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Chapter 2019: fooled in summer

"Thirty billion once!" Qi Lao shouted on the stage.

"What?" Xia Xia heard that Liu Shishi had an accident, and his face changed suddenly. Two days ago, Liu Shishi had to take things alone to help him return to the Great Wilderness. At that time, he was worried about Liu Shishi's safety, but Liu Shishi's attitude was firm.

He had no choice but to let Liu Shishi go. After all, Liu Shishi was a master of the fourth tier, and she also gave her a lot of good things in the summer, so she should be fine.

Xia Tian could usually keep calm, but at this moment he was a little panicked. He was not worried about those treasures and spiritual stones. He could get them again when those things were gone, but if something happened to Liu Shishi, he would have no time to regret it.

Liu Shishi has helped him so much, and if something goes wrong because of him, he will probably never forgive himself for the rest of his life.

"Thirty billion twice." Qi Lao shouted again, and everyone in the audience was very excited, as if they bought the Water Moon Fork.

"I just got the news that the eldest sister was besieged and killed on the road. The brothers have already gone to rescue her, but I heard that the eldest sister was injured." The Chengjun said in a low voice.

Almost most of the city guards know that Liu Shishi is the spokesperson of Xia Xia, so the city guards call her eldest sister.

At first, someone called Liu Shishi his wife, and then that person was severely reprimanded by Liu Shishi, and the commander-in-chief also drove that person out of the city guard team, so no one dared to yell again since then, and they were all unified. Call Liu Shishi the eldest sister.

"Thirty billion three times! Deal!" Qi Lao directly rang the bell in front of him.

It's done!

The first auction item was sold like this, and it also sold for 30 billion yuan, which immediately made all the people on the scene excited.

It's just that Xia Xia's face was very ugly at this time, and he stood up directly: "I'll go out first."

"I'll go with you." King Qi said.

"No, you need to sit here, otherwise it will be troublesome if something goes wrong, I can do it myself, don't forget that I have that weapon." Xia Xia said.

"Well, be careful yourself." King Qi nodded.

There are fakes. The archery of the sun is here, and no one can really do anything about summer.

After Xia Xia finished speaking, he went straight out of the Qi Wang Mansion.

"Where are you, your speed is too slow, I'll go first." Xia Xia said.

"I heard that it is now in Qinghu City." The subordinate said.

"Okay." Xia Xia said that the whole person disappeared directly in place. His speed was very fast, and he did not dare to delay in the slightest, although the city guards had already gone to support.

But the people who can hurt Liu Shishi are definitely not ordinary people.

So he had to hurry up.

When Xia Xia left, the man slowly raised his head, the corner of his mouth raised slightly, and then rushed forward, his speed was several times faster than before.

The so-called concern is chaos.

Xia Xia was thinking about who attacked Liu Shishi, and he was also thinking about what method he needed to use to defeat the opponent.

If it happened to someone else at this time, Xia Xia would definitely find the clue, because he was calm at that time.

But now that this happened to Liu Shishi, he couldn't calm down.

"Don't make an accident." Xia Xia said anxiously.

Qiwangcheng also has a teleportation array now, although there are not many, and it takes a lot of money to use it, but Xia Tian doesn't care about the money at all.

What's more, he is the deputy city lord, who would dare to ask him for money.


"Open the teleportation array." Xia Xia shouted.

When the people guarding the teleportation array saw that it was summer, their deputy city lord hurriedly opened the teleportation array.


Xia Xia was directly passed out of Qiwangcheng. After the news of Qiwangcheng, he continued to run forward. It was not that he did not want to continue to ride the teleportation array, but that there was no teleportation array here, so he could only continue to run.


His speed was very fast, so he ran for half a day and saw the teleportation array again, and then he continued to ride the teleportation array.

until night.

Only arrived in Qinghu City in the summer.

Qinghu City is only a third-level city, and cities like the Lower Three Realms are everywhere.

"Come and see, there is a fight outside the city."

"I heard that there have been fights for two days and two nights, and a lot of people have died."

"Let's go take a look, maybe we can find some treasures."

After those few people finished speaking, they all ran out of the city.

"Outside the city." Xia Xia's eyes narrowed.


Then his body disappeared in place.

When his figure disappeared, all the people who were talking just now had smiles on their faces, and then ran out of the city.

Xia Xia's speed was very fast. On the way, he never rested because he was afraid of delaying the rescue time.

When he ran outside the city, he saw two groups of people fighting there, one of them was wearing the clothes of the city guards, but he did not see any trace of Liu Shishi.

"I'm Xia, where's eldest sister?" Xia shouted loudly.

"City Lord Xia, the eldest sister ran away, but a master chased after him." A man in the clothes of the city guard shouted loudly.


Xia Xia rushed directly to those enemies on the opposite side.


Xia Xia directly punched out, and at this moment, three or four people attacked Xia Xia at the same time.

"No, it's a master." Xia Xia's first feeling was that the other party was a master.

So he hurriedly started to back away.

But at this moment, a sense of crisis came from behind him.



This move is rarely used in the summer, because the master of Erding or above can capture a strong dynamic feeling, but this move can definitely avoid the attack of ordinary people within one meter.

Xia Xia directly escaped the opponent's attack. At this time, he also saw who was attacking him behind him. It was the person wearing the clothes of the city guard.

Even if he was in a hurry, he understood.

I fell for I didn't expect that, I actually fell into your trap. Xia Xia glanced at those people one by one.

It was only at this time that he realized that it was all too coincidental. He didn't know where the people were, but there were people talking in the teleportation array, and this link was simply too fake. He was just too worried about Liu Shishi. , so it will be fooled.

The clairvoyant opened instantly.

Although those people were almost all covered with veils, and the city guards were not familiar to him, his perspective eyes instantly penetrated the veils of those people.

"Don't hide it, I didn't expect it to be you." Xia Xia's eyes turned cold, and he finally saw the other person's appearance. He was still an old acquaintance.


ps: Brothers, today is the ninth update. Tomorrow will be a small year. I wish everyone a happy new year in advance, Gong Xi Fa Cai, the students who go to school are successful in their studies, the part-time jobs are on the rise, and the business is full of money.


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