The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1996: Pseudo. Sun-shooting bow


The stone gate was opened.

Xia Xia's eyes looked inside, and his eyes were on the weapon/weapon in front of him.

bow and arrow.

It's a stone bow and arrow.

"That's the ultimate weapon/weapon you're talking about?" Xia Xia looked at the crossbow in front of him with a weird expression.

There's nothing special about this crossbow.

"That's right, that's it." King Qi walked directly to the crossbow after he finished speaking.

Summer also went there.


King Qi's hand was directly above the stone bow.


At this moment, King Qi snorted coldly, and then his right hand squeezed/strengthened, and the stone outside the crossbow broke directly, and the light exploded/flyed/out directly from the crossbow, and a temporary new bow appeared. Inside the King of Qi.

"Wow!" Xia Xia's eyes were completely attracted by the bow in front of him.

Golden scale phoenix feather!

The front of the bow has golden scales as its head, and the two wings of the bow are phoenix feathers.

There was blue light on the bow head, which was the light of golden scales, which was very dazzling. From a distance, the whole bow head looked like a living blue dragon.

The wind feathers on the bow wings were glowing with a fiery red light, and this fiery red light was like the wings of the fire wind.

This is the legendary dragon head and phoenix tail.

King Qi looked at Xia Xia with a smile on his face, and his face was a little proud. He liked Xia Xia's current expression very much.


And it's shock/shock.

"This. What is this thing?" Xia Tian opened his mouth wide, feeling that the thing in front of him was too terrifying.

"Pseudo. Shooting the sun bow." King Qi said.

He gently touched the divine bow with his hand, and there was a trace of love in his eyes, as if he loved his dead brother.

"What's this?" Xia Xia asked incredulously.

"The legendary archery bow can shoot down the sun in the sky. The bow and arrow in my hand is an imitation. Although it is only an imitation, it is the most powerful weapon I have ever seen." King Qi looked at the fake in his hand. . The Sunshine Bow is very proud.

"It's amazing." Xia Xia can see that this bow and arrow is extraordinary just from the appearance of the bow and arrow.

"Of course, do you like it?" King Qi looked at Xia Xia, then threw the bow and arrow at Xia Xia with a flick of his right hand: "From today, he belongs to you."

Summer took over the fake. Shooting the sun bow, and then his face was full of incredible: "It's mine?"

"That's right, it's yours, I said that if you want to suppress/suppress my old buddies, you must have this thing, and I also promised Xiaofan to find a new owner for it." King Qi vomited for a long time With a sigh, there seems to be a sense of relief, this thing that has suppressed him for more than a thousand years is finally put down.

"This... how embarrassing this is." Xia Xia was really embarrassed. He just took so many good things from King Qi for nothing, and now he wants to take other people's treasures, which is really embarrassing.

Although he admits he has a thick skin.

When he saw the treasure, he wanted it, but King Qi was too generous, so he was really embarrassed.

"There's nothing to be ashamed of, this thing is just a decoration in my hand, I can't use it, even if I become a master of Jiuding one day, I can't pull this bow." King Qi is a very generous person, his attitude An atmosphere like never seen in summer.

If someone else has a treasure of this level, even if he can't use it, he won't give it away.

But King Qi actually gave this thing to Summer.

"Why?" Xia Tian looked at the bow in his hand.

"Because it is the spirit of the king, not the strength, that draws the bow, you can try it." King Qi said looking at Xia Xia.

"Yeah." Xia Xia nodded, then put his hands on the bow and arrow.

His left hand is on the dragon head, and his right hand is on the bowstring.


The first feeling in summer was tightness, but he didn't pull it off with OnePlus/Force.

"Didn't pull it?" Xia Xia frowned, but he didn't pull away a bow and arrow.


Xia Xia snorted coldly, he is a king, a person who defies the sky, and nothing can stop him.

Open to me!

Xia Xian shouted, and then his right hand was pulled back, and an invisible force flowed into his right hand.

King's spirit.

This is the so-called kingly spirit.

The bow and arrow were pulled away instantly.

At the same time, a light arrow appeared on the bow.

This light arrow appeared on its own.

"Don't shoot, or this place will be destroyed." King Qi saw that Xia Xia really pulled the bow, and his face showed joy. He finally fulfilled his brother's dream, but at the same time he was in a hurry. Remind Xia not to fly/go out, otherwise the entire treasure trove will be destroyed, which shows how terrifying the Sun-shooting bow in Xia's hands.

"Oh!" Xia Xia slowly released the bow and arrow.

The light arrow also disappeared directly in the eyes of the bow and arrow.

The moment Xian Xian let go of the bow and arrow, he suddenly felt a sense of dizziness, and he almost fell to the ground.

"So dizzy!" Xia Xia hurriedly stopped his body.

"Forgot to tell you, this bow and arrow consumes the overall strength, how many times the bow and arrow can be used and how strong the bow and arrow can be fired/fired is not based on your strength, but the king's spirit in your body/inside, you It is very normal to feel uncomfortable when you use it for the first time, but remember not to use it continuously at the beginning, because it will consume your whole life after it consumes your King Qi. My brother/brother used to consume I exchanged my life for the strongest blow." King Qi reminded.

He didn't want to end up in the same situation as his younger brother.

"Thank you." Xia Xia was not polite this time. When he picked up this bow and arrow, he completely fell in love with it.

"I want to thank you for finally letting me fulfill my promise to my younger brother. I believe it will flourish in your hands." King Qi looked at Xia Xia and said.

Summer is really a bit embarrassing.

King Qi gave him such a precious gift, and then thanked him.

This is definitely one of the worst things to do in summer.

"King When I have dealt with the matter at hand, I will go and have a good look at this spiritual world with you." Xia Xia also said with a look of anticipation. He used to think about being with his family. life, but now he understands that only strength can protect his relatives and friends.

When he holds a fake. When shooting the sun bow, he really had a feeling of reigning over the world.

He also has that feeling that he can protect all his relatives and friends.

This is strength.

Only true strength can give him a sense of security.

"Don't answer too early, I still have some things to deal with. Now that the Lower Three Realms are in turmoil, I must protect Qi Wangcheng, and you have enough time to think about it." Qi Wang smiled slightly.

"Oh? What turmoil/turmoil?" Xia Xia asked in confusion.

"The Sun Empire/Country near our Qiwangcheng is currently rubbing against various forces on the border, and the war is about to come."


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