The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2107: Ape Cave Adventure

Xia Xia punched Shanlin Ape in the head one after another like this, and he didn't stop until Shanlin Ape's head was smashed to pieces by Xia Xia.

In the summer, he found a crystal on the head of the mountain ape, and he took it out directly.

"Brother, what is this?" Xia Xia asked in confusion.

"Desolate beast crystals are high-level crystals that can only be formed by tenth-level desolate beasts. These crystals are very rare and extremely valuable. They can be used not only for cultivation, but also for alchemy and weapon refining." King Qi explained.

"Oh!" Xia Tian put away the desolate beast crystal, and then carried King Qi on his back again.

"Third, look around and see if there is a cave of a mountain ape nearby. Although the tenth-level wild beast has its own domain, I think it is obviously very short-tempered today. If I guessed correctly, its cave is There should be a change in it." King Qi said.

"Okay, I'll look for it." Xia Xia carried King Qi on his back, and then looked around.

This forest is very big, and I searched for a whole day in summer and couldn't find it.

"No, big brother, no." Xia Xia shook his head helplessly.

"Mountain monkeys like to take trees as their seats, caves as their dwellings, and water as their guides. Find out if there is a water source nearby." King Qi said.

"This is easy to handle!" Xia Xia put his right hand directly on the ground, and then he began to feel the surrounding water element.

After three minutes.

"I found it." Xia Tian's face suddenly brightened.

"Okay, look for it along the water source, don't let go of any caves with caves." King Qi said.

So Xia Xia began to search quickly. King Qi's current body was too weak, and he didn't dare to run too fast, so he directly started the search using the clairvoyant eye.

"I found it." Xia Xia found a cave by a river. The reason why he confirmed it was because some depressions had appeared on the ground due to the long-term trampling of the mountain forest ape.

"Be careful, although this is its chassis, there should be no other wild beasts, but it looks like it has encountered some trouble, so it shouldn't be easy here." King Qi reminded.

"En!" Xia Xia nodded, and then entered the cave. It was very dark inside, but the perspective eye could see clearly.

There are many loot scattered on the ground here.

It was all the mountain monkeys who killed the weapons and equipment on those people. Xia Xia didn't even look at them, so he took them all away, and then he continued to walk inside.

After walking for a while, he understood why Mountain Forest Monkey was troubled.

"Brother, there is actually a formation here, and it is a fifth-level formation." Xia Xia said.

"It seems that Mountain Forest Monkey is worried about this formation. Can you see how long this formation has existed?" King Qi asked.

"Well, look at the signs, it will take thousands of years to say less." Xia Xia said.

"For thousands of years, it should have been this formation that existed first, and then this forest ape chose to live here. Apes tend to be human, and they also have a thirst for knowledge, so it has always wanted to know what is in the formation. The nearby walls have The traces of being smashed by it, it is obvious that it was unsuccessful in trying to get in, so it is so angry outside." King Qi finally figured it out.

"Brother, take a break and I'll try to see if I can break this formation." Although Xia Xia saw that it was a fifth-level formation, he was not proficient in all the fifth-level formations, even those super formation wizards. , the formations that everyone knows are also limited, including Potian.

Even if it is broken, it is impossible to know all the fifth-level formations.

"By the way, why am I so stupid, the formation of the Hundred Gardens in the Giant Bull City is exactly the same as the formation that Potian is proficient in, that is to say, there must be something to do with Potian, maybe the owner there is the so-called dream." When Xia Tian thought of this, he was also very excited, and he was finally about to fulfill his promise to Potian.

It can be said that Potian taught him the formation technique, which completely changed his destiny.

The formation has saved his life many times.

So he had to fulfill his promise to Potian and teach the letter to the woman named Meng.

"What are you thinking? So happy?" King Qi just took out the night pearl and illuminated the cave. He didn't have a see-through eye, and he couldn't see anything in such a cave.

"It's nothing, I just figured out one thing. I'll try now to see if I can break this formation." Xia Xia knew that the fifth-level formation had the ability to prevent it from being broken. Likely to suffer backlash.

So he used the ancient Mahamudra as soon as he came up.

boom! boom!

One after another handprints were slapped on the formation.

The outskirts of the big forest.

"Brother." Jiujiang smiled at Greedy Wolf.

"Tell me about you, why did you come out alone? I promised my foster father to take good care of you. You said if something happened to you, how would I explain it to my foster father." Greedy Wolf reprimanded.

"Brother, don't talk about me, you know, we are so boring there." Jiujiang stuck out her tongue.

"If you want to go out in the future, at least tell me, so that I can send someone to protect you." Greedy Wolf reminded.

"Understood, brother, I was wrong." Jiujiang's attitude of admitting mistakes is still very good, very fast.

"It just so happens that you are here too. I have good news for you. Didn't my brother always tell you about a man named Xia Xia? Now my brother has found him, and he is nearby." Greedy Wolf said excitedly, he used to often Talking to Jiujiang about his past, he was never afraid to speak out about failure.

"Ah!" Jiu Jiang was shocked when she heard Greedy Wolf's words.

"You are also surprised, I was also surprised when I heard the news just now. I didn't expect him to be doing well here, but unfortunately his level is too Brother is going to catch him now, Ruin him." Greedy Wolf said excitedly.

"Brother, how did you know?" Jiujiang asked hurriedly.

"These people are Brother Xinshou's subordinates, and they told me." Greedy Wolf pointed at Zuo Hufa and the others.

Jiujiang frowned, and looked at the left guardian and others with cold eyes: "Who are you all?"

"Report to the county master, we are people of the Sun Empire." Zuo Hufa said hurriedly.

Hearing the words of the Sun Empire, Jiujiang knew that things must be bad. The Sun Empire and Xia Xia are deadly enemies. Although she also has a share in the bombing of the Sun Empire, the Sun Empire has already blamed everything on Xia Xia. , so the Empire of the Sun is eager to die as badly as possible in the summer.

Inside the Ape Cave.

Xia Xia sat here for a whole day and night, he was tired and sweating profusely, and finally broke the formation: "Huh, fortunately it is a small formation, if it is a big formation, then we can There is no time to break."


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