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Chapter 1626: conspiracy

The genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Top Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! &&&& "Our mountain gate has rules, you can't eat other people's medicine pills outside. ◆.ww.▲" The fifth elder said calmly , there was no wave on his face, he still remembered the matter of delaying time in the summer just now.

&&&& "Oh? When did Tianling Mountain have such a weird rule? It's not that the five elders don't trust someone, right?" The Lord of Desolation always likes to talk to death. If the fifth elder says he trusts, then he has to eat it. If the fifth elder says he does not trust, then this is the trump card of the Lord of Desolation, and no one can guarantee what will happen.

&&&& The fifth elder paused for a while, and then said: "We naturally trust you, otherwise we will not come, but the mountain gate has the rules of the mountain gate."

&&&& The fifth elder is also an old man, and he changed the topic with one sentence.

&&&& And the other mountain gates finally felt something wrong at this time.

&&&&Because the five elders have been refusing, it seems to be intentional.

&&&& "Five elders, do you mean to give me no face?" The Lord of Desolation's face suddenly turned cold. ∮∮net, u8xs

&&&& "If we don't give you face, we won't come." The fifth elder is still delaying time. If it was normal, he would have been on fire long ago, and he was brought here for no reason by them, and then he insisted Let yourself eat what kind of medicine.

&&&& This is not just looking for a fight.

&&&& "We can indeed see ghosts." At this time, the elder of the opposite Giant Wind Mountain said suddenly.

&&&& "Well, congratulations," said the fifth elder.

&&&& "Five elders, you just don't give me face, since you don't give me face, then I'm afraid you won't be able to get out of here today." The voice of the Lord of Desolation just fell, and the door of the hall closed by itself.

&&&& At the same time, hundreds of experts came out around.

&&&& "Are you threatening me?" The fifth elder was angry.

&&&& "Five elders, although your strength is good, I would like to know if these disciples of yours are as strong as you." The Lord of Desolation looked at the fifth elder with a smile on his face. ▲●

&&&& "It doesn't matter, they are not afraid of death. If our people die here, I can guarantee that within three days, I will send someone to clear your barren area." The fifth elder said angrily, he has endured it for a long time. , couldn't bear it any longer.

&&&& "Really? Then I'll just take people away after killing you." The Lord of Desolation said very casually.

&&&& "Lord of Desolation, what do you mean?" At this moment, the elders of Jufeng Mountain stood up. After all, their Jufeng Mountain and Tianling Mountain are the Eight Great Mountain Gates of the Great Wilderness, how could they just sit back and ignore them.

&&&&Other small and medium-sized mountain gate people also stood up.

&&&& "Interesting, it's really interesting, hahahaha." The Lord of Desolation laughed, and then he looked at the fifth elder: "I'll give you one last chance, if you don't eat, then you and your people will all have it. Buried in the belly of my spirit beast."

&&&&As soon as the voice of the Lord of Desolation fell, the surrounding illusion changed. The originally splendid hall around it suddenly turned into flesh and blood. When they looked up, they found that the moonlight was penetrating in. ■

&&&& That is to say, they are indeed in the stomach of a spirit beast now.

&&&& "Damn, there is something wrong with the pill." The elder of Jufeng Mountain finally understood that there was a problem with the pill, and he finally understood why the fifth elder refused to take the pill.

&&&& "Yes, there is something wrong with the pill. After taking this pill, the soul will be pulled. If there is no antidote from us, within that day, your soul will be completely swallowed, and then it will be Become a walking dead and fight for me." The Lord of Desolation said loudly.

&&&& "Damn, you are despicable." The elder of Giant Wind Mountain shouted angrily.

&&&& "Despicable? Only I can save your lives now. As long as you are obedient, then I can not kill you." The Lord of Desolation looked at those people and said.

&&&& "How could we possibly obey your command." The elder of Giant Wind Mountain shouted angrily.

&&&& "Between life and death, there is only one multiple-choice question. I want your lives to be useless, so you have to make your own choices. Don't make the wrong choice, or I'm afraid you will regret it for the rest of your life. ■.ww.●" The Lord of Desolation said: "The first order I give you now is to kill these people in Tianling Mountain."

&&&& "What!" Hearing the words of the Lord of Desolation, the elder of Giant Wind Mountain was shocked.

&&&& "Kill them, you live, don't kill them, you die." The Lord of Desolation shouted loudly.

&&&& "Kill them?" The corner of Jufengshan elder's mouth curled slightly: "You too underestimate us, if we are all afraid of death, then our mountain gates would have been destroyed long ago, since you said that we killed us If you can live for a day, then just use this day to turn your world upside down."

&&&& "I really don't cry without seeing the coffin." The Lord of Desolation said coldly.

&&&& "Come here, someone will detoxify you soon." The fifth elder suddenly shouted loudly.

&&&& Hearing the words of the fifth elder, the other people from the mountain hurried to the position of the fifth elder.

&&&& "Hmph, in the stomach of my spirit beast, stomach acid can kill you." The Lord of Desolation snorted coldly, and then something like water droplets appeared directly on the surrounding fleshy walls.

&&&& "Defense!" the elder of Giant Wind Mountain shouted loudly.

&&&& "Defense? Let me see how you defend!" At this time, tens of thousands of drops of acid appeared around.


&&&& With the order of the Lord of Desolation, these tens of thousands of drops of acid were shot directly at them.

&&&&to make!

&&&&to make! to make!

&&&&At this moment, Xia Xia drank three times in a row.

&&&& Then, layers of waves rose directly on the ground.

&&&&puff! puff! puff!

&&&&When the acid attacked the light film, it didn't make any waves.

&&&& Formation!

&&&&At this time, the people around can It turned out that there were formations around, and it was these formations that resisted the attack of the acid just now, and at this time, this formation even defended the ground.

&&&& "When was this formation set up?" The elder of Giant Wind Mountain asked in surprise.

&&&& "Hoohoo! Fortunately, I caught up. I said, elder, can you be less angry next time? You'd better delay a little longer." Xia Xia said very displeased.

&&&& At this time, the other people in the mountain gate looked at Xia Xia in surprise. He, a white-clothed disciple, dared to reprimand the elder.

&&&& This is not to die.

&&&& "Uh!" The fifth elder scratched his head awkwardly: "I couldn't control it."

&&&& Seeing that the Fifth Elder not only did not punish Xia Xia, but also showed such an embarrassed look, those people were even more surprised, and this formation was arranged by the white-clothed disciple in front of him.

&&&& Summer's image suddenly became mysterious.

&&&& "What should we do now? Although we are temporarily safe, we must find a way to get out of here." An Jie looked at Xia Xia and asked.

&&&& The people around the mountain gate were even more surprised. An Jie, a red-clothed disciple, did not ask the elders, but Xia Tian.

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