The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1846: 5 line ghost

"It's still a knowledgeable one." The Five Elements Ghost said very proudly.

Because Bishop Cao read out their names, it proved that Bishop Cao knew them.

"Summer, let's go." Bishop Cao said.

"Huh?" Hearing Bishop Cao's initiative to leave, Xia Xia looked puzzled, but since Bishop Cao said to let him go, he didn't say anything else.

"Hmph, trash, dare to oppose us." The Five Elements Ghost said with great disdain.

As soon as Xia Xia was thinking about it, Bishop Cao was abruptly pulled over: "Let's go!"

"Hahahaha" The Five Elements Ghost laughed out loud when they saw such a scene.

"Why did you pull me just now?" Xia Xia asked very dissatisfied.

"If I don't pull you, you will really become a ghost." Bishop Cao said.

"Oh? Who are they?" Xia Xia asked in confusion.

"The red wanted people in our Holy Virtue Hall are all above Si Ding. The highest wanted in our Holy Virtue Hall is black wanted, followed by red, then yellow and white." Bishop Cao explained.

"So powerful?" Xia Xia didn't see anything special about those five people.

"The methods of the five of them have always been very mysterious. It is said that those who have seen the methods of the five of them died. The five of them joined forces to be even more terrifying. Back then, the red-clothed archbishop of our Holy Virtue Temple personally shot down and killed the five of them. , Unfortunately, they were killed by five of them in the end. That was decades ago. Today, decades later, their strength must have improved again. Even if you and I join forces, they are definitely not their opponents. " Bishop Cao said cautiously, as if he was afraid of being heard by the Five Elements Ghosts.

"Yeah." Summer nodded.

"It's fortunate that they went after people just now, otherwise we two would suffer." Bishop Cao let out a sigh of relief.

Xia Xia didn't speak, because when the person bumped into him just now, he quietly put something on him. Although the other party's technique was very superb, Xia Xia still found out. He guessed that the person wanted to be first. Get out of the way, then come back here in the summer to get this thing.

But now that the thing has arrived in the hands of summer, how can it be spit out? So he put the thing away and planned to study it later: "The people here seem to be in a mess, all kinds of people seem to be busy."

"Of course, King Qi's underground palace is now open. These people are preparing to enter the underground palace. Most of the people here come from outside." Bishop Cao said.

"Treasures tend to attract a lot of people," Xia Xia said.

"People die for wealth, birds die for food." Bishop Cao smiled slightly.

At this time, there are all kinds of people on the street, all kinds of people, they seem to be very busy, and these people are very vigilant when they look at others, in their eyes, everyone seems to be their enemies Same.

"Go and have a look, there's a fight ahead." At this moment, everyone next to Xia Xia shouted.

"A fight broke out? Let's go and have a look," said Bishop Cao.

As soon as the two walked over, they found that a woman was fighting against three men. The strength of the woman was very strong, and it was completely easy to fight against three.

"It's her." When Bishop Cao saw the woman, his expression changed obviously.

"What's wrong?" Summer asked in confusion.

"Uh, Xia, I'm afraid I can't go with you for the time being. I'll run first." After leaving such a sentence, Bishop Cao turned his head and ran away. At this moment, the woman inside seemed to have discovered something. , and then the long whip in his hand directly flew the three of them, looking at Bishop Cao's back: "Cao Yaqian, I finally found you."

"Huh?" Seeing such a scene, Xia Tian was directly blinded.

Bishop Cao actually left him here alone, and it was because of a woman. Is this woman really that terrifying?

"Forget it, I'll be alone." Xia Xia shook his head helplessly. Since he is the only one left now, he has to go to inquire about the news first. After all, he doesn't know anything about the things here. He knew too well that he wanted to find out the whereabouts of his father and the others in the shortest possible time.

The best places to look for news are always teahouses, restaurants and restaurants.

Because a group of people like to brag and say some gossip things together.

In the summer, I directly found a restaurant. The restaurant here is very prosperous and there are many people in it, but now it is also very chaotic because of the underground palace of King Qi, but in the summer I like this kind of chaos, because the more chaotic the place, the better the flow of news. Well, he ordered some random things after entering the restaurant, and then sat there and listened carefully to everyone.

Don't dare to miss even the slightest detail in summer.

Because this is related to the safety of his father's He has always wanted to save Xiaoma, but he did not expect Xiaoma to be rescued by his father in the end. I have to say that this is absolutely It's good news, super good news. If Brother Ma was not rescued by his father, Brother Ma might have suffered a lot in it.

Xia Xia has always been most worried about this. After all, there are too many prisoners in the crevice prison, and it is too chaotic. Xiao Ma must have suffered a lot of damage in it.

"He must hear about his father and the others right away, and then find them and help them escape this disaster." What Xia Xia wanted to know was where his father and the others were now.

But after listening for a long time, almost everyone here is talking about King Qi's underground palace, and no one is talking about his father.

At this moment, a figure fell beside him.

"Uh" Xia Tian was slightly taken aback, because the woman sitting next to him was a woman he knew, the woman Bishop Cao saw and ran away: "There are other seats over there."

"I'm going to sit here." The woman said directly.

"Oh, then sit down and I'll change my seat." Xia Xia stood up and was about to leave. This woman is not to be provoked. All three of them on the street were masters of Sanding, but they were beaten by her. Unable to fight back.

"Stop, if you dare to move, I'll break your leg." The woman's eyes slanted, staring at Xia Xia.

"Okay" Xia Xia sat down again. Since the woman wouldn't let him go, it would be fine for him to sit here. Anyway, he didn't lose anything, he just continued to eat his own.

"You know Cao Yaqian, I saw him running away from you just now." The woman looked at Xia Xia and said.

"I don't know." Xia Tian shook his head directly

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