The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2097: Powerful Demon Master

in the demon world.

That is to respect the strong, whoever is stronger and whose fist is bigger, whoever has the final say.

Therefore, people in the Demon World are fighting each other almost all the time.

They only have power and interests in their eyes.

Even because of a low-grade spirit stone, they can have a great fight.

The Demon World never lacks people.

Because in the demon world, a woman will have at least a hundred children left, and no one in the demon world can kill a woman, otherwise even the master of the demon world will be angry.

In the Demon World, the most powerful crime is killing a woman.

Although the status of women in the demon world is not very high, at least everyone dares to kill, and every woman in the demon world has a name recorded on the record. If one suddenly disappears, then there will be countless experts to track down this. thing.

Therefore, the population of the Demon World can be said to be countless.

In the Demon World, if a woman gives birth to a girl, she will be rewarded.

The purpose of the demon world is that strength is obtained by fighting.

Only on the brink of death can you gain more strength.

At this time, the top masters of these people around Greedy Wolf, although some of them were injured and returned, there are still thousands of masters left, and all of the masters above, and even those around Greedy Wolf are even more mysterious.

"Finally came to the human world." A flash of light flashed in Greedy Wolf's eyes.

After passing through the last forest, Greedy Wolf and the others came to the real human world.


Greedy Wolf took a deep breath of the air of the human world.

"There is no **** smell, it seems that this place is indeed a comfort zone." Greedy Wolf said slowly.


A master of the fourth cauldron and the seventh rank knelt on the ground respectfully: "Report to Your Majesty Greedy Wolf, there is a group of people in front of them, and the strength is between the fourth cauldron and the fifth rank to the fourth cauldron and the ninth rank."

"Go, go and have a look." Greedy Wolf waved his hand.

Then the mighty crowd walked directly to the front.

The recent Ju Niu City law enforcement elder was extremely unlucky. At first, he was afraid of death, so he left his family and escaped Ju Niu City with only a group of the strongest people.

As a result, not long after they escaped, some of their subordinates escaped.

In the end, only a dozen of his most loyal subordinates remained.

They didn't dare to take the avenue along the way, because there were his bounty orders everywhere, he could only pray that he would get out of the giant bull city quickly, at this time he was finally going out.


"Elder, it's not good, there is a team of thousands of people over there, and it seems that the momentum is not weak." A subordinate hurriedly reported.

"Alert!" The law enforcement elders of Giant Niucheng hurriedly shouted.

So more than a dozen giants of Giant Niucheng began to stand by.

But they were not too nervous. After all, these dozen of them were all super experts, above the fourth and fifth tiers, even in the entire Lower Three Realms, they were definitely among the experts.

The thousands of people on the opposite side stopped when they reached about fifty meters in front of them.

"Brother, we don't seem to know each other, why are you blocking our way?" The law enforcement elder of Giant Niu City shouted loudly.

"Why are there so many, count your back, if you meet us, and don't fight a few times, you don't want to leave." The person on the opposite side is none other than Greedy Wolf.

Greedy Wolf finally met people from the human world, and his strength was not bad, how could he miss it.

At this time, he just wanted to try the strength of a human world expert.

"If your Excellency wants to discuss, then let's have a few games." The law enforcement elders of Giant Niucheng were relieved when they heard that they were not here to arrest them.

"Study? I don't know what is called sparring. I only know that death is a loss." Greedy Wolf said with great disdain.

"En?" The law enforcement elder's brows suddenly wrinkled.

"It's like I'm bullying you in a group fight, so let's do it one by one." Greedy Wolf waved casually to a person beside him.

The man just walked out.


He showed his realm.

Four tripods and one order.

Greedy Wolf had already reminded them that they could not use Heiyun, and could only simulate Xiaoding.

This person showed his realm as soon as he came up, obviously he didn't take the other party in his eyes.

"Humph!" Seeing that the other party dared to be so arrogant, the law enforcement elder snorted coldly, and then waved at a master of the fourth and fifth orders beside him: "Go and play with him, remember Stop, stop there, don't hurt anyone's life."

He said this to tell the greedy wolf that his people are just playing around. As for what he said about not hurting people's lives, it was to leave a bottom line for the greedy wolf.

After all, there are a lot of people on the other side. If there is a real fight, the dozen of them may not necessarily be opponents.

"Okay, then I'll play with him." The corner of the man's mouth slanted slightly, revealing his realm.

Fourth and fifth order!

The other party is the first-order Si Ding, and he is the fourth-order fifth. There is an absolute level gap between the two. It can be said that this is an absolute crush.

The first-order master of the four cauldrons in the demon world did not speak, but his hands dizzy fists directly killed the master of the fourth and fifth ranks.

"It's good." The fourth-tier and fifth-rank master saw the opponent's fist going straight. He didn't pay attention to it at all. He waved his right hand directly, trying to remove the power from the opponent's fist.


At this moment, the right hand he swayed was directly interrupted by the opponent's punch, and the opponent did not intend to stop, all of them still attacked his heart.

A neat trick.

"Not good!" The man's face suddenly changed greatly, and then he started to retreat quickly, but his retreat was a temporary idea, and it was not as fast as the other party's advance.

So he hit an uppercut with his left hand towards the stomach of the Demon World master.


The Demon World master's body flashed, dodging his punch, and at the same time his left hand attacked instantly. This time, he turned his fist into a palm and slashed directly at the throat of the fourth- and fifth-order master.

Recruiting kills.

This master of the four-tiered demon world is very vicious. Every move he makes is to attack the opponent's fate, and he makes it clear that he is aimed at killing people.

"Damn!" The fourth-tier and fifth-tier expert shouted angrily, and then he waved his left hand, and a long sword appeared in his hand.

Mid-grade treasure-level weapons.

Spirit beasts!

His pet is attached directly to his!

The long sword instantly widened and directly separated the four-tier first-order master from the outside. He threw out his left hand forcefully, trying to smash the opponent out.


The master of the fourth and fifth ranks hurriedly began to gasp for breath. He thought that he would definitely be able to make the other party self-report and retreat.


He could feel the heaviness from the sword, which meant that he had hit the opponent, and before he could be happy, his neck felt cold.


A column of blood spurted out from his neck, and he wanted to cover his neck with his hands, but at this moment, his heart was also punched heavily by the opponent.


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