The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2934: ancient behemoth

emphasize again.

Summer is an upright person, a very upright person.

Why would he peek at it?

His gaze was there only because there was a pendant there, and this pendant made a major discovery in summer.

"Shameless!" Linglong and the others thought Xia Tian was too shameless.

He is stealing in an upright manner, peeping, only the three of them here know that Xia Xia is a man, that is to say, the scenes of the women changing clothes just now were all seen by Xia Xia.

And this time! !

Xia Tian was actually staring at their mentor Yunyan.

His eyes were locked on the most proud part of a woman.

Eyes fixed, very fascinated.

It looks delicious.

Too shameless.

Xia Tian actually used the guise of asking questions and blatantly peeked at the pride of the female teacher.

Although Yunyan also found that Xia Xia was looking at her, she did not cover up at all, but lowered her body deliberately, as if she wanted to make Xia Xia see more clearly. Women are very proud, especially It's for my figure, but the summer at this time is easy.

He disguised himself as Yu Xin.

So Yunyan also regarded him as a woman.

It's nothing for a woman to show a woman.

So she lowered her body as she spoke: "This Zerg is called the Mammoth Poisonous Insect, and he has strong venom on his limbs. As long as you don't pay attention, you will be attacked by the venom, although the stronger the strength, the stronger the ability to be immune to venom. The stronger it is, but the venom of the mammoth poisonous insect is very strong, and it will cause temporary paralysis of your body, making your reaction power slower and slower. , then you can't dodge either, and their size is large and their attack range is large, as long as you dodge a little slower, you may die."

"Oh!!" Summer nodded.

"Actually, many Zerg are very big." Yunyan said.

"Well, it's very big." Xia Xia nodded, staring intently at the beautiful landscape.

"Extremely shameless." Linglong and the three of them couldn't stand it anymore. Xia Xia was simply too shameless. The teacher Yunyan said was the size of the Zerg, but he was talking about the teacher of Yunyan.

Gudong! !

Xia Tian involuntarily swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

"Have you seen enough? I will continue to give lectures if I have seen enough." Instructor Yunyan smiled charmingly.

"Uh!!" Xia Tian finally reacted: "Teacher, I was just looking at your pendant. I found that your pendant is very special."

"Oh, you said it, it's very beautiful, but..." Yunyan said halfway and then smiled: "I'm going to give a lecture."

It stopped halfway through, which immediately made Xia Xia very speechless.

He had been speculating on the relationship between Yunyan and Yunmiao before. If Yunyan really had a relationship with Yunmiao, wouldn't it be possible to help Yunmiao find his family in the summer.

After Teacher Yunyan walked back to the podium, she opened the slide again: "You have seen some Zerg just now. I think you should also summarize the characteristics of Zerg. In fact, the biggest characteristic of Zerg is that their claws are sharp and their body The defense of the armor is strong, so generally it is very troublesome to kill the Zerg head-on, but we are humans, and the biggest difference between humans and insects is that we know how to use weapons, and we know how to use our brains."

Yunyan zoomed in on the three-dimensional image of the Zerg, and then she pointed to the belly of a Zerg and said: "The general weakness of Zerg is their abdomen, and this is also the weakest part of their armor. Since humans began to fight against Zerg, humans have Just keep summing up experience, **** Zerg to the maximum extent, **** Zerg more perfectly, what you need to learn next is to remember where the weaknesses of these Zerg are, and their attacks Get used to it, so that you can kill the Zerg more easily."

The things taught by the School of Justice are the most direct.

Outside, if other people want to kill the Zerg, they must fight desperately, and even accumulate experience themselves, even if they find some tricks, but there are many types of Zerg, many of which they have never seen before. So once they encounter a new Zerg, they must re-accumulate experience.

But it's different when you come to the School of Justice.

Here, the School of Justice will let you know a lot of Zerg including their weaknesses.

You don't need to fight to the death, and you don't need to find weaknesses yourself, but when you see this zerg, you already know where its weaknesses are, so you have an absolute advantage first.

Before you come to the School of Justice, if you encounter a Zerg, you may need ten minutes to win.

But after studying at the Justice Academy, if you encounter this Zerg again, you only need one minute to win.

This is the most direct thing taught by the School of Justice.

excited! !

Everyone at the scene was very excited.

"In the training grounds of our advanced students, there is a special training ground, and the training ground can simulate tens of thousands of Zerg forms. At that time, you can experience the feeling of fighting against Zerg, and let you be able to fight in normal battles. Find the weaknesses of the Zerg quickly in the middle, and after you finish training here, then face the Zerg, you will become a real master, and in the eyes of others, you will also become the object of worship~www. Because no matter what Zerg you encounter, you all know it and know how to deal with it." Yunyan explained patiently.

The School of Justice is not a decoration.

Here, your whole person will be transformed. Here, you will become more and more like a mature master.

This is a place where you turn a cocoon into a butterfly.

"Teacher, what is that ancient behemoth?" Xia Tian stretched out his hand and asked, he understood that this is the place for high-level disciples, and Yu Xin's injury will soon heal. After Yu Xin returns, he can't continue to teach here. , so he wants to ask as many things as possible before leaving.

Because he feels that what he has learned here is really useful.

After returning to the outer door, it will be different. The outer door is definitely not comparable to the inner door in terms of learning environment and facilities, so he must cherish the time here now.

Ask all your questions, so that when he goes to the battlefield, he will have more opportunities.

"The ancient monster is a future course, but since you asked, I'll let you guys see it." Yunyan waved her hand, and the screen in front of her changed again.

Then a giant beast that looked extremely mighty appeared.

"Fuck, f*ck, I've made a mistake, this is a national treasure!!!!"

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