The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2271: doppelganger

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?As Greedy Wolf waved his hand, two people who looked exactly like Greedy Wolf stood up among the corpses lying on the ground.

"This." Xia Xia was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect such a situation to happen. It was too incredible. There were three greedy wolves, exactly the same greedy wolves. There is a wound on his hand, but it is recovering quickly at this time.

At this time, Xia Xia's mind was thinking quickly.

He was calculating the changes and connections of these people. The two people appeared far away, so the one who fought against him just now was the greedy wolf in front of him, and the other two greedy wolves seemed to have something to do with this greedy wolf. kind of contact.

"Could it be that the three of them can transfer the damage!!" Xia Tian's face changed suddenly when he thought of this.

"Aren't you surprised?" Greedy Wolf looked at Xia Xia with a smile on his face, Xia Xian understood that he was going to start pretending, and Xia Xian would never stop him.

The more mysterious the ability, the more damage it can cause to the opponent, but Greedy Wolf obviously wanted to brag about his ability with Xia Xia. Of course, Xia Xian wanted to hear it. After he heard about Greedy Wolf's ability, he could think of ways to deal with Greedy Wolf.

"These three people are all me, and the three of us have exactly the same realm." After the greedy wolf finished speaking, five small cauldrons and nine small small cauldrons appeared on the heads of the other two bodies, which means that the greedy wolf is the fifth cauldron and the ninth order. 's master.


Summer let out a long breath.

"I advise you to be mentally prepared. One of the clones I chose will recover when it has the strongest ability, and all the damage to the other two bodies will be transferred to him, so that he can help heal quickly. I choose the other clone. The ability is the magic killing ability. To put it simply, the three people are actually my three abilities. Usually, it is impossible to use the three abilities at the same time, but now it is possible, and I can use three people at the same time. The unity of pets is the supreme martial art." Just as the greedy wolves finished speaking, the remaining two greedy wolves also used the unity of human pets.


Two more tengu appeared.

"Fuck, I thought you had to become so powerful, it's still a dog to change." Xia Xian originally wanted to quietly watch the greedy wolf pretending to be b.

But when he saw that the two avatars of Greedy Wolf had also turned into dogs, Xia Xia couldn't help it.

Three dogs! !

This is Greedy Wolf's biggest trump card.

"Hmph, Xia, I see how mad you are going to be next, one me, you are already in trouble, three me can kill you." Greedy Wolf said very confidently, this is his strongest trump card, He believed that with three of his own strengths, he could kill Xia Xia, especially his three wolves.

"Oh, so amazing!!" Xia Tian pretended to be very exaggerated.

Seeing Xia Xia's exaggerated expression, Greedy Wolf became even more angry: "Okay, then I'll show you how powerful my three wolves are."

"Three dogs are three dogs, so what are three wolves?" Xia Xia said disdainfully.

Hearing Xia Xia's words, Greedy Wolf couldn't control it any longer, and went straight to Xia Xia.

Whoosh! !

The greedy wolf rushes directly to the summer! !

"Let you taste the power of my tail." Xia Xia's tail smashed directly. He is very confident in the strength of his tail. Even if the dragon is underwater, it is not his opponent, let alone the wolf-loving people. .


Just when the greedy wolf was drawn in the summer, the body of the greedy wolf actually shifted.

"Huh!!" Greedy Wolf was stunned for a moment, he didn't see how Greedy Wolf moved.

This time just now, he can obviously draw Greedy Wolf.


The greedy wolf rushed directly to the summer.

Seeing that the greedy wolf was about to pounce directly on Xia Xia's body.

pseudo. Sun-shooting bow.

Xia Xia's hands were pulled, and an arrow shot out directly.


Greedy Wolf's body was shot directly out.

"s, b, at such a close distance to me, I can definitely hit you." Xia Xia said helplessly, and then he found that the wounds on the tengu that attacked him had all disappeared, replaced by the one behind him. Tengu was seriously injured.


There was a roar from Greedy Wolf's mouth: Restart the Farm in the End Times.

Then three tengu appeared in three different directions in summer.

"Arrangement?" Xia Xia looked at Greedy Wolf suspiciously.

Tengu's attack power is indeed very strong, and the speed is very fast, but tengu is definitely not an opponent of his own pet, which has been confirmed in summer, he just needs to be careful not to be hit by three tengu at the same time.

"Three wolves strangled!!" Greedy Wolf shouted.

Then the three Tengu turned into three phantoms, and these phantoms kept hitting Xia Tian from three angles.

"What kind of move is this?" Xia Xia's tail swept all the phantoms into pieces, but he soon discovered that these phantoms were actually continuous.

boom! A phantom hit Xia Tian's body.

"it hurts!!!"

Xia Xia discovered that the attack power of these phantoms was actually very strong. His body was bleeding from the phantom and it was very painful. That is to say, if he did not block all these attacks, then he would gradually be injured.

"It turns out that this is the three dogs strangling, it is really powerful." Xia Xia said with admiration.

Snake tail sweeps!

Then Xia Xia's tail started to swept straight away, and when those phantoms met Xia Xia's tail, they were all completely Damn, I couldn't stop at all, otherwise his attack would hit I, is this trick of his continuous? Although I don't waste any physical strength by fighting like this, my time for the unity of people and pets is limited. If I want to fit in with the little snake, every time is very precious. If I continue like this, my pets and pets will become one. to the limit. Xia Xia said anxiously in his heart, at this time he was thinking of a way.

At this moment, he suddenly remembered the body that attacked the three wolves.

Ascension strikes! !

Release 100,000 cold beams, attack indiscriminately, and smash everything in front of him.

Xia Xia's cold light smashed directly at one of the dogs, and then a field appeared around his body.

Ten thousand swords returned to their ancestors, and tens of thousands of sword beams smashed into the second dog.


Nine orifices are connected.

The second form of the Tathagata Palm.

Green fire. Golden Dome Buddha Lamp! !

The huge Buddha lamp blew directly at the third dog.

These attacks are only momentary.

When the three dogs saw Xia Xia's attack and retreated at the same time, the three dog strangling they formed was broken by Xia Xia. No matter how strong the attack they unleashed, as long as the body was attacked, they would retreat.


The greedy wolf roared, and then the three tengu rushed to the three corners of Xia Xia again.

"Come back? n, n, d, are you bullying me?" Xia Xia scolded, and then waved his left hand: "Come out, brothers."

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