The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1952: shut out


The identities of these ten men in black.

Fools know it.

Although they all changed into black clothes and covered their faces, everyone knew that these ten people were the ten Huo family masters who stood here during the day.

It's just that they changed their clothes when they attacked. In this way, everyone can know that it was made by the Huo family, and no evidence is left. If someone takes the city guards to sue the Huo family, the people from the Huo family will It can be said: our people did not do it, they are obviously people in black.

I have to say, the Huo family's hand is brilliant.

There are ten masters of the four cauldrons, and there is also a master of the four cauldrons and the third order.

This lineup can be said to be very luxurious.

Ten masters of the Four Dings attacked the repair shop at the same time.


The repair shop's facade was instantly destroyed, and at the same time they rushed to the repair shop's backyard.

"It's over, the repair shop will definitely not be able to carry it this time." The people around shook their heads helplessly. They originally thought that the repair shop could continue to fight with the Huo family, but now it seems that the repair shop should not be able to carry it. .

Seeing those ten people have already killed the position in the backyard.


An invisible force directly pushed the ten people back.

"What?" One of the four-tier first-order masters was stunned for a moment. He didn't realize what was going on, and was pushed back.

"Formation!" Huo Jie frowned.

They actually didn't find that there is a formation here, and this formation is not simple at first glance.

"Formation? Look at me directly breaking his formation." After finishing speaking, a master of the four cauldrons and the first-order punched out. These so-called masters are actually very simple to break the formation. They just use brute force to break the formation.

They don't know what the so-called method of breaking the formation is.

They only know how to break through ten meetings with one force.

A master of the first order of the four cauldrons uses all his strength to be 20,000 catties, the power of two cauldrons.

Such a great strength can directly smash a small Siding ordinary formation.


When his punch hit the formation, the power seemed to drop into the sea and dissipated without a trace.

"Huh?" The man was slightly taken aback.

at this time.


"Be careful." Huojie suddenly shouted.

But it was too late.


The man's body was directly knocked out.



A mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth, his sternum was completely broken, and he lay on the ground, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

"Save people." Huojie hurriedly shouted.

The masters of the four cauldrons are the biggest wealth of the Huo family. Every master of the four cauldrons has a high status in the fire family. Although they are the servants of the fire family, once one of them dies, the upper class of the fire family will definitely be angry.

When everyone went up to check, a master of the second tier of the four cauldrons shook his head helplessly: "Young master, there is no help, his heart was directly hit by a force of 20,000 jins."

"How could this be!" Huo Jie shouted angrily.

"Sir, if I guessed correctly, that formation has the power of rebound. The formation just rebounded his power back, so he didn't have any defense in his heart, and when he found out, it was too late, because He's too close to the formation." The second-order master of the four cauldrons explained, and the masters of the four cauldrons and above have some knowledge.

"Huh?" Huo Jie's eyes looked at the formation.


Then he punched.

The other four masters all stepped back.


Huojie's attack was bounced back. Huojie's punch just now didn't use much force, so he could easily resolve this punch.

"You didn't guess wrong, it does have the effect of rebounding attacks." Huo Node nodded.

The people outside were completely speechless at this time. They didn't expect the repair shop to be so perverted, to have such a perverted formation, and as soon as they came up, they killed a master of Siding, and the master of Siding was in their hands. In his eyes, he is aloof, but now the master of the four cauldrons is just dead.

It turned out that the masters of the four cauldrons died just like ordinary people.

"Damn, what kind of formation is this?" Huojie looked at the formation in front of him angrily. Before he came, he was full of confidence. He thought he could easily take down the repair shop this time and take back the spirit stone. , and let the people of Qi Wangcheng know that their Huo family is not easy to mess with.

But he just came to the repair shop when a master of the four cauldrons died, and it was impossible to go back and explain to the family.

"I don't know, Young Master, what should we do?" The four masters of the four cauldrons looked at Huojie and asked.

The Fire Festival is their head and the sustenance in their hearts.

"Breaking it, has already lost one person. If we can't get things done, then we can't explain it when we go back." Huo Jie gritted his teeth and looked firmly at the formation in front of him.

He has no way out.

Now all he has to do is to take this incident and go to the family to plead guilty.

At that time, the family will see that he has done a good job in this matter, and the merits and demerits will definitely be outweighed, and they will not punish him.

"Son, this formation will rebound our attack. If we attack hard, I'm afraid."

"It's too late to ask for an array mage We can only attack by force. The nine of us are all masters of Si Ding or above. As long as we try our best to attack one point, it will be considered a senior in the fourth-level array. Existence, we will definitely be able to break it." Huojie said very seriously.

Hearing his words, everyone nodded silently.

With so many masters of the four cauldrons, if they attacked a single point together, it would be a very terrifying force.

"Everything is ready, this time we will break the formation, otherwise we will not be able to get rid of the relationship after going back." After Huojie finished speaking, he walked directly to the front of the formation.

"Young Master, are we going to use our strength to break it directly, or a stunt?" asked a master of the four cauldrons.

"Using strength, I'm worried that this formation can reflect the stunt back, and then it will be troublesome. You all use spirit beast possession, so the strength will also be increased, and we will attack a point with the greatest strength at the same time, so absolutely Okay." After Huojie finished speaking, his body turned.

Four small cauldrons appeared on his head, and three small cauldrons appeared beside him.

Spiritual beast possession.

This is the ability of experts above Siding.

The spirit beast can be attached to one's own body or to a weapon.

"Are you ready?" Fire Festival asked.

At this time, several people all opened their realm, and the momentum was extraordinary.

"Yeah!" Several people nodded.

"Okay, attack." After Huojie finished speaking, the nine people rushed to the point at the same time.

Nine masters with more than four tripods attacked at the same time, I have to say that such a scene is very spectacular.


When the attack of the nine people hit the formation, there was a sound of explosion.

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