The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2978: VIP customers

and also?

The elder was slightly taken aback! !

He was a little surprised when he saw that Xia Xian took out so many spirit stones, but now Xia actually said that he had something more valuable.

To know that the value of these pills is already very high.

"Then let's talk in another room," Xia Xia said.

You must know that the medicinal pill he had just occupied a large area of ​​the house, so he wanted to change the room and take out the things.

"Please!!" The elder directly directed Xia Xia to the next room.

As for the medicine pill calculation here, I didn't worry about them being a ghost that summer, and I didn't believe that they would swallow their own medicine pills.

Because if that was the case, the smoking shop would have long since ceased to exist.

And Xia Xia has lightning in his hands. If the people here dare to play tricks, then Xia Xia will raze this place to the ground. Anyway, he is not afraid of more enemies.

Soon the two came to another room.

Three new assessors also came.

Swish! !

Xia Xia's right hand waved again, and countless weapons appeared in the room.

These weapons are of any grade.

Of course, Xia Xia won't take out the fake fairy weapons, because these fake fairy tools are reserved for the brothers.

The weapons he wants to sell are cloud weapons.

"Eight hundred top-grade cloud items, 10,000 top-grade cloud items, and a few others!!" Xia Xia said slowly.

"What?" The elder's face was full of incredulity. He was just a little surprised just now, but now his face is full of inconceivable. Just taking out so many medicinal pills makes people feel too rich, and now in the summer How many weapons can be brought out.

This is too scary.

The elder immediately looked at the summer again.

If his attitude towards Xia Xia just now was just his attitude towards ordinary customers, then his eyes have changed now.

Xia Xia suddenly became a big customer in his eyes.

"Sir, this is the price list, you can refer to it first, but the specific price should have a certain increase, and the price of different weapons and types is also different." The elder once again handed a large piece of jade to Xia Xia.

After taking it in the summer, I saw the price above.

Top-grade cloud artifact: starting from 10 million top-grade spirit stones;

High-grade cloud artifact: starting from 300,000 high-grade spirit stones;

Mid-grade cloud artifact: starting from 30,000 top-grade spirit stones;

Low-grade cloud artifact starts from a thousand pieces of high-grade spirit stone.

After looking at the price, Xia Xia nodded, this smoking shop is really not a black shop, because his price is generally only squeezed by 20% to 30%, this price can be said to be very fair.

"Okay, let's rate it!!" Summer nodded.

The elder pressed a button in the seat, and forty or fifty appraisers ran in again. Then these appraisers started to get busy, and they evaluated them very carefully.

"Sir, this is our VIP medal. In the future, as long as you come to our store with this thing, you can enjoy the most honorable treatment, and the purchase price can also be increased by 0.5%. Although the price has not increased too much, but With so many things you have, 0.50% is a lot of money." The elder directly took out a silver badge with the totem of Pixiu on it.

"Thank you so much." Xia Xia was not polite, he understood that 0.5 percent was very high.

For example, if the original price is 100 pieces of high-grade spirit stones, here is 70 pieces of high-grade spirit stones from others, and 75 pieces of high-grade spirit stones are collected in summer.

And he won't have to queue in the future, he just needs to take out the badge.

"Sir, if you want to sell something in the future, you can go directly to the 80th floor. No matter what it is, there will be the most professional elders and appraisers to serve you." The elders are also very polite, because in his eyes, summer Now it is a big customer, although their business here is very good.

But the summer came out this time with more goodies than they normally receive in a month.

"Yeah!!" The most fearful thing in summer is trouble. Now that he has this badge, he can also enjoy the VIP treatment.

The elder invited Summer to a lounge.

The two then drank tea.

"Sir, at first glance you are young and promising. It is not common for people who can take out so many things at one time, especially people as young as you are even rarer." The elder kept praising Xia Xia. On the one hand, Xia Xia is now their VIP client, and on the other hand, he really admires Xia Xia sincerely.

He admires the kind of person who has the ability.

In his eyes, Xia Xia is the kind of person who has the ability.

"You're welcome." Xia Xia smiled slightly: "By the way, elder, which force does this smoking shop belong to? Is it a new human, or is it the capital of justice?"

Xia Xia was very curious. For such a large smoking shop, the daily transaction flow is probably very abnormal. So what kind of big man is behind it?

"Hahaha, sir, you misunderstood, we do not belong to the city of justice, nor do we belong to the new human beings." The elder suddenly laughed.

"Huh?" Xia Tian was stunned for a moment.

Does not belong to the capital of justice, and does not belong to the new human beings? Is it the Demons and the Demons?

Although Xiang Pengcheng said before that there are demons and demons in Slaughter City, but he didn't see any of them in the summer, so he still doesn't know what the demons look like. As for the demons, he still sees them in the Lower Three Realms. passed.

"Don't get me wrong, we are not from the Demon Race or the Demon Race." The elder seemed to see through Xia Xia's mind.

"What kind of power is that?" Xia Xia was even more puzzled.

"Actually, there are not only new human beings and the capital of justice in the human world, but also many masters who don't care about the world. Some of these masters work together to build some small Indisputable in the world, our The suction shop is a branch of one of the small forces, but although we are a small force, even the masters of the new human beings and the city of justice would not dare to touch us, otherwise it will only be a fish and a net." The elder said very confidently.

"Yeah!!" Xia Xia also knew that the human world is so big, and there must be countless masters. These masters don't seem to be involved in the battle of the big forces, so they are all small forces, but this is not It doesn't mean they are weak.

Even they are the real hermit masters.

"You will know in the future, not only in the human world, but also in the demon world and the demon world, there are many people who don't want to participate in the battle of the forces, and even some people just like to live and settle in the ancient battlefield." The elder explained.

"Oh, by the way, elder, do you accept the practice here?" Xia Xia asked.

"Cultivation method!" The elder's eyes suddenly lit up.

drop! !

"Elder, the price has been calculated."


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