The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2734: 5 doors of life and death

"Huh?" Xia Tian frowned, and the more he listened, the more confused he became.

I don't even know what the five gates of life and death are.

"To put it bluntly, the reason why the five emperors are so powerful and dominate the world is because they have passed three of the five gates of life and death, and the reason why the top ten ss-level mercenaries are ss-level mercenaries is because they have passed the five gates of life and death. Two of the doors, so they have become ss-level mercenaries." The elder of the training tower said passionately.

"What!!" Xia Xia's face was full of surprise, and the words of the elder of the training tower broke his cognition.

He used to think that SS-level mercenaries need to do a lot of tasks and get a lot of quest items, and then they can become SS-level mercenaries, but he didn't expect that SS-level mercenaries actually came like this.

"Why, I'm surprised. Actually, it's nothing surprising. If you only need quest items to become SS-level mercenaries, then SS-level mercenaries are not so precious, and even many dignitaries will spend more money to buy them. This SS-level mercenary is a big deal, just buy one from several big cities together." The elder of the training tower explained.

"What you said seems to make sense." Xia Xia scratched his head in embarrassment.

Just now, he really thought that as long as he had enough quest materials, he could become a ss-level mercenary, but now it seems that if it is really that simple, then the ss-level mercenary is really not that valuable.

"In the past, there were a thousand s-rank mercenaries in their ss-rank mercenary group, which can be said to be very large, so they went to the five gates of life and death, wanting to be recognized by everyone in the human world, but also to challenge At my own limit, only ten of a thousand S-rank mercenaries survived. You must know that S-rank mercenaries are all masters of Jiuding, and their strength is very powerful." The elders of the training tower also felt very terrifying.

"What exactly are the five gates of life and death?" Xia Xia was even more curious about the five gates of life and death now.

Actually, if you pass through two of the five gates of life and death, you can become an SS-level mercenary, and passing through three gates means you have the same powerful strength as the Five Emperors.

"I don't know either." The elder of the cultivation tower smiled slightly.

"Okay!!" Xia Tian was still looking forward to it just now, but at this time, he could only shake his head helplessly.

"I only know that there are five doors of life and death, but I don't know which five doors are and how to participate," said the elder of the training tower.

Five gates of life and death! !

Mysterious! !

"Oh, are the five gates of life and death really that terrifying?" Xia Xia also felt very curious.

"Of course, as far as I know, every few years there are super masters who try to challenge the five doors of life and death, but none of them succeed. In the past four thousand years, there have been only fifteen outsiders who have really succeeded, namely the Five Emperors and the SS-level. Mercenaries, everyone else is dead, challenge the five doors of life and death, success is life, failure is death." Although the elder of the cultivation tower did not know what the five doors of life and death were, he still knew a lot of information.

"Huh, it's really scary." Xia Tian let out a long sigh.

"That's natural. Those who can go to the nine gates of life and death are all peerless old monsters. As long as they don't die, they can enjoy life for thousands of years, and they are standing at the pinnacle of life, but there are still many people to choose. I went through the five gates of life and death, and finally got my life." The elders of the cultivation tower sometimes couldn't figure out why those people didn't enjoy the good life, and they had to go through the five gates of life and death, and finally ruined their own life.

"Heart of the strong!!" Xia Xia said lightly.

"Oh?" The elder of the training tower looked at Xia Xia.

"Those who can cultivate to that level are those who have the heart of the strong, and they all want to become stronger. For us, enjoying life and seeking happiness is the biggest thing, but for them, going The higher level is the biggest thing in their life, even if they fail, they will never regret it." Xia Xia also has a strong heart.

But his strong heart is different from those cultivators.

His strong heart is to protect his family and friends.

And those cultivators are in pursuit of the highest realm of martial arts.

"Maybe, the pursuit of life is different. Like me, I hope that the spiritual world will be peaceful, and then I will do the things entrusted to me." The elder of the training tower is a person who is content with the status quo and likes comfort.

"Oh, elder, what is on the top of your training tower? I heard that the five emperors will give you face." Xia Xia looked at the elder of the training tower with a smile.

"Can't say, you should ask something else, we can't say anything about the cultivation tower." The elder of the cultivation tower completely ignored Xia Xia.

"Well, since you don't want to say it, then forget it." Xia Xia didn't like to force, and he didn't have to know, just interested.

"Well." The elder of the training tower nodded.

"If I want to know about the five gates of life and death, or about ss-level mercenaries, where should I go?" Xia Xia has always wanted to become an sss-level mercenary and build a sss-level mercenary group, so that he can also win this title The world is at its peak, and naturally no one will dare to embarrass his family anymore, and he can easily go to the capital of justice to bring his mother back.

"Of course I went to the mercenary union, but if you want to know a lot, then you must at least become an S-rank mercenary, otherwise you don't have the right to know many things, and you want to become an S-rank mercenary. Very difficult, I know an S-rank mercenary who has been a mercenary for a thousand years before he became an S-rank mercenary The elder of the training tower explained.

"Oh, you have to become an S-level mercenary first!!" Xia Xia frowned. He is still a long way from an S-level mercenary. At least he wants to become an A-level mercenary, and then find a way to become an S-level mercenary. The task of the s-level mercenary can finally be promoted to the s-level mercenary.

At that time, he will naturally be qualified to know those things.

"Well, including the top ten SS-level mercenaries, they all walked over step by step." The elder of the training tower said.

"Yeah!!" Xia Xia nodded. He wanted to wait for the end of the Hero Conference to meet with Weiyue and the others. At that time, they would do a large number of quests to raise their mercenary level to S rank, and then Promoted to ss level, and finally sss level: "By the way, elder, what is the news of the era of great genius on your desk?"

"Oh, this thing came from above, I haven't read it yet." The elder of the cultivation tower opened the document after he finished speaking.

When he opened the file, he glanced at Xia Xia's opponent: "The Era of Great Geniuses, also known as the Era of Great Treasures."


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