The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2102: Qi Wangshang

"Greedy Wolf! How did you know the name of Greedy Wolf?" Xia Xia's eyes turned directly to Jiujiang.

King Qi felt a chill in his heart at this time. He has been deliberately concealing Xia Xia's name. He has never called it in front of Jiujiang. He is only called the third brother.

As a result, he just forgot about it.

"I asked do you know this person?" Jiujiang asked again.

"Know!" Summer nodded.

Inexplicably, the four of them are really inexplicable at this time. They have no idea what the situation is now. Xia Xia and Jiujiang obviously came together, but now it seems that the atmosphere between the two has changed a lot.

"I'm Greedy Wolf's younger sister." Jiu Jiang finished speaking, and her whole body disappeared in place.


Jiujiang is very fast.


She punched directly into Xia Xia's heart, and the shot was the ultimate move.

Xia Xia couldn't see Jiujiang's movements at all. He felt a crisis in his chest, so he hurriedly dodged, but Jiujiang's speed was too fast.



Jiu Jiang punched Xia Xia's chest, and all the bones in his chest were instantly broken.

If it wasn't for his quick reaction just now, then this punch would have killed him.


Jiujiang did not stop the movement in her hand, but turned her left hand into the palm of her hand and cut across Xia Tian's throat. If she succeeded this time, Xia Xia would surely die.


"Stop it for me." King Qi shot instantly and grabbed Jiu Jiang's hand.


A mouthful of blood spurted out of Xia Tian's mouth.

Inexplicably, the four of them were completely blinded. They didn't expect that the strength of these three people could be so fast. When Jiujiang shot just now, they completely couldn't see Jiujiang's movements.

"Let me go." Jiujiang looked at King Qi and shouted.

"I told you to stop, he is my brother." King Qi said loudly.

Jiujiang stopped breaking free, and her eyes turned to King Qi: "You already knew his name was Xia Xia, why didn't you tell me?"

"I..." King Qi couldn't say it, because he was really selfish, he asked each other, and he found that the two did have hatred between each other, if he said it, then Xia Xia and Jiujiang It was already called.


Xia Xia hurriedly swallowed a handful of medicinal pills, sat on the ground and began to recover.

"You let me go, I came here to kill him, and now I have finally found it, you can't stop me." Jiujiang shouted angrily.

"If you want to kill, kill me." King Qi stopped in front of Xia Xia.

"Okay, then I'll kill you." Jiu Jiang punched King Qi's heart after finishing speaking.


When she hit, the moment her fist hit King Qi's heart, she was stunned, and the inexplicable dead man was also stunned.

Xia Tian opened his mouth wide: "Big Brother!!!"

King Qi's body fell directly backwards, no matter how strong the master was, it was made of meat.

"Why don't you hide." Jiu Jiang looked at her fist and then at King Qi. She didn't want to fight King Qi, she thought King Qi would escape.

"I'll kill you." Xia Xian waved his right hand, and a very beautiful bow and arrow appeared in his hand.

He pulled off the fake directly. Sun-shooting bow.

"The third child!" King Qi, who fell to the ground, pulled Xia Xia's leg.

"Big brother!" Xia Xia thought that King Qi was dead just now, but when he saw that King Qi was not dead, he hurriedly put away the fake. Shoot the sun bow, and then start to check the body of King Qi.

"Big brother, you must be okay." Xia Xia kept taking various healing medicines for King Qi.

"Third, promise me, don't embarrass her." Qi Wang tugged at Xia Xia's sleeve, but his hand was already very weak.

"Brother, as long as you are fine, I promise you everything." Xia Xia said anxiously.

"Is he all right?" Jiu Jiang seemed to be like a child who did something wrong.

"You go, I won't investigate what happened today, but don't let me touch you next time, or I'll kill you together." Xia Xia gave Jiujiang a vicious look.

Jiujiang looked at King Qi, then turned and left.

At this moment, the four of them really didn't know what to say. They seemed to have seen a battle between peerless masters just now.

It was as if he had seen a grudge.

Xia Xia hugged King Qi and began to check King Qi's wound. Now the signs of King Qi's life are very poor: "Brother, how can I save you?"

"I used spiritual energy to protect my heart just now, which is considered to save my life, but I'm afraid I can't use any power for the time being. You don't have to worry about me. I will be able to recover in a short time." strenuous.

"Big brother, I'm carrying you, let's go together." Xia Xia tied King Qi behind him with a rope, and then he glanced at the inexplicable four people: "I'm sorry everyone, I'll go first."

Xia Xia didn't walk very fast, because he was worried that the excessive bumps would make King Qi's body uncomfortable, so he walked very smoothly. This time, he realized the real magic of walking with clouds.

At this time, in Shuiyue City.

"His Royal Highness, this is already the territory of Shuiyue City, shall we go directly to that Green Grass City?" A subordinate reported.

"Let's go, since there is such a lively scene, I must be indispensable." Greedy Wolf said slowly, he is a person with great luck, and what he likes to encounter is treasures and the like, because he There is definitely a benefit to be gained from that, 100%.

As for the benefit, he can't affect it for the time being, but one thing is certain, that is, he will never return empty-handed.

"His Royal Highness, I sense that the county master is getting closer and closer to us. He should also be near the Qilin Cave." A master with a guide in his hand said.

"Well, let's go, just in time to get her back, so she doesn't run around." Greedy Wolf nodded.

The purpose of their visit to the Human World this time is to find Secondly, he also wants to find Xia Xia. After finding Xia Xia, he will stomp Xia Xia under his feet so that Xia Xia cannot turn over. Give back all the humiliation that Xia Xia gave him.

"Yes, Your Highness, then let's take the teleportation array all the way." The master then looked at the little three and said, "You, lead the way, remember, go to the Green Grass City as quickly as possible."

"As ordered, my lord." The third son said respectfully.

In the big forest outside Green Grass City, Xia Xia stopped because there was someone fighting in front of him at this time, more than a dozen people were fighting against the wolves.

At this time, more than ten people were all injured.

"Brother, it may be a little bumpy for a while, you pay attention." Xia Xia reminded, and then he directly walked forward step by step.


Wan Jian returns to the ancestors.


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