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Chapter 2092: The status of Qi Wangcheng

When they heard this voice, everyone looked at the door.

There was a man and a woman standing there.

The man is King Qi, and the woman is Jiujiang.

"King Qi, do you want to fight against me too?" Doctor Zuo looked at King Qi coldly.

Hearing his name for King Qi, other people from several major forces looked at King Qi. This was the first time they saw King Qi, so they wanted to take a good look.

Only Mr. Qi of the Invincible City lowered his head and did not look at King Qi.

"You grabbed my brother's neck and asked me if I was going to fight against you, don't you think you are a little too domineering?" King Qi said very rudely.

"Hmph, if he dares to provoke me one after another, then he must die." Dr. Zuo snorted heavily.

"Okay, then you do it, I want to see how you, the master of Liuding, left my Qiwangcheng alive." Qiwang made a gesture of invitation.

Looking at King Qi's actions, Doctor Zuo was stunned.

"I'm going to Nima." Just when he was stunned, the Ruyi gold hoop in Xia Xia's right hand directly hit Doctor Zuo's waist.

After all, Dr. Zuo is a master of Liuding. Although Xia Xia was a sneak attack, he still reacted to it.

His left hand hurried to block Xia's sneak attack.


With the sound of broken bones, Doctor Zuo felt pain in his left hand, and his right hand released Xia Xia's neck and ducked to the side.

It has to be said that Liuding masters are indeed powerful.

If this were a master of Si Ding, he would have been smashed into flesh by the Ruyi golden hoop stick in Xia Xia's hand.


Dr. Zuo was actually injured.

At this time, all those people on the scene looked at Xia Xia with incredible expressions on their faces.

He actually wounded Dr. Zuo.

This is too scary.

Zuodafu is a master of Liuding, a legend in the legend, the strongest battle in the lower three worlds, the top of the top of the pyramid, but Xia Xia actually injured him.


Dr. Zuo broke off his left hand with force, and he directly connected the broken bone.

At this time, he also looked at Xia Xia with a strange look on his face.

"Aren't you a genius? Aren't you a master of Liuding? Come on, compare your strength with me, and see who is stronger." Xia Xia shouted directly.

He rubbed his bruised neck.

"Doctor Zuo, I don't care what your purpose is for you to come here today, but you have already taken action against my brother, so from now on you will never have any friendship with our Qiwangcheng, we do not welcome you in Qiwangcheng, you can leave now. That's it." King Qi said coldly.

He and Xia Xia are sworn brothers, and he does not allow anyone to bully Xia Xia.

"King Qi, what do you mean by that?" Doctor Zuo asked in a cold tone.

"Is there something wrong with your ears? My elder brother told you to get out." Xia Xia scolded directly.

"Okay, you wait for me." After saying that, Doctor Zuo took his people and left.

He wanted a king to come today, and then forcefully forced the people here to agree to the return of the Sun Empire. As a result, not only did things fail, but his face was also lost, and his people were also killed by Xia Xia.

However, after today, all the forces in the entire Lower Three Realms secretly made a decision: never offend Qi Wangcheng.

Qiwangcheng is a place where even Liuding masters can not give face, and even Liuding masters dare to threaten the city. They believe that the reason why Dr. Zuo left is because of that sentence: I guarantee that you cannot leave Qiwangcheng alive.

In their minds, Qiwangcheng is a place that is invincible in military, invincible in business, powerful enough to kill Liuding masters, strong and reasonable.

Here, you can be reasonable.

But you can't come here to pretend b, you can't come to be hard.

Because even if the Liu Ding master Zuo Da Fu came over to pretend to be a B, the end would be miserable.

Not only did he lose face, but one of his subordinates died, and even he himself was injured by Xia Xia.

If it was said that they only regarded Qiwangcheng as a legend in the past, then they regarded Qiwangcheng as an outdated legend in the later war. At that time, they all thought that Qiwangcheng was not as powerful as the legend.

But now they only see the stronger side of Qi Wangcheng.

Now the real famous people in Qiwangcheng are these three dragons!

The first dragon, King Qi, he is the symbol, the real pillar of King Qi City, and his strength is strong;

The second dragon, Bishop Cao, he is the brain. All the diplomatic and internal affairs of Qiwangcheng are carried out by him. It can be said that he is the real lifeblood of Qiwangcheng. Without him, at least the development speed of Qiwangcheng will be faster. Twenty to fifty years later.

The third dragon, Xia Xia, is the trump card of Qi Wangcheng. Everything depends on him. Only by truly deterring others can Qi Wangcheng develop steadily, and this deterrence is that Xia Tian is scaring those people everywhere.

At the beginning, when Qiwangcheng had nothing, Xia Tian used his mouth to scare people. Now that Qiwangcheng has really developed, Xia Xia exposed a little of Qiwangcheng's strength to scare the people there.

And the wealth of Qiwangcheng was brought back by him, and he also blew up the Sun Empire.

It can be said that when the three dragons are united together, they are invincible in the world.

"Everyone, I have prepared a banquet for everyone today, everyone can relax." Bishop Cao broke the silence of the scene.

Xia Xia and King Qi left directly after bowing their hands to those present.

The two of them didn't like this kind of entertainment, so they directly pushed the entertainment to Bishop Cao, while the two of them went leisurely.

in the death zone.

"His Royal There is no danger when we cross the canyon in front of us, and in front of us is the territory of the Human World." A master of the fourth and eighth tiers said respectfully.

"Well, let me tell you, everyone is not allowed to show the black cloud, and use the power to turn me into a small cauldron." Greedy Wolf said loudly.

"Yes, Your Highness," said the master of the fourth and eighth tiers.

"Human Realm, Human Realm, I'm finally here. Although it's only the lower three realms of the lowest level in the Human Realm, I have to take a good look at it. I just don't know how Xia Xia is doing now. It should be Generally speaking, it is best not to be touched by me directly, otherwise I will directly step on him and let him, the frog at the bottom of the well, know what a real master is and what is a real great luck." Excited look.

On the earth, their eyes are narrow. After coming to the demon world, he knew what a real master is, and because of his great luck, he did not have any obstacles in his cultivation all the way. Lord Wang Bao's personal inheritance.

"Summer, don't die."


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