The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1884: 9 reversal

Xia Xia was almost kicked to death by the boss with these few kicks.

The master is a master of Si Ding. His strength is not comparable to that of ordinary Sanding masters, and he is also a leg practitioner. In addition to his combat boots, Xia Xia kicked all over his body in a few seconds. .

Xia Xia knew that if it went on like this, he would definitely be kicked to death alive.

So he can only fight.


Nine orifices reversed.

Immortality was a stunt taught by the old madman to Xia Xia. The old madman was someone who had fought against the legend of King Yu in the spiritual world. His strength was already at its peak, and his stunt was one of the best in the entire spiritual world.

It is precisely because of the use of Immortality Technique that Xia Xia can challenge the Sanding leapfrog.

The reversal of the nine orifices is the mystery of the Immortal Art.

The old madman told him that the reversal of the nine orifices of the Immortal God Art can only be used nine times in a lifetime. Each time the bonus is used, it will be more terrifying than the last time. After using it, all your injuries will heal in a short time, and your strength and speed Everything has undergone earth-shaking changes, but it also depends on how long you have been cultivating the Immortality Technique and how long you can stay in this state, but after using the Nine Aperture Reversal nine times, the person will die immediately.

Xia Xia's time to practice immortality is too short, and he has very little insight, so he can only last for three minutes at most.

One of the choices he faces now is to use these three minutes to kill the master or to escape.

In the end, his decision was to escape!

Even if he can kill the master, the wounds on his body will reappear after the nine orifices are reversed, and the five elements behind him will kill him, so he can't bet, he can only choose to use his current strength to escape.


In just an instant, Xia Xia's body disappeared in place.

"What?" The boss was stunned for a moment, and at the same time he opened his consciousness, but he found that the speed of Xia Xia was unbelievable, although he was wearing combat boots now, the speed became faster than normal Thirty percent more, but even so, he couldn't catch up with Summer at all.

Because Summer is now three times faster than he is in this state.

Three times the speed.

This has reached the speed of Wuding master.

"How is this possible?" The boss was completely blinded. He was beaten by Xia Xian just now and he was powerless to fight back, but suddenly, Xia Xia's momentum changed dramatically, and Xia Xian was even faster than him. It's even three times faster, knowing that his speed had already overwhelmed the summer.

But Xia Xia was suddenly three times faster than him.

He just wants to catch up now, and I'm afraid he won't be able to catch up.

"This." The boss stood in the same place and didn't know what to say at this time. If he knew it would turn out like this, he just zoomed in and killed Xia Xia.

He always thought that summer was already in his pocket, so he didn't care, but now he really started to regret it.

But there is no regret medicine in this world. Now that Xia Xia has run away, he has no chance at all.

"Damn, I will never let you go." The chief shouted angrily.

Five or six minutes later.

"Huh? Where's the person?" The Five Elements Ghosts looked at the boss in puzzlement after catching up.

At this time, the grandfather's face was very ugly.

"What about people?" Jin Gui shouted angrily.

"Are you talking to me? Are you worthy of talking to me in such a tone?" The boss was getting angry, and when he heard the golden ghost shouting at him, his anger came straight up. He was holding back a lot today. The anger, first was calculated by Xia Xia, and now even the Five Elements Ghosts dare to scold him, how can he bear it?

He is the grandfather.

"I'm asking where you are!" Jin Gui is not a good person. Since they killed the red-clothed archbishop of the Holy Virtue Hall, they are very arrogant wherever they go, and they rarely take anyone in their eyes, even if they are Ordinary masters of the four cauldrons, they are not afraid at all.

Now that the summer they were chasing so hard is gone, how can he not be angry? He was so angry that he saw the boss pretending to be with him, so he wouldn't be polite.

"What are you t, m, d, just because you are worthy of questioning me?"

"I'm going to Nima, brothers, do it, he." The Golden Ghost shouted, and then the Five Elements Ghost rushed directly to the boss.

The five of them are not good stubborn, they are adhering to a principle, be ruthless, show loyalty, and have many brothers.

They are five brothers, no matter how many people there are on the other side, the five of them go together.

At this time, Xia Xia had already run away, and he chose a safe place to rest. Not long after he sat down, his body fell directly to the ground. He was lucky if he didn't die. He hurriedly took the recovery pill, and then he passed out.

Another place.

"How did you catch up?" Bishop Cao looked at the woman in front of him in You guys don't have a good thing, what about summer? "The woman is none other than Liu Shishi.

"Uh!" After hearing her words, Bishop Cao understood that Xia Xia must have lied to Liu Shishi: "Xia Xia, he is being chased and killed, two masters of the Four Tripods and the Five Elements Ghosts are chasing the two of us. Help him lure this guy away, that boss is going after Xia Xia."

"Baga." At this moment, Gangcun shouted angrily, and at the same time looked at Liu Shishi fiercely. When he saw Liu Shishi, the whole person was stunned: "Flower girl."

"Hua your sister, auntie, he's molesting you, so why don't you beat him? I'll tell you whether it's too big or not, I can't stand it, let me explain first, I'm definitely not picking on it. That kind of person." Bishop Cao said directly, he said that he was not the one who picks things up, but his words made Liu Shishi angry.

Who is Liu Shishi?

The eldest lady of the Liu family in the sixth-tier city, someone dared to tease her: "You men really deserve to die, and you deserve to die even more."

After Liu Shishi finished speaking, the whip in his hand went straight to Gang Village.

The first form of the Great Sun Power,

I am dog, basket, child.

Gangcun shouted loudly, and then rushed directly to the eldest Miss Liu family.

"Uh!" The moment he heard Gangcun call out the name of his stunt, the corner of Bishop Cao's mouth twitched. The name of this stunt is too awesome, b, this move, this name, is too domineering, even he is was directly shocked.

call out!

The whip in Liu Shishi's hand directly bypassed Gang Village's fist and attacked Gang Village's back.

A snake head grew on the head of her whip, biting directly to the back of Gang Village.

The second form of the Great Sun Power,

I am a big, sha, pen.

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