The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1960: 2 requirements

? Rumble!

Everything in the vicinity was swallowed up by the explosive power of the more than 900 formations.

If it explodes, it will stop quickly.

Thirty seconds later, everything returned to calm.

The entire street was blown to the ground except for the backyard of the repair shop.

One minute.

The place is quiet.

Two minutes, five minutes, ten minutes later.

"Captain, things are getting bigger, what should I do?" A captain looked very ugly.

"The injustice has its head, and the debt has its owner. The losses on this street are all paid for by the Huo family. These magicians were invited by the Huo family, and the formations were also arranged by them. Now all the formations have been destroyed here, so naturally I want their Huo family to pay for it." The captain said with a firm look, he didn't expect things to develop to this level.

"But the Huo family lost at least four or five thousand lives just now," said the captain.

"As long as there are still people alive, we have to pay." The captain said.

At this time, the patriarch of the Huo family was sitting on the ground. He felt that the sky was falling. He knew that this time the Huo family was over, and the Huo family had to pay for the loss of this street. The reconstruction of these houses cost a lot, and the shops The ∮∮∮∮ in it is not cheap. All of this now needs their fire family to pay for it.

Moreover, more than 4,000 children of their Huo family have died. These children are the future of the Huo family, and they are all dead now.

Although the elite children are still alive, a family does not only need elite children to become strong. The elite children are the face of the family, and the ordinary children are the pillars of the family.

Everything is ruined.

The happiest people at this time are those families who want to replace the Huo family.

Although some of them were injured just now, they were also very excited.

"Patriarch, what should we do now?" The second elder asked. The Patriarch is the spiritual pillar of the family, and they now need to get the Patriarch's instructions.

"We lost, we lost." The head of the Huo family said unwillingly.

"Patriarch, the hero does not suffer from immediate losses. Let's go to the captain of the city guard and ask him to help, otherwise our Huo family will not be able to survive this incident." The first elder advised that although he was only an elder, he His seniority is the oldest of the Huo family, so the head of the Huo family usually listens to him.

"Well!" The owner of the Huo family understood that they would definitely not be able to run away, so what they had to do now was to find a way to lose one less.

When they came to the commander-in-chief, the commander-in-chief's face was not good-looking at all.

"Captain, this time." The head of the Huo family was interrupted before he could finish.

"Pay it!" said the commander-in-chief.

"Pay, we will definitely pay, but with so much money, how can we pay?" asked the owner of the Huo family.

"I don't care about this. If you don't pay, I can't explain it to the owners of those shops, and I can't explain it to Prince Qi's Mansion." The captain moved out of the name of Prince Qi's Mansion.

As soon as he heard the three words of Prince Qi's mansion, the face of the Huo Family Patriarch turned green.

That is a terrifying existence.

In the past, there were five major families in King Qi City, but one of them wanted to monopolize the market in King Qi City. As a result, they disappeared from the world of King Qi City. No one knew how they disappeared and where they went, but everyone knew that it was King Qi Mansion. made.

"Lord Captain, look at what happened this time." The owner of the Huo Family hurriedly gave the Captain ten storage rings, all of which were low-grade spirit stones.

Add up to one billion low-grade spirit stones.

The commander-in-chief directly put away the ten storage rings, one billion low-grade spirit stones, which everyone likes.

"Come with me, go to the repair shop and have a look." the captain said.

"Many thanks to the captain, our Huo family will never forget the great kindness of the captain in the future." The owner of the Huo family hurriedly said.

Since the commander-in-chief has already collected the money, it is clear that he is going to help them.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Everyone came to the door of the repair shop.

"Brother Xia, can you hear me? I'm the commander-in-chief of the city guard of Qiwangcheng." The commander-in-chief shouted, and he directly called Xia Xia brother, which gave Xia Xia face.

The status of the captain is very high.

"!" The word came out of the formation.

Although there is only one word, it proves that Xia Xia can hear them.

"You must know the current situation. Once such a big thing is in the Qi Palace, I'm afraid." The commander played a mental tactic. I feel the crisis myself.

"I'm just cultivating, I don't know what's going on outside." Xia Xia threw himself away in one sentence.

Hearing Xia Xia's words, the captain also began to admire Xia Xia.

He was able to decipher the captain's mental tactics in one sentence.

"Now that the surrounding area has been destroyed like this, if the Huo family is to pay for it, then the Huo family can't afford to lose all the Then the rest of the shops will definitely be troubled, and then the Qi Wangfu will be in trouble. You will know about this, Brother Xia, what should you do about it?" The captain asked Xia directly what to do.

The meaning in this sentence is as if he will do whatever he wants to do in the summer.

"Don't play with your thoughts with me, I can resolve this matter, but I need Huo Family to promise me two conditions." Xia Xia's voice came from inside.

"Whatever the conditions are, you can do it. As long as it's not too much, they will agree." The captain directly took the lead for the Huo family.

"First, I need Huo Family's elite disciple Huo Fenghuang to kneel in front of my door for three days and three nights to apologize to me. When I came to Qiwangcheng, she smashed half of my face, and now I ask her to apologize, but Why not?" Xia Xia asked, although Xia Xia didn't like to embarrass women, but Fire Phoenix had to teach her a lesson.

If this matter is changed to someone else, then I am afraid that others will only suffer from dumb losses.

She is used to being domineering, so she can ignore others and humiliate anyone she wants to humiliate. That summer, she will have to taste the taste of being humiliated.

"Not too much, not too much." The owner of the Huo family hurriedly said.

He thought that Xia Xia would ask for the spirit stone. What he is most afraid of now is to withdraw money. Hearing Xia Xia's request, he is simply happy to die. This matter is too simple for him, he only needs to give an order. .

"The second request," said the commander-in-chief. He didn't expect Xia's first request to be so simple.

A total of two requests were made in the summer, and now one request has been completed, and there is still one request left.

"My second request is for the Jinwu mouth of the Huojia Jinwu."

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