The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2104: summer news

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"Forget it, we still have business!" Prince Zuo said, this time he came to atone for his merits. Back then, he led troops to attack Qi Wangcheng, but his soldiers were all killed and wounded, which brought huge consequences to the Sun Empire. disaster.

At that time, he thought that he was definitely dead, but later the emperor did not pursue him, but asked him to personally bring people here to kill Xia Xia this time.

Although King Qi City has been closely monitored, there are still spies from the Sun Empire lurking outside and several adjacent cities.

After leaving Qi Wangcheng in the summer, those people passed the news back to the Sun Empire.

"Yes!" The earl of the Sun Empire said respectfully.

Then they will leave.

"Did I let you go?" A cold voice appeared.

"Well?" Prince Zuo frowned. The reason why he just said it was okay is because there are thousands of people on the other side. Once they really fight, they will definitely be injured. If a few people are killed or injured, it is also a loss for them.

In his opinion, there are tens of thousands of masters here, and if he doesn't go to the other party's trouble, then the other party can already burn high incense.

"The person who beat me wants to go like this now, do I agree?" At this moment, Greedy Wolf is like a king who is aloof, he can look down on all the people below.

Seeing the greedy wolf looking at him like this, Prince Zuo was very upset.

"You mean you want to fight!" Although Prince Zuo doesn't want to cause trouble, he is not afraid of trouble, and he thinks he can shock the other party. After all, they are all very powerful, plus they have many people. .

"Hey!" Greedy Wolf sighed.

"If you are afraid, then forget it." Prince Zuo didn't want to fight this fight, because he came to atone for his sins this time, and his goal was only one, that is Xia Xia.

"Afraid?" The corner of Greedy Wolf's mouth slanted slightly.


At the same time, the people around him all revealed their realm.

A small tripod appeared on everyone's head.

The one with the lowest strength is the first-rank four cauldrons, there are thousands of masters above the first rank of the four cauldrons, and the ten people around the greedy wolf are more than the masters of the five cauldrons.

"What!" Zuo Hufa looked at Greedy Wolf in shock.

Although he had seen the aura of these people before, he never expected the other party to be so powerful.

"What is fear?" Greedy Wolf said disdainfully, "Are you planning to come in a group? Or do you come one by one?"


At this moment, Guardian Zuo was completely terrified. He was only at the fourth and ninth tiers. Before, he thought that he could almost walk sideways in the Lower Three Realms, but at this moment, he realized that he was a frog in the bottom of the well: "I'm sorry, I was a junior before. Having eyes but not knowing Mount Tai, he bumped into the senior and made the senior angry, and the junior took the punishment himself."

Snapped! Snapped!

Protector Zuo hit his face with his hand. He hit so hard that the corner of his mouth bleeds with the third hit. No one else dared to stop him.

Because they know that although they have a lot of people, once the fire starts, they are the appetizers of the other party, and the masters of more than ten five tripods can easily kill them.

Snapped! Snapped!

"Junior knew it was wrong."

Protector Zuo shouted while hitting. He hit so hard that blood spurted out of his mouth every time he spoke.

The greedy wolf watched silently.

All the people around were heartbroken.

When they saw the strength of the subordinates around Greedy Wolf, they were all stunned. They never dreamed that they would have the opportunity to meet Wuding masters, and there were so many at first sight.

The most important thing is that there is a mysterious greedy wolf sitting on the sedan chair.

clap clap!

"Junior is wrong." Hufa Zuo abruptly knocked out all his teeth, and his face was terribly swollen, but he still didn't mean to stop.

He knew that if the other party got angry, he and his people would all die.

He is not afraid of death, he is afraid of not being able to kill Xia Xia.

Greedy Wolf likes this feeling very much. Others are afraid of him, others are in awe of him. He can be defeated without fighting. It can be said that the reason why he enjoys this feeling so much now is because of summer.

Although he has never been able to win Xia Xia, in his heart, he believes that Xia Xia is the ancestor of pretending to be b, and that Xia's every move has brought it to the extreme.

So whatever he did in the summer, he also wanted to do.

"Okay." Greedy Wolf said slowly.

"Thank you senior, thank you senior." Zuo Hufa shouted loudly.

"I think your team is not bad, just because I still lack some men, you can follow me." Greedy Wolf said lazily.

"This..." Guardian Zuo was immediately in a dilemma.

"You don't want to?" Greedy Wolf's voice was cold.

"No, seniors, don't get me wrong, being able to follow you is a blessing I cultivated in my last life, but, in life, loyalty and righteousness must come first. I promised our majesty that if I want to kill someone for him, then I must do it. If you allow it, senior, then wait for me to kill that person and then saddle up for you." Zuo Hufa hurriedly explained.

Hearing the words of Protector Zuo, Greedy Wolf nodded in He really appreciates Protector Zuo now, because Protector Zuo is not only aware of current affairs, but also very loyal.

"Well, yes, who is the person you want to kill? You can follow me, as long as you see him, I guarantee that he will die." Greedy Wolf said very casually, indeed, with his ability, whoever wants to kill, then It's simply too simple, not at all difficult at all.

He is now a high-ranking person, and any of his subordinates are masters here.

Hearing Greedy Wolf's words, Hufa Zuo's eyes suddenly lit up. He was not very sure about killing Xia Xia, because Xia Xia had too many means. At this time, when he heard Greedy Wolf would help him, then he was sure of everything, because These men of Greedy Wolf are too strong, but he still tentatively said: "Senior, the person I want to kill is not easy to mess with, and his backer is also very strong."

"Oh? Come and listen!" Greedy Wolf's eyes lit up.

He has not encountered any too difficult opponents when he came here.

"That person is the deputy city lord of the legendary King Qi City. He is powerful and powerful. His backer is the legendary King Qi, a legend from thousands of years ago." Zuo Hufa said Xia Xia's identity.

"Really? Sounds good." Greedy Wolf didn't have any fear, but a trace of excitement appeared on his face. He liked his opponent to be stronger, so that he could challenge, so he asked: "What's his name? Does he look jade-like?"

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" Zuo Hufa hurriedly handed over the jade slip, and then said, "His name is Xia Xia."

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