The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2100: 3 people destroy 1 city


A miserable cry came.

The mouth of the so-called Second Young Master of the City Lord's Mansion was forcibly torn open.

"What?" All the people around were stunned.

Even the guards of the Second Young Master were stunned. Just when they were stunned, their lives completely disappeared.


The second son's body also fell to the ground, and he died of pain.

At this time, the third son was trembling all over, and his legs were weak.

He never dreamed that these people were so violent and terrifying.

"Continue to lead the way." A devilish voice appeared behind him.

He was so frightened that he almost fell to the ground, but he knew that he couldn't. Once he fell, he would probably end up the same as those in front of him.

So he resisted the powerlessness in his legs and walked forward.

All the people on the street hid far away, they understood that something big might happen soon, because the second son of the city lord died, and it was a corpse.

The death is very tragic.

"Sir, this is the best barbecue restaurant in the city. You can go in and have a taste." The third son thought to himself, now he is finally relieved. As for the money in the future, he dare not think about it anymore. The biggest idea is to escape, and after they enter, they will escape.

As a result, he found that, except for the one in the lead, all the other people were standing at the door, and he was also standing in the middle of them.


Can he still escape?

It was definitely not possible, he could only smile inwardly, he knew that trouble was coming soon, the second son of the City Lord's Mansion was killed, and his death was so tragic.

It won't take long for the city guards to find here, and even he will be punished together.

Looking at the two middle-grade spirit stones in his hand, he kept scolding himself in his heart: Why are you so greedy.

Sure enough, it didn't take long.

A large group of city guards came.

"Who killed the Second Young Master?" the city guard at the head shouted loudly.

The man next to him pointed to the people in front of him.

"Arrest them all for me. If there is any resistance, kill them." The city guards led by them brought tens of thousands of people, and there were thousands of them when they saw the other side, so he shouted this, and he thought his sentence to kill was absolute. It can shock the opponent, so that the opponent does not dare to resist.

However, he was wrong.

At the moment his men rushed up.


He had never seen anyone fall down in unison.

What is this concept?

He didn't know, until the moment when he saw his body getting further and further away from him, until he was really wrong.


Tens of thousands of city guards died like this.

Little Sanzi's legs were weak, and he almost sat on the ground. When he saw so many city guards just now, he thought that he was definitely finished, and he had to share the guilt with these people.

However, he soon discovered that the city guards were being treated as if they were chopping melons and vegetables, and those people actually fell in rows like this.

Tens of thousands of city guards are better than tens of thousands of cabbage.

He had never seen such a terrifying master.

A large number of the city guards died just like that.

The people around who were watching the fun also stayed far away, as if they were worried that they would also be affected.

The little three did not think that he had taken a life. He knew that if so many city guards died, the city lord's mansion would definitely be angry. At that time, a thousand of them would definitely be unable to stop the anger of the city lord's mansion.

The greedy wolf inside was as if nothing had happened, still eating what was in front of him.

"It tastes really good, it's much better than the food in the devil world." Greedy Wolf secretly said, at this time, all the other customers of the barbecue shop except him quietly fled, and the boss stood there trembling all over, not daring to move.

"Boss, give me another one." Greedy Wolf is eating.

call out!

At this moment, a feather arrow shot in from the outside and shot directly on the flesh in Greedy Wolf's hand.

The greedy wolf's eyes suddenly became fierce.

He stood up slowly, and then walked outside. When he walked to the door, he saw a crowd of people. All the city guards and soldiers in the whole city gathered again, and the outside was surrounded by water.

Greedy Wolf slowly sat on his sedan chair, and then said, "I don't like this city, you three, destroy this city for me."

Destroy the city, he said very lightly.

It's like killing chickens and sheep.

And only three people were dispatched.

"You killed my son, right? I'm going to let you all bury my son with me today." The city lord stood there and shouted angrily.

Greedy Wolf waved his hand.

Then the three people beside him disappeared directly in place.

The greedy wolf just lay on the sedan chair, closed his eyes and rested, as if he could not see or hear anything.

The screams came one after another.

Only three people shot, but it didn't take long for the opposing army to be completely defeated, and blood donations flowed.

One day later!

In the whole city, except for the little three, everyone died, including the owner of the barbecue shop, because he wanted to escape just now.

The third son was already kneeling on the ground at this time: "Sir, I beg you, spare my life, I didn't do anything, I will return these two middle-grade spirit stones to you, no, I will give you everything I have. My lord, treat me like a fart and let me go."

Greedy Wolf slowly opened his eyes: "Don't be stupid, I won't kill you, just follow me, I just happen to be not too familiar with this world."

As soon as I heard the words of the greedy wolf.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

The third son kept kowtowing, and his forehead was broken. He didn't stop, just kowtow, and kept shouting, "Thank you, sir, thank you."

" Get up, I'm very optimistic about you, you just need to do your job well, I promise you will become a master." Greedy Wolf said casually, he likes this feeling, he can dominate other lives.

Narrow Road City is now full of blood donations, and there is no sound, because all the people in the entire city are dead, and there are no chickens and dogs left.

All this was done by three people, the three subordinates of Greedy Wolf.

In the demon world, they can't kill women, but this is the human world, so they can kill whoever they want, and no one can stop them.

"Having absolute strength is the real king. In the summer, if I had the strength I have now, then I only need to move my fingers to crush you." Greedy Wolf said to himself.

"Summer?" The third son said to himself.

"Have you heard of this name?" Greedy Wolf looked at the little three.

"I seem to have heard of it, but I forgot, my lord, if you let me think about it, I will definitely remember it." The little three hurriedly said.


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