The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2966: scary night

When Chitose-sama saw the image, he was stunned.

And Lord Qianhu and Lord Gigabit were stunned at the same time.

Because this image is none other than Xia Xia, he didn't expect that the person who delivered it to the door actually needed them to kill Xia Xia.

This is simply too good.

Just saved them a lot of trouble.

"By the way, what was the name of this person you said just now?" Lord Qianhu asked suddenly.

"Tianxia, ​​I checked his information, he is from Jiudingmen, but his status should not be high, otherwise he would not be a low-level disciple." Lion Kuang couldn't control his anger when he thought of summer.

He could not wait to swallow summer alive.

"Tianxia, ​​summer!! It's a good time to play." A sinister smile appeared on Mr. Qianhu's face.

There were smiles on everyone else's faces.

They didn't expect that Xia Xia would actually change their name to Tianxia.

"What summer?" Lion asked in confusion.

"Oh, you don't need to worry about this. We will kill this person for you. Let's lead the way now." Lord Qianhu said.

"Not now." Lion said madly.

"Huh?" There was a displeased look on the face of Lord Qianhu.

"It's daytime. There are 800,000 masters patrolling in the Justice Academy. If we get close, we will be discovered. How can we get in?" Lion Kuang hurriedly explained.

"Oh, there is some truth to what you said, then it will be dark." Lord Qianhu nodded.

"Okay! I'll take you in when it's dark, but you have to fight quickly. Your strength is too strong, and everyone has a very strong aura. Once you start it, you will be discovered by the masters in the academy. If you are discovered by those masters, then you will definitely suffer a lot of casualties." Lion Kuang reminded.

"Well, we understand." Lord Qianhu said.

Inside the School of Justice.

Xia Xia and King Arthur and others are doing training there.

"King Arthur, are you really not going?" Xiang Pengcheng asked.

"Actually, I also want to go, but Xia Xia is right. I'm not the kind of ambitious person. I just need to be stable and stable. The chances of dying there are too high to be committed, but as long as you have anything you need my help Call me if you want, and I promise to use as much ability as I can." King Arthur assured.

"Okay, I can rest assured with your words, there will definitely be trouble for you in the future." Xiang Pengcheng said.

"Then you're welcome, just open your mouth. If it's inconvenient for you, just ask someone to deliver the letter. As long as the two of you are mentioned, there will be no problem." King Arthur patted his chest and said.

"It's the same for you. If you need help, just call me, and I'll be there as soon as possible." Xia Xia said.

"I won't be polite either," said King Arthur.

They have been cultivating together for the past two days.

Tomorrow is the day they set off for summer.

Go out to practice instead of Justice Academy.

"I'm going to leave tomorrow, I'm really looking forward to it." Xia Xia said excitedly. He has not been to the real ancient battlefield, nor the mercenary club. It can be said that his heart is full of mercenary always. In order to look forward to it, in his fantasy, mercenaries should always be a place full of strong people.

"I'm afraid it's only people like you who look forward to it. Others can't hide." Xiang Pengcheng shook his head helplessly.

After being in contact with Xia for a few days, he found that Xia was different from others.

Summer is more like a lunatic who is not afraid of the sky and the earth.

"I'm going to be separated from you tomorrow, I'm really reluctant." King Arthur said with a grievance on his face.

"Let's go, we're gone, Chute was also abolished by Tianxia, ​​then you are now the boss of the low-level disciples. If you say bullying, you are bullying." Xiang Pengcheng said helplessly, but he was Knowing King Arthur's character, King Arthur used to bully people a lot.

But in this kind of place, being bullied can only mean that you are incompetent.

Therefore, Xiang Pengcheng generally seldom takes care of it.

"Yes, I forgot if you didn't say it. Now I'm the number one among the lower-level disciples." King Arthur's face suddenly appeared excited. The grievances on his face are now full of excitement.

"Hahahaha!!" Both Xia Xia and Xiang Pengcheng laughed.

Whoosh! !

The three trained for a day.

Afterwards, Xia Xia did not stingy, took out good wine and food, and the three of them drank directly.

"Tianxia, ​​I feel that you are definitely not an ordinary person. You will definitely be able to soar into the sky in the future." King Arthur looked at Xia Xia and said.

"You don't have to compliment me." Xia Xia shook his head helplessly.

"I'm not complimenting, I'm telling the truth. Although I am afraid of things and timid, my heart was really peaceful when I met Qiu Cao that day, as if I could follow you without fear. This feeling has never appeared, so I think it is all brought to me by you." King Arthur said.

"Yes, what King Arthur said is right. I also felt the same way at the time, and I felt very confident." Xiang Pengcheng nodded.

"Uh!!" Xia Xia was slightly taken aback.

Outside the Justice Academy at this time.

"Can we go now?" Lord Qianhu asked.

"Okay, although the guards have been heavily guarded in recent days, at night, those people are also lazy. After all, they are used to being lazy. As long as we don't make too much noise, we shouldn't be discovered." Lion Crazy Said, he was a little excited at this time, because he could hear the news of the death of that hateful Tianxia right away.

"Let's lead the way." Qianhu and the others led the mighty more than 400 Jiuding masters and set off.

They came out in batches just to avoid attracting too many people's attention.

"The entrance is in a cave on the back of the mountain. There are cliffs and cliffs there. It is impossible for ordinary people to enter. But you are all masters of Jiuding, so naturally there is no problem here. There is a training area for low-level disciples. As long as you go there, you will completely enter the School of Justice." The lion maniac brought those people to the edge of the cliff, and he guided them down.

"You go first." Lord Qianhu said.

"Me? I'm not going in, I'll wait for you outside." Lion said madly.

"No, you have to come in with us, don't you want to see that Tianxia die with your own eyes?" Lord Qianhu asked.

The lion gritted his teeth furiously. He understood that the other party didn't trust him. Seeing this, he couldn't go in if he didn't go in. Moreover, what the other party said made sense, and he just wanted to watch that abominable Tianxia die.

"Okay, let's enter the School of Justice."

"Huadu Camp 5 Group: 334895217 (activity group) group has red envelope activities, and the genuine address is left to leave a book review to the red envelope, and enter the group to consult the administrator.

Huadu Camp 6 Group: 516492714 (newly opened): The 6th group is recruiting administrators, and those who are capable will enter quickly, and the number of places is limited. 》


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