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Chapter 2095: Kylin Cave Big Bang

"Thanks to the three city masters for their kindness." Monkey Sailei knelt down again.

"Get up, get up, you, how do you say hello." Xia Xia shook his head helplessly, and he pulled Monkey Sailei up abruptly.

Monkey Sailei is a master though.

But his days were not easy.

In the Lower Three Realms, masters have their own temperaments. His personality is too straight, he doesn't know how to follow the trend, and he doesn't like the infighting in those big families, nor does he like to deliberately please the children of those families.

So he was pushed away not long after he found the big family as his attachment.

It is precisely because of this that he has always been a loose cultivator.

The days of loose cultivators are very hard, not all loose cultivators are as lucky as summer, and there is no shortage of spiritual stones and elixir for cultivation.

The spirit stones used in normal scattered practice are not enough, let alone medicinal pills, and many even sell their weapons for many years for medicinal pills and spirit stones.

It is precisely because of this that ordinary loose cultivators only hold low-grade treasures, no matter how high their cultivation base is.

But after he came to Qiwangcheng, Xia Xia treated him like a guest. Not only was he polite to him, but he also lacked everything. The most important thing was that Xia Xia was definitely not afraid of his strength.

Because he knows the deeds of summer.

Take this recent event for example.

In the summer, even Liuding masters dare to scold and fight, can he be stronger than Liuding masters?

This shows that Xia Xia is deliberately giving him face.

"Three City Lords, when do you want it?" Monkey Sailei asked.

"I guess it's almost time. I plan to go out for a walk in a few days. My current state has stopped." Xia Xia has been stuck in the first-order of the four tripods for a long time.

Now unless he uses the spirit stone to forcibly break through, it will be difficult for him to improve. However, if he uses the spirit stone to break through, the consumption is very large. Although he is very rich, he is reluctant to give up. After all, the development of Qiwangcheng and Giant Bull City are both money is needed.

Recently, he sent back the sky-breaking equipment and those high-level weapons to Tianling City, so that even if a large number of Siding masters attacked Tianling City, Lingcheng would still be defended that day.

So he plans to reach out to people outside to find opportunities for breakthroughs.

"Okay, I'll go back now and prepare to go," said Hou Sailei.

"Stop, you better rest for two days, your arm is just right, don't hurt it again." Xia Xia reminded.

"Don't worry, Three City Lords, life lies in tossing." After Hou Sailei finished speaking, he ran away, which shows how anxious he was to bring more Hou Sailei to Xia Xia.

Summer can only helplessly shook his head.

In the Qiwang City just now.

"What a loud explosion!" King Qi frowned.

"You are a dignified city lord. If you don't know this trivial matter, let you do it yourself." Jiu Jiang said very dissatisfied.

"Although everything in King Qi's City is now handled by the second child, he can't be allowed to work so hard alone, let's go and see." King Qi disappeared directly in place after speaking.

Jiujiang is also close behind.

The two ran for a while and then met Xia Xia, who was walking back.

"Third, you made the explosion just now!" King Qi understood the moment he saw Xia Xia, Xia Xia must be doing something abnormal again.

He's used to it. Summer itself is a pervert, so it's normal to do anything perverted in summer.

"Well, I'm researching something with the old monkey." When Xia Xia said this, his eyes shifted to Jiujiang: "Brother, you said that you weren't going on a date, I've only been out for a while, so you'll be with Jiujiang. She's been hanging out with her, no wonder I've been hearing from my subordinates that you're not in Prince Qi's mansion very much."

"Don't listen to their nonsense." King Qi hurriedly explained.

"Brother Qi Wang just accompanies me to visit Qi Wang City. It's not like you, so busy." Jiu Jiang said very rudely.

When he said this, he broke King Qi's explanation.

"Brother, you never lied to me before, but now it looks like there's a ghost." Xia Xia looked at King Qi and said with a smile.

"Don't talk nonsense, Jiujiang only came to our Qiwangcheng, how can I do the friendship of the landlord." Qiwang quickly explained.

"Oh, so that's the case." Xia Xia made a very exaggerated expression: "Then go ahead."

After Xia Xia finished speaking, he turned around and left. King Qi was completely speechless at this time. He knew that he would definitely not be able to explain it to Xia Xia when he went back.

This time, he had to be blamed to death by Xia Xia.

"Why can the subordinates of Human World be so rude to the people above? You are the city lord, he is the deputy city lord, so why does it seem like you are afraid of him?" Jiu Jiang asked very puzzled.

In the demon world, the division of power is very strict, and the people below must not disobey those above.

"This is different from the devil world. The devil world is ruled by killing, and the human world is governed by benevolence and righteousness. What's more, I have never regarded him as my subordinate. In my eyes, he is my brother and my third brother." King Qi was very said seriously.

"Oh." Jiujiang nodded, seeming to understand.

After returning in the summer, I began to carefully organize my current strength.

It can be said that he now has an absolute trump card.

The two strongest killer moves.

pseudo. Sun-shooting bow and wishful golden hoop.

These two weapons are his biggest life-saving cards. With these two things, even if he faces a master who is several steps higher than himself, he can completely defeat him.

The second advantage is that when he is refining alchemy and refining tools, his soul realm is constantly improving.

He has refined medicine pills that others can't finish in a lifetime. During that time in the summer, his soul was developing rapidly, and now his soul realm is enough to instantly kill a completely defenseless master of the 4th tier and 7th order.

And the soul of the fourth tier and the ninth-order attacked him, and he could easily block it.


Buddha's Palm.

Dragon catcher.

The power of lightning.

A sharp finger.

Golden Xiaoding.

The profound meaning of the Eight Tori.

Wait, these are Xia Xia's strongest abilities right now. Of course, Tian Han Jian has not recovered yet, and Xiao Snake also went to Tongtian Tower. I am afraid that Xia Xia will not be able to see him in this life.


Although Xia Xian's Manyun Immortal Step is powerful, but at most, the Manyun Immortal Step can be faster than a person who is a few steps higher than himself, and it is impossible to challenge him to leapfrog with the same strength.

So the most worrying thing in summer is footwork.

He retreated this time to carefully study the Manyun Immortal Step.

Just one month after his retreat.

"The third, come out quickly, something big happened, there was a big explosion in Qilin Cave." King Qi shouted outside the formation.


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