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Chapter 2067: Terrible King Qi

Xia Xia didn't answer, and the speed in his hands was even faster.

"Boss, let's follow along." Bishop Cao glanced at King Qi and said.

"Let's go, shall we just go in like this?" King Qi couldn't calm down anymore. He had thought about many possibilities before, but he just never thought that such a situation would happen.

It's actually digging a hole in the summer.

"Third, are you a gopher beast reincarnated? No, even a gopher beast can't dig holes as fast as you." King Qi's face was full of incredulity.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, King Qi would never believe it was true.

In less than ten minutes, the tunnel is already very spacious, and they have almost walked out of the kilometer.

This is thousands of meters from the ground.

The demeanor of King Qi and the temperament of King Qi are all gone at this moment.

He could only stand alone in the hole and mess around, and he even tried it himself.

As a result, the stone wall was very hard and could not be opened at all. Even relying on his strength to cut the stone wall abruptly was very difficult, and the speed was dozens of times slower than Xia Tian's.

"How did he do it?" Even if King Qi was in the world back then, he had never seen such a terrifying phenomenon.

"Brother, look at the golden sword in his hand," said Bishop Cao.

puff! puff!

The thick stone wall was like tofu, and was easily cut by a golden knife.

"What kind of weapon is that?" King Qi asked inexplicably. He found that he couldn't sense any aura from the weapon, not even a trace of the soul of the weapon.

In other words, the weapon in Xia Xia's hand is not only a treasure, but also a spiritual weapon.

But it is such a weapon that cutting these stone walls is as simple as cutting tofu.

"I don't know. He doesn't use it often, and he doesn't seem to have any other special abilities. The only attribute should be invincibility." Bishop Cao explained.

"Such a domineering weapon can't even be regarded as a spiritual weapon. It's too scary." King Qi is someone who has seen the world, but today he has seen too much incredible from Xia Xia's body. beyond his comprehension.

Whether it is a means of summer, or a weapon of summer.

"I finally understand what he meant when he said he was going to steal the entire Sun Empire." King Qi now fully understands that he didn't know how Xia Xia was going to steal it.

As a result, seeing Xia Xia's actions now, he was certain that the entire Sun Empire might indeed be unable to stop Xia Xia.

"Brother, stop talking, when we arrive at the treasure house of the other party, you two have to shoot quickly, no matter how many people there are, you will kill them directly, otherwise once the other party finds out, it will be troublesome." Xia Xia reminded.

At this point they are almost close to the treasure house.


Summer starts to break fast.

"Not only is he digging fast, but he is also a master of formation. Who else can stop him?" King Qi said helplessly, he really admired his third brother.

Ten minutes later, all the formations in this treasure house were quietly broken by Xia Xia, and Xia Xia also arranged a soundproof formation.

Then Xia Xia whispered: "Big brother, second brother, the three of us will shoot together in a while."

The two nodded at the same time.


Xia Xia cut the last stone wall in front of him with a knife.

"Fuck!" When Xia Xia saw the people in the treasure house, he was shocked: "I'm sorry, you guys continue, I went to the wrong place."

There are at least a hundred people in the treasure house at this time, and these people are sleeping there at this time.

They all stood up when they heard the noise.

It turned out that after the city lord of this fifth-tier city heard that there were spies coming in, he directly sent a large number of experts to guard the treasure house.

The treasure house at this time is different from before.

Because the wealth of the entire city has been collected here at this time, it is used to buy more materials, and the wealth brought back from the front line is also collected in the fifth-tier cities.

The advantage of this is unified management and unified distribution. As long as the war needs it, it can be distributed to the front line as soon as possible.

And even if the front line is defeated, they are not afraid, because they have already obtained the benefits.

If they don't bring the supplies back, they will not know if they should withdraw if they are hit hard. If they withdraw, it will be in vain. But now that the supplies have been brought back, they can continue to fight if it is good for them. withdraw.

"You are the gang that stole so many cities in our Sun Empire, right? I didn't expect that there are only three of you." The leader looked at the three of them in the summer with cold eyes.

"No, you have recognized the wrong person. We are here to visit. Since you are all resting, don't bother, you continue, we will go first." Xia Xia said embarrassedly.

"It's not that you come here and leave when you say it." After the man named the leader waved his hand, hundreds of masters rushed directly to them.

"Big brother, second brother, don't let them sound the alarm." Xia Xia hurriedly shouted.


As soon as Xia Xia's voice fell, he seemed to feel a gust of wind blowing past him.

The leader's hand was less than ten centimeters away from the alarm, but he stopped just like that.

"Uh!" The man looked at his chest suspiciously.


Donate blood!

The entire treasure house was sprayed with blood donations, and the bodies of the hundreds of masters fell directly to the ground.

Xia Xia and Bishop Cao froze in place.

a long time.

"Brother, you are..." Xia Xia was very speechless.

"Didn't you say solve it quickly?" King Qi said very casually.

"Yes, I mean, but you are too fast." Xia Xia's expression was dull.

"Is it fast? It's been a long time since I didn't do The action is a bit rusty." King Qi was a little dissatisfied with his shot.

"Quick!" Xia Xia and Bishop Cao nodded at the same time.

"These little fish and shrimp, the strongest are only the fourth and sixth rank. If I kill them all with great effort, then I will not be King Qi." King Qi said very arrogantly, he is King Qi, a living legend , If the characters who swept the Lower Three Realms a thousand years ago couldn't even deal with a group of Si Ding boys, wouldn't it be a great loss of face.

"Brother, my admiration for you is like a surging river, it's out of control." Xia Xia's eyes are about to become stars, and he looks at King Qi with great admiration.

"Cough cough!" Qi Wang was a little embarrassed by Xia Xia's view: "Are we going to start stealing?"

"Brother, now we're not called stealing anymore, it's called taking." Xia Xia said directly.

"Big brother and third brother, you two, come and have a look." Bishop Cao, who was hanging out at the side, shouted loudly.


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