The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2010: 5 major forces come

"Haha, you're still an old pervert." Xia Xia laughed when he saw the information on the fourth piece of information.

He understood when he saw the first sentence.

The ten apprentices that this old pervert took were all women.

He continued to look down.

"Pill Emperor is very mysterious. With his superb alchemy technique, he can be said to traverse the lower three realms. His alchemy speed is fast and his techniques are strong. Many major forces have paid a lot of money to dig up walls, but I don't know why, he only chooses water. Moon City."

I also finished reading the last piece of information in the summer.

After reading this piece of information, Xia Xia shook his head helplessly: "It turns out that the most expensive thing these days is information."

Intelligence is definitely a good deal before you buy it. Once you read it, you will feel that it is really nothing.

In the next few days, Xia Xia received many messages inviting him to dinner, all of which were rejected by him one by one. It was the people from the eight major forces who tried to invite him to dinner.

He continued to tinker with weaponry at home.

"Summer, someone is looking outside." Liu Shishi shouted outside the small formation.

"Who." Xia Tian slowly opened his eyes, he knew that ordinary Liu Shishi would not call him.

"It's City Lord Qi." Liu Shishi said.

"Oh, here it is." Xia Tian stood up directly.

Summer went straight to his front yard.

"Why did you come to me in person?" Xia Xia asked puzzled when he saw King Qi sitting there.

King Qi had never left the palace of King Qi.

Even if something happened, normally, he should have sent someone to call Xia Xia, but he actually came by himself.

"I just came out to greet some distinguished guests, so I will show you the world." King Qi said.

"Your honored guest? Didn't all the people from the eight major forces come?" Xia Xia asked in confusion.

"Cut, what kind of a distinguished guest is that?" King Qi obviously didn't care much about the so-called eight major forces, and he didn't even pay much attention to the eight major forces.

"Oh? Then who is more terrifying than the eight major forces?" Xia Xia looked at King Qi with a puzzled expression.

In his impression, the eight major forces are already powerful enough.

Although he has not been to other strengths, he has been to Giant Bull City. In Giant Bull City, the geniuses are the fourth-order, fourth- and fifth-order strengths, and those with high strength are also the fourth-order, eighth-order, and ninth-order. The strength of the city guards is innumerable, and there are many small forces under them.

It can be said that each of the eight major forces is extremely terrifying.

"The only people I can really admire are those of the Five Emperors in the Lower Three Realms." King Qi said slowly.

Five emperors!

Emperor Yandan, Izanagi, Emperor Xiang Yu, Emperor Ying, Qin Shi Huang and King Yu.

"Is there anyone in the Lower Three Realms with the power of the Five Emperors?" Xia Xia asked inexplicably. Although he had seen people from Jiudingmen in the Great Wilderness before, he had never known the specific situation.

"Of course there is, and only those five families can connect to the lower three realms to the middle three realms, because five of them have super teleportation arrays, but even the five of them can't use that teleportation array casually." King Qi explained.

"Does that mean that if we want to go to the Middle Three Realms one day, we have to sit in their teleportation formation?" Xia Xia asked again.

"Haha." King Qi was amused by Xia Xia: "You think too simply, the teleportation formation of their five families is not something you can sit on if you want, at least I haven't heard of outsiders riding in their five families. teleportation array."

"If it's not used by outsiders, wouldn't the people from the lower three realms never be able to go to the middle three realms?" Xia Xia asked very puzzled.

"Normally this is true, and that's why my ten elders choose to conquer the world. First of all, they think that their cultivation is about to reach the limit. Even if they reach the limit, they will not be able to leave the Lower Three Realms. The same is waiting for death, so they want to do something meaningful; secondly, they are lucky, they think that as long as they can reproduce the world as their own, then they are qualified to negotiate with the forces of the Five Emperors in the Lower Three Realms That's it." King Qi explained patiently.

"Will the power of the five emperors be coerced?" Xia Xia didn't believe that the power under the dignified five emperors would be coerced.

"Of course not. Back then, I knew that there were Liuding masters in their five superpowers. Liuding is already the limit of the Lower Three Realms. Even if Qiding masters came, they could only play Liuding in the Lower Three Realms. The strength of the first order, because the strongest force allowed by the lower three worlds is the first order of Liuding, this is the rule, just like you ascended from the earth, your strength has reached the limit of the earth, so you will soar; the difference is that The lower three worlds cannot soar, and it is even more difficult to cultivate to the six-cauldron realm." King Qi knew a lot.

He naturally knows how strong the five superpowers are.

"Rules." Xia Tian nodded silently.

"That's right, it's the rules. The people in the entire human world who are not comfortable with the rules should only be experts at the level of the Five Emperors. Only when they come to the Lower Three Realms will they not feel any comfort. The rest of the people don't care who comes. At most, it can only exert the power of the first-order six cauldrons." King Qi guessed.

After all, he had met King Yu thousands of years ago.

"Well." Xia Xia suddenly had a motivation, that is, to quickly cultivate to the realm of Liuding, and then create a comfort zone in the Lower Three Realms, so that his relatives and friends will never be bullied.

"Okay, it's almost time, the five superpowers should come together, let's go to the teleportation said King Qi.

"Teleportation array? Isn't our teleportation array outside Qiwangcheng still open?" Xia Xia asked in confusion.

"All cities above the fourth level in the world have teleportation formations leading to the five superpowers. The place where the five superpowers are located is called Haihejie, where there is a super teleportation formation that can lead to all the cities above the fourth level in the lower three realms. "The King of Qi explained.

"Damn, how much does it cost." Xia Xia couldn't imagine how much it would cost to build so many large teleportation arrays.

"For laymen, the establishment of a teleportation array requires a lot of money, but they are experts. They have the secret method of making a teleportation array. For them, it is not difficult to create a teleportation array. For example, in the eyes of outsiders, repairing weapons and equipment is a very mysterious thing, and it is a matter of making a lot of money, but in your eyes? It costs a lot to build, but in the eyes of others, building a teleportation array is very simple." King Qi explained.

"City Lord Xia! It's not good, there is a fight in the teleportation array." The captain's face changed greatly.


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