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Chapter 2174: hand-to-hand combat

Zhentianniu was very angry, and the consequences were serious.

It is an eleventh-level wild beast, and it also has a good face. Just now, it was the idol of all the wild beasts. At that time, all the wild beasts looked at it with admiration and cheered for it.

It thought that it would definitely be able to break this formation with ease, but it did not expect that it would actually be kicked away by someone, a human being.

It's a shame for it.


It was angry, it was really angry.

At this time, its glory is all added to Xia Xia, it is a creature with wisdom, it can see it, and the other party is cheering for Xia Xia at this time.

Long live the leader!

Everyone was there shouting.

Everyone looked at the summer with admiration.

If they were only convinced by Xia Xia's reputation before, then now they are completely convinced of Xia Xia's strength.

Moreover, the high regard for Wang Lei in the summer just now gave them hope.

They are also waiting for the war to continue, and they will also perform well at that time, so that Xia Xia can see their heroic side.

They are not afraid of death either.

"Big man, what are you yelling at there, come up with the ability." Xia Xia shouted loudly at Zhentian Niu, at which time the golden rod in his hand had disappeared.

He made a gesture towards Zhentian Niu, a provocative gesture.

The meaning of the gesture is: I refuse to accept you.


The eleventh-level wild beast Zhentian Niu let out a roar that pierced the sky and the ground. It was actually looked down upon by a human being, which made him not angry. Now it wants to tear the human in front of him.

It wants to make the human who provoked it regret.



The right hoof of the eleventh-level wild beast Zhentian Niu stepped **** the ground, and then the entire ground shook.


The Zhentian Niu directly killed the summer, and its speed was very fast.

This time it will be ashamed, it will regain its own face, regain its dignity, and let the low-level wild beasts around it worship it again.

It's going to make summer regret.

Anyone who dares to challenge its majesty must die.


The eleventh-level wild beast had already killed Xia Xia at this time.

Its speed is very fast, and it seems that it is going to swallow summer directly in the blink of an eye.


With a flash of silver light, Xia Xia disappeared directly in place. Seeing Xia Xia's body disappeared, the eleventh-level wild beast Zhentian Niu had very strong control over its own body. Its body rolled on the ground, turned around instantly, and its tail was fierce drawn towards summer.

Dragon catcher.

Xia Xia's left hand took a very strange posture, with five fingers directly connected to three, posing as a dragon claw, and then his left hand directly grabbed the swept tail of the Zhentian Niu.


When the tail hit Xia Xia's palm, all the flesh on Xia Xia's entire palm was slapped away.

Just when everyone thought that Xia Xia's hand would definitely be shot, an incredible scene appeared.


Xia Tian's bone-like hand directly and firmly grabbed the tail of the Tiantian Niu.

"What?" All the people on the scene were deeply shocked by Xia Xia's terrifying strength. He actually grabbed the Zhentian Niu's tail like this.

Not to mention how great his grip strength is, his ruthless energy alone makes everyone deeply admire him.


Zhentianniu roared, and then his back hooves kicked Xia Tian directly. This series of movements was done in one go without the slightest hesitation. Obviously, Zhentianniu's strength did not come in vain, but came out of it.

Just when Zhentian Niu was about to kick Xia Tian's body.


Nine orifices are connected.


Xia Xia slammed his left hand hard, and the huge body of Tian Niu was directly wheeled up by Xia Xia. A large windmill smashed directly on the ground, and the entire ground was smashed out with a diameter of one kilometer and a depth of two. The ten-meter giant pit came.

Everyone was stunned.


Xia Xia's combat power is actually more terrifying than these wild beasts. This is a horror they have never seen before. It is too strong, it is simply too strong, and it makes them feel terrified.

"It's so strong." Wu Xie also looked a little stunned.

"Look at the hand of the leader of the alliance." I don't know who shouted, and then everyone looked at Xia Xia's left hand. Just now Xia Xia's upper left hand was almost all swept away by Zhentian Niu, but now Xia Xia's hand is actually He has completely recovered, and all the injuries have disappeared, as if he had never been injured at all.

Such a terrifying recovery ability is a bit too enchanting.


Xia Xia was actually fighting a level 11 wild beast, and he still had the advantage, which was too perverted.

Only then did everyone realize that Xia Xia did possess the power of legend.

And he is even more powerful than the legendary him.

These people have never seen a person as terrifying as Xia Xia, and they finally understand why Xia Xia dared to fight Liu Ding master.

Such power is invincible.

Long live the leader!

Long live the leader!

The crowd shouted again.

Everyone is celebrating summer.

Xia Xia slowly raised his hand, and the voice stopped suddenly. Everyone found that Xia Xia's eyes were still on the body of the eleventh-level barren beetle in the deep pit, that is to say, it was not dead.

The eleventh-level wild beast is the eleventh-level wild beast. Although it suffered such a powerful injury, it did not die.

Not even serious injuries.

Ow! Ow! Ow!

The eleventh-level wild beast Zhentian Niu issued an extremely powerful roar, and this roar directly shattered the surrounding trees, and its eyes turned red this time.

It went mad, and it actually went mad at this time.


Everyone's eyes were turned to the maddened Zhentian Niu. The current Zhentian Niu's body has changed again. Its body has become taller, its physique has become larger, and its horns have become sharper.

" It has become mad, and its strength will be advanced after it has become mad." Wu Xie hurriedly shouted.

Crazy transformation is a kind of opportunity for wild beasts. Only in special circumstances will wild beasts go crazy. At this time, the Zhentian Niu has already gone crazy.

It is maddened by anger.

Being beaten so badly by a human like Xia Xia, the unwillingness and anger in its heart were completely ignited, and it was precisely because of this that it reached the state of madness.

After the madness, the realm of the shocking bull has reached the realm of the 12th-level wild beast, although the strength may only be the lowest among the 12th-level wild beasts.

But that is also a twelfth-level wild beast.


Mad Hua Zhentian Niu's blood-red eyes stared at Xia Xia, it had already locked its target, and it would never die. This time, it even lost its last trace of wisdom, and it became a real beast, a real beast. A wild beast that knows how to kill.


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