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Chapter 1706: Summer VS Frozen Lord

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> Need for all-rounders

>Chapter 1714 Summer VS Frozen Lord Directory Bookmark Comments Chapter 1714 Summer VS Frozen Lord

Novel: The Need for All-round Master Author: Huadu Number of Words: 2472

? Swish!

Lord Frost could feel the cold light on his neck, and the sharp blade on his neck was very sharp. 35xs

This sudden situation shocked everyone present.

Even the Fire Queen was stunned.

At this time, the owner of the dagger was Summer.


All the ice around the body in summer has disappeared.

"How is this possible?" Frozen Prince's face was full of inconceivable, all this happened too fast.

The summer that was frozen by him just now has actually recovered.

"As long as my finger moves slightly, your head is mine. At such a close distance, I have 100% confidence." Xia Xia's voice lingered in the ears of Lord Frost like a devil.

"Huh?" The Queen of Flames looked at Xia Xia with a puzzled face. Although she just told Xia Xia to kill Lord Frozen, she absolutely did not believe Xia Xia could succeed. She just wanted to see Xia Xia's reaction.

If Xia Xia hesitates, then she will kill Xia with her own hands. The last thing she likes is disobedient slaves.

Although Xia Xia was a sneak attack just now, he did indeed succeed in the sneak attack, and the target of his sneak attack was the super-skilled Lord Frozen. At this time, everyone around looked at Xia Xia with disbelief.

Summer wears a shackle around his neck, which proves that he is a slave of the Fire Queen.

A slave can actually control the Ice Lord.

This is really incredible.

In fact, all this was calculated by Xia Xia. If he were to face the Frozen Lord head-on, he would definitely not be an opponent, but if he adopted the tactics of sneak attack, then he might succeed.

Facts have proved that he has indeed succeeded. At the beginning, he was the one who froze himself, not the frozen prince. The ice attribute of the frozen prince was resolved by him long ago. What he used himself was Yidingwu. Elemental material that can be used by people of the rank.

He used his ice attribute to include himself, and then stood there motionless, so that the ice king was not at all wary of him, and secondly, the ice king actually walked directly in front of him, and put all his attention on him on the flame queen.

He is a master of the same level as the Fire Queen, so he put all his attention on the Fire Queen to prevent the Fire Queen from sneaking up.

This also gives a better chance for summer.

Xia Xia used the gravity of the second profound meaning of the Eight Qi Techniques, and directly threw the Frozen Lord to his hand, and then he directly attacked.

This is what created the current situation.

It can be said that the victory in the summer was very lucky.

"I remember that you seemed to say that I was a waste, right?" The sharp blade in Xia Xia's hand approached the skin of the Frozen Lord again: "Don't play with your little tricks, before your ice thorns pierce my body, I will It can definitely kill you. Flash Dance Novel Network"

Hearing Xia Xia's words, Lord Frozen gave up the action in his hand. He really wanted to attack Xia Tian directly just now. When he heard Xia Xia's words, he knew that he could not succeed in the sneak attack.

"Hahaha, Frozen Old Monster, aren't you very arrogant?" The Queen of Flames laughed loudly, this time she has gained face.

"Slave, what's your name?" Lord Frozen asked Xia Xia, his eyes showing appreciation.

"My name is Wei Guang." Xia Tian continued to use the name Wei Guang.

"Well, that's right." Lord Frozen nodded, and then his body turned into an ice sculpture.

clap clap clap!

The sound of applause came from behind, Xia Xia stopped the movements in his hands, and looked at Lord Frozen with a puzzled look on his face. He actually didn't find out when Lord Frozen escaped.

"Ice Clone Technique, I didn't expect you to use this method." The Flame Queen was slightly taken aback, and then waved to Xia Xia: "You come back."

"This subordinate is incompetent." Xia Xia said after returning.

"You are indeed incompetent. You can't even kill an old waste with ice. I will punish you after you go back." The Queen of Flame reprimanded. Although she reprimanded her like this, she was very happy in her heart, because What Xia Xia did just now was very good, but she didn't expect Xia Xia to really kill Lord Frozen.

"Yes, this subordinate admits the punishment." Xia Xia said respectfully, he understood that the reason why the Queen of Flame said this was for face, and she said this to save the face of the frozen prince.

It was as if she was saying that her subordinates could kill Lord Frozen at will, and if they did not succeed, they had to be punished.

If Lord Frozen was really that easy to kill, then he wouldn't be one of the eighteen masters of the Demon Alliance.

Each of the eighteen masters of their Demon Sect Alliance is a super-existence with extraordinary strength.

And Xia Xia is just a nameless junior, so it is very remarkable that he can cause the situation just now.

"You're not worthy of my own shot, let's go." The Flame Queen said with great disdain.

Lord Frozen shook his head helplessly, and he didn't say anything. After all, he was really planted just now, planted in the hands of an unknown junior. If Xia Xia really killed him at that moment, then he might Really will die in the hands of summer.

"Wei Guang, you did a good job, I will definitely reward you." The Queen of Fire said.

"Thank you, Lady Queen, the reward is not needed, the subordinate will definitely give you that life back," Xia Xia said.

"You still remember this, what? Can't you follow me?" The Flame Queen's expression turned cold.

"Okay, very good." Xia Xia hurriedly said, he didn't dare to compete head-on with the Flame Queen, after all, this Flame Queen was too violent and cruel.

"That's good, from today onwards, you will be my valet, follow me, and I will definitely not treat you badly." The Queen of Flame gave Xia Xia an empty promise.

Xia Xia didn't speak, but he knew that with the Queen of Flames, he would die sooner or later, but he really needed an identity now, because it would be very convenient for him to do things, so he didn't say anything.

"Thank you, Her Lady Queen." Xia Xia said.

"Well, work hard, follow me for a few years, and I will take off your imprisonment." The Queen of Fire said.

"En." Summer nodded.

several years?

Xia Xia didn't say anything, he had already solved the imprisonment, he wouldn't wait a few years, and he didn't like to put his life in the hands of others.

"Okay, since you are my attendant, you must have some knowledge. Do you know who the eighteen masters of the Demon Sect Alliance are?" The Queen of Flame asked Xia Xia.

"I don't know." Summer said.

"Well, I'll tell you about the eighteen masters of the Demon Sect Alliance and our leader," said the Queen of Flames.

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Next Chapter 1714 Summer VS Frozen Lord - MTL Novel MTLNovel

? Swish!

Lord Frost could feel the cold light on his neck, and the sharp blade on his neck was very sharp. 35xs

This sudden situation shocked everyone present.

Even the Fire Queen was stunned.

At this time, the owner of the dagger was Summer.


All the ice around the body in summer has disappeared.

"How is this possible?" Frozen Prince's face was full of inconceivable, all this happened too fast.

The summer that was frozen by him just now has actually recovered.

"As long as my finger moves slightly, your head is mine. At such a close distance, I have 100% confidence." Xia Xia's voice lingered in the ears of Lord Frost like a devil.

"Huh?" The Queen of Flames looked at Xia Xia with a puzzled face. Although she just told Xia Xia to kill Lord Frozen, she absolutely did not believe Xia Xia could succeed. She just wanted to see Xia Xia's reaction.

If Xia Xia hesitates, then she will kill Xia with her own hands. The last thing she likes is disobedient slaves.

Although Xia Xia was a sneak attack just now, he did indeed succeed in the sneak attack, and the target of his sneak attack was the super-skilled Lord Frozen. At this time, everyone around looked at Xia Xia with disbelief.

Summer wears a shackle around his neck, which proves that he is a slave of the Fire Queen.

A slave can actually control the Ice Lord.

This is really incredible.

In fact, all this was calculated by Xia Xia. If he were to face the Frozen Lord head-on, he would definitely not be an opponent, but if he adopted the tactics of sneak attack, then he might succeed.

Facts have proved that he has indeed succeeded. At the beginning, he was the one who froze himself, not the frozen prince. The ice attribute of the frozen prince was resolved by him long ago. What he used himself was Yidingwu. Elemental material that can be used by people of the rank.

He used his ice attribute to include himself, and then stood there motionless, so that the ice king was not at all wary of him, and secondly, the ice king actually walked directly in front of him, and put all his attention on him on the flame queen.

He is a master of the same level as the Fire Queen, so he put all his attention on the Fire Queen to prevent the Fire Queen from sneaking up.

This also gives a better chance for summer.

Xia Xia used the gravity of the second profound meaning of the Eight Qi Techniques, and directly threw the Frozen Lord to his hand, and then he directly attacked.

This is what created the current situation.

It can be said that the victory in the summer was very lucky.

"I remember that you seemed to say that I was a waste, right?" The sharp blade in Xia Xia's hand approached the skin of the Frozen Lord again: "Don't play with your little tricks, before your ice thorns pierce my body, I will It can definitely kill you. Flash Dance Novel Network"

Hearing Xia Xia's words, Lord Frozen gave up the action in his hand. He really wanted to attack Xia Tian directly just now. When he heard Xia Xia's words, he knew that he could not succeed in the sneak attack.

"Hahaha, Frozen Old Monster, aren't you very arrogant?" The Queen of Flames laughed loudly, this time she has gained face.

"Slave, what's your name?" Lord Frozen asked Xia Xia, his eyes showing appreciation.

"My name is Wei Guang." Xia Tian continued to use the name Wei Guang.

"Well, that's right." Lord Frozen nodded, and then his body turned into an ice sculpture.

clap clap clap!

The sound of applause came from behind, Xia Xia stopped the movements in his hands, and looked at Lord Frozen with a puzzled look on his face. He actually didn't find out when Lord Frozen escaped.

"Ice Clone Technique, I didn't expect you to use this method." The Flame Queen was slightly taken aback, and then waved to Xia Xia: "You come back."

"This subordinate is incompetent." Xia Xia said after returning.

"You are indeed incompetent. You can't even kill an old waste with ice. I will punish you after you go back." The Queen of Flame reprimanded. Although she reprimanded her like this, she was very happy in her heart, because What Xia Xia did just now was very good, but she didn't expect Xia Xia to really kill Lord Frozen.

"Yes, this subordinate admits the punishment." Xia Xia said respectfully, he understood that the reason why the Queen of Flame said this was for face, and she said this to save the face of the frozen prince.

It was as if she was saying that her subordinates could kill Lord Frozen at will, and if they did not succeed, they had to be punished.

If Lord Frozen was really that easy to kill, then he wouldn't be one of the eighteen masters of the Demon Alliance.

Each of the eighteen masters of their Demon Sect Alliance is a super-existence with extraordinary strength.

And Xia Xia is just a nameless junior, so it is very remarkable that he can cause the situation just now.

"You're not worthy of my own shot, let's The Flame Queen said with great disdain.

Lord Frozen shook his head helplessly, and he didn't say anything. After all, he was really planted just now, planted in the hands of an unknown junior. If Xia Xia really killed him at that moment, then he might Really will die in the hands of summer.

"Wei Guang, you did a good job, I will definitely reward you." The Queen of Fire said.

"Thank you, Lady Queen, the reward is not needed, the subordinate will definitely give you that life back," Xia Xia said.

"You still remember this, what? Can't you follow me?" The Flame Queen's expression turned cold.

"Okay, very good." Xia Xia hurriedly said, he didn't dare to compete head-on with the Flame Queen, after all, this Flame Queen was too violent and cruel.

"That's good, from today onwards, you will be my valet, follow me, and I will definitely not treat you badly." The Queen of Flame gave Xia Xia an empty promise.

Xia Xia didn't speak, but he knew that with the Queen of Flames, he would die sooner or later, but he really needed an identity now, because it would be very convenient for him to do things, so he didn't say anything.

"Thank you, Her Lady Queen." Xia Xia said.

"Well, work hard, follow me for a few years, and I will take off your imprisonment." The Queen of Fire said.

"En." Summer nodded.

several years?

Xia Xia didn't say anything, he had already solved the imprisonment, he wouldn't wait a few years, and he didn't like to put his life in the hands of others.

"Okay, since you are my attendant, you must have some knowledge. Do you know who the eighteen masters of the Demon Sect Alliance are?" The Queen of Flame asked Xia Xia.

"I don't know." Summer said.

"Well, I'll tell you about the eighteen masters of the Demon Sect Alliance and our leader," said the Queen of Flames.

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