer's body disappeared in place.

"What? He actually escaped and disappeared?" Dao Gui's face was inconceivable.

"Where is it?" The blond man's eyes searched around.


At this moment, the top-down fist directly hit the sword ghost and the blond man.

The bodies of the two were directly knocked to the ground.

"Damn." Just as the blond man was about to stand up, he was kicked to the ground by Xia Xia again.


The knife ghost slashed out with a water knife, and the incomparably powerful water stream directly slashed on Xia Xia's body.

A long wound appeared on Xia Xia's chest.

The blonde also took the opportunity to stand up.

"It's dangerous." Blonde really felt very powerless at that moment, but luckily the drunk slashed Xia Xia's body, which made him stand up again.

"How is that possible? I'm a heaven-level expert now, so why do I feel powerless." The blonde looked at Xia Xia with an incredible face and said.

Xia Xia looked at these two people with a smile on his face. It was really feng shui turns. Back then, in the fourth floor of the Tongtian Tower, Xia Xia was chased and beaten by these two people, but now he can completely play with these two people. in the palm of the hand.

"I remember that there seemed to be a trick before, but I don't remember very clearly. I want to try it on the two of you." Xia Xia's mouth curved.

"Hmph, just use it if you have any skills. We are heaven-level masters, so don't underestimate the heaven-level masters." The blonde snorted coldly. Although he didn't know how he gained the upper hand before the summer, he had no idea how the heavens were. Level has absolute confidence.

"Heaven level?" Xia Xia said indifferently: "I should have killed one before."


Xia Xia's body disappeared in place, and a second later, his body appeared behind the blonde and the alcoholic, who were completely stunned there.


A blood light flashed, and then dozens of blood lights erupted from the two people at the same time.

Both of their blood vessels were completely cut.

"What!" The blonde looked at herself in disbelief.

Death, at this moment he felt death.


The alcoholic ignored the wound on his body, but took a sip of wine, then fell to the ground, and the blond body also fell to the ground, and the two heaven-level masters died like this.

"It's amazing." Yaoyu thought that Xia Xia was already very powerful, but he didn't expect Xia Xia to be so powerful that he killed two heaven-level masters with such ease.

"Yaoyu, what should I do now?" Xia Tian asked.

"He ate this demon pill." Yaoyu directly took out a red bead the size of a thumb.


Xia Xia ate it directly, and at the same time, all the power of the vampire in his body was absorbed by the demon pill.

"Spit it out." Yaoyu shouted.

Xia Xia sank into his dantian and spit out the demon pill directly.


The Yaodan exploded in mid-air, blowing Yaoyu and Xia Xia's bodies out.

"What a terrifying power, it has such a large explosive force." Yaoyu's arm was blown into a blur.

Summer wasn't much better, but he was immortal, so his body was recovering now.

Now he has completely withdrawn from his vampire state and is back to normal.

"Yaoyu, what happened just now?" Xia Xia didn't stand up in a hurry, anyway, there was no crisis now, he just lay down and rested.

"The demon pill is the energy crystal in the monster's body, and their functions are different. Usually, the demon pill is used to absorb it, but it needs the same attributes to absorb it. Yes, so if the demon pill enters your body, it will first absorb all the power in your body that is not aura, and if you don't spit it out, it will soon return the power to you." Yaoyu explained.

Summer got it.

After the demon pill was swallowed by him, he wanted to purify the power in his body, so he absorbed all the power of the vampire, but when it could not be purified for a while, it would be returned to Xia Xia, and it would be sad then.

That's why Yaoyu was anxious to make him spit it out.

"Anyway, thank you very much this time." Xia Xia really thanked Yaoyu, otherwise he didn't know how long he could control that power. At this time, he finally understood why Pill Emperor wanted to kill Cain in the first place.

Because Cain has completely lost control of the ancient blood in his body.

Xia Xia was the same just now. If it wasn't for the pill from the Emperor Pill and the power of the statue's powder to suppress him, he would definitely become a murderous demon without blinking an eye.

"It seems that I can't mobilize the power of vampires in the future, otherwise I will really become a murderer. Now the power of the medicine pill is gone, the powder is all gone, and there is nothing to help me control the vampire. Strength." Xia Xia secretly said.

"You haven't reached the heaven level yet, so you can't enter the portal normally, but the two of them have a guide on them. You go in with the guide, and then squeeze the guide, and the portal will explode. Now here The matter has been Then I will not accompany you to rest." Yaoyu said lightly.

"Damn, who will use you as an adult man to accompany you." Xia Xia cursed.

Yaoyu ignored him and left here directly.

At this time, Xia Xia was still lying on the ground, and he didn't want to move at all now.

call out!

Just when he wanted to rest in the summer, the little bug on his arm suddenly moved, and the little bug actually entered his body directly down his arm.

"Little guy, what are you doing?" Xia Xia was shocked. Could it be that it was so hungry that it wanted to eat itself?

Just when Xia Xia was stunned, the little bug landed directly on his dantian and swallowed the bead formed by the sky-reaching power in his dantian.

"Fuck!" Xia Xia scolded directly, the power of Tongtian was his trump card power, but now it was eaten directly by the little bug, which was a huge loss for him.

But before he could recover from his surprise, an even more incredible scene appeared. His spirit stones flew out one by one, flying out of the small tripod, and in a blink of an eye, the spirit stone mountain appeared in front of him again.

"Little guy, what are you doing?" Xia Tian hurriedly asked.

But the little bug did not respond.


The spiritual stones in front of Xia Xia began to condense the spiritual energy. These spiritual stones actually gathered the spiritual energy together automatically. The spiritual energy in each spiritual stone was condensing quickly, including the high-grade spiritual stone in Xia Xia. rushed to the mouth of the summer.

"It's over!" Xia Xia felt desperate, such a large batch of spiritual energy would definitely make him explode and die.

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