The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2031: Calculate Tier 5 Cities

When all the city lords of the fifth-tier cities were meeting together, Xia Xia had quietly sneaked into a fifth-tier city, and he planned to make a big vote this time.

He wants to rob a fifth-tier city.

Although he has robbed two or three hundred fourth-tier cities.

But the fourth-tier cities are completely different from the fifth-tier cities, and there are many Siding masters in the fifth-tier cities.

Moreover, the treasury here is more tightly defended, and various formations and institutions emerge in an endless stream.

It can be said that when he steals a third-level city, it is not called stealing, but can only be called taking. He goes in and takes it. The other party has no defense, and all cities are the same.

Those people were not defensive at all.

He can easily take it away.

After going to the treasure house of the fourth-tier city, it will be more troublesome, because there are usually guards here, and there are thousands of guards patrolling and guarding outside. As long as they are alerted, they will be surrounded soon in summer.

So be very careful when stealing tier 4 cities in summer.

But this time he was going to steal from a Tier 5 city.

Tier 5 cities are not at the same level as Tier 4 cities.

Not to mention anything else in the fifth-tier city, there are countless experts there. Once Xia Xia is discovered, he may not even have a chance to escape, and there are many secret mechanisms in those treasure houses.

Those organ formations are completely different from those in the fourth-tier cities.

"You have to prepare well this time." Xia Xia was the first time to attack a fifth-tier city. He had to be fully prepared. Once he succeeded, he would run immediately.

There can be no hesitation in the slightest, once the other party reacts, it will be too late.

He has to check all the environment, routes, etc.

On the first night, Xia Xia didn't do anything, and quietly sneaked into those big families and the city lord's mansion, just wandering around, and didn't mean to start.

The next night, he went for a walk again, this time he heard news that the city lord was not in the city and went out to attend some meeting.

"You don't have to guess, it must be the meeting against me. It seems that my luck is really good. They must be meeting now, and they don't have time to call their own city defense, so now is the best time for me to do it. Once I wait for them to come back, I am afraid I will strengthen the guard in my own city, and maybe even set up an ambush in those fourth-tier cities to wait for me to pass by. Unfortunately, I have already seen through their minds. Those fourth-tier cities are temporarily I am not. I don't plan to go either, I'll take this fifth-tier city tomorrow." Xia Xia was very excited.

He is finally going to start with the fifth-tier cities.

After these two days of investigation, he had already firmly memorized the topography in these two cities.

On the third day, Xia Xia was finally ready to start. He started with those big families, because the guards of these big families are not very strict, and they rely too much on the formation, they have arranged hundreds of large and small in the treasure house. A formation, they thought that no one would be able to break in.

These formations are indeed a big problem for others, but for Xia, breaking these formations is a piece of cake.

puff! puff!

One formation after another was broken by the summer.

There are only four big families in this fifth-tier city, and this first big family did not disappoint him, with 80 billion low-grade spirit stones and materials and various weapons and equipment worth about 30 billion.

"It's so cool, it's so cool, it's still cool to rob these big forces, I robbed so many small forces just to make my stealing skills more proficient, and the location and environment of the treasure house of the entire Sun Empire are almost exactly the same. It's just a matter of size." After so many summaries in the summer, he finally understood.

In fact, this is all influenced by the legend of the Sun Empire.

Legend has it that in the ancient times of Zhongshan, the ancestors of the Sun Empire built the treasure house in this place in the courtyard, and there are many sayings about the treasure house, the buildings inside, etc., so the buildings are said to have the effect of gathering money.

In the end, they gathered money, but they were all taken away by Xia Xia.

After scavenging the wealth of the four major families, the spirit stones on Xia Xia's body added up to 2.35 trillion low-grade spirit stones, and those materials were probably worth 145 million to 50 million.

"In the end, it's the City Lord's Mansion." Xia Xia said excitedly with a slightly raised corner of his mouth.

The four big families already have so much money, so how could the City Lord's Mansion let him down? In fact, the business wealth of those big families adds up, but their business is too scattered, and they can't rob one family in the summer. Well, and they only have one hour of rest a day, the time is too tight, there is not so much time to wait in summer, so he can only give up.

Choose to rob the money hidden in their house.

The City Lord's Mansion is different from them. The City Lord's Mansion cannot do business, so the wealth in the City Lord's Mansion is all their money.

The reason why the City Lord's Mansion is rich is that they think that they collect a lot of taxes every year.

Therefore, there should be a lot of money in the City Lord's Mansion in a fifth-tier city.

Xia Xia avoided the guards of the City Lord's Mansion and started digging a hole. He already knew the location of the treasure house and explored the location of the formation there, so he just had to be careful not to touch the formation directly.

puff! puff!

In the summer, the formations were broken one after another. Although there were more than 200 formations in the entire treasury, the strongest one was the fourth-level formation, and most of the others were third-tier formations and several second-tier formations. Law.

This does not have any difficulty for summer, and it is very easy to crack all.

The whole cracking and digging took him two full hours. Just when he was about to dig the pain, he sensed that someone was talking inside, and it was two people talking.

The first time he heard the conversation between the two, he completely hid his breath, just to be on the safe side.

In fact, even if he doesn't hide it, it's fine.

Although the masters of Siding or above can lock the soul to explore the breath, but their ability is not endless, so they naturally will not use this ability on the wall casually.

The content of the conversation between the two was actually a woman.

And the content is all very **** and slutty.

Xia Xia was not in a hurry to go out, because he knew that after he went out, he would definitely be discovered by the enemy, and those who could guard here would definitely not be too weak.

"After I go out, I must kill with one blow, otherwise once they send a signal, I will be surrounded and killed here."


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