The Best All-rounder

Chapter 3390: kill you

The genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (apex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! The summer stood up directly. ↖,

Although the people who are eating here are also talking and laughing, no one is deliberately going to trouble anyone, and Xia Xia also walked out directly from here.

After going out, he went straight back to the cage.

This is a line with the cage, he can only walk in the direction of the cage, otherwise there will be guards in other directions.

Summer can be considered to explore the situation here.

"As long as I can restore my spiritual energy, then my perspective can also be restored. At that time, I can use the opportunity in the mine to dig a hole with a golden knife to escape." Xia Xia had already thought about escaping at this time. method, but he will not always rely on this method. After all, now he does not know when he will recover. If Wang Bao comes, then he must also change his strategy.

In a word, if you can escape to a higher-level prison, then escape to a higher-level prison and never stay in the periphery, but if you can't, you can only find a way to quickly restore your aura.

"People here have no spiritual energy, as if they were sealed. It should be related to the handcuffs and footcuffs on my hands." I saw people using similar handcuffs before the summer, but the handcuffs at that time were not as advanced as this. That's it.

The handcuffs in the crevice prison are of a very high level.

"It seems that I have to find a way to get the handcuffs free." Xia Xia returned to the number.

He started to rub his shackles with his finger that had been plucked from the flesh, and he rubbed very fast.

crunch! !

There was a loud screeching of bones and shackles.

"Hey, it's useless." Xia Xia gave up. I don't know what material these handcuffs and anklecuffs are made of, they are very hard.

It's useless in summer.

Three hours have passed.

But those few people have not returned.

"It seems that today's tasks have increased, and they are more troublesome than before." Xia Xia said secretly.

At this point he was sitting in that corner, recovering his body.

After more than two hours, those talents gradually came back, and the man whose arm was stabbed by Xia Xia has not returned.

Apparently after his arm injury, he moved a lot slower.

And no one was there to help him.

But what makes Xiafei feel weird is that the door here is not locked, and none of the people who come in will go out.

"Humph!!" Lei Tou San snorted coldly, he was not surprised that Xia Xia came back first, obviously Brother Luo had already told him.

Several other people also looked at Xia Xia, but did not speak.

Not long after sitting down, everyone began to fall asleep.

After all, I was so tired just now, everyone must be sleepy, but they slept one by one.

Xia Xian also closed his eyes, but he never slept, but waited for two hours. He didn't open his eyes until he heard the sound of those people sleeping, and then stood up slowly. When he got up, his movements were very light, and he deliberately wrapped the handcuffs and ankle cuffs with clothes so that they would not make any sound.

And his steps are very light, only a few centimeters in one step, which can be the lightest.

Don't let anyone find out.

It didn't wake anyone up either.

It took more than ten minutes for Xia Xia to walk from his position to the position of the third leper.

When he walked to the leprosy, his movements were also very light. His target was the leprosy's neck, the artery, as long as he cut through it, then the leprosy would be dead, as long as the leper would die. , then the people here will definitely arrest him. In order to avoid exposure, he will definitely find a way to keep Xia Xia alive.

Xia Xia guessed that when the time comes, the building steward will definitely send Xia Xia to the depths.

Xia Xia's fingers gradually approached the artery of the third man.

Got it! !

"Third brother, be careful!!" At this moment, someone at the door shouted loudly, this person is none other than the one with a broken wrist.

His mobile phone Black Demon Ore was too slow before, so he has only come back now.

puff! !

The leprechaun rolled instinctively.

Dodged the key point, but Xia Xia's fingers still stabbed in along the collarbone of Leitou San.

Blood flowed! !

Moreover, Xia Xia's fingers were tightly grasping the leprosy, and he would not let go of anything.

Everyone else around was also awakened.

"Third Brother!!" Those people hurriedly shouted.

"Pull him away, pull him away." Lei Tou San panicked this time. He had seen someone who was deadly, but it was the first time he had seen someone like Xia Xia. Xia Xian was like a cheetah. I didn't expect that Xia Tian would endure it now, and Xia Xia actually did so many methods.

The people around hurried to pull the summer.

But Xia Xia's hand was firmly grasping the third man.

"Hit him!!" The people around hit Xia Xia with one punch after another, thinking that this would allow Xia Xia to let go.

Click! Click!

At this moment, everyone heard the sound of broken bones.

This is not the leprosy three, but summer.

Xia Xia deliberately deformed his fingers, so that his fingers were firmly buckled on the collarbone of the third leper.

"Don't pull't pull it!!" The leper grinned in pain.

For a while, the people around didn't know what to do.

Xia Xia's finger has not stopped, and kept squirming in the flesh and blood of Lephead Three. As long as he touches Lephead Three's artery, he will cut off Lephead Three's artery without hesitation.

"You let it go, our business is over." The leprosy's three clothes softened, because at this moment he really felt death, and he also felt the horror of Xia Xia.

Since coming in in the summer, he has given people a very terrifying feeling.

It's just that there were so many of them at the time, so no one cared.

But at this time they finally understood what kind of person Summer is.

"Don't let it go!!" Summer said coldly.

"What exactly do you want?" asked Leitou San.

"Kill you, I said, people don't attack me, I don't attack people, if people attack me, I will kill them." Xia Xia's voice seemed like a devil.

"Call the guards." Leitou San hurriedly shouted.

"Master Guard! Master Guard!!" the man outside shouted loudly.

At this time, the people in the other numbers were also awakened, and a few people ran out to watch the fun.

Five guards ran over from the side.

"Who let you out?" One of the guards was taken aback.


Then the thunder sticks in their hands directly touched the bodies of those people.

what! what! what!

When you meet a person, a person falls.

This is the power of the thunder stick.

"Master Guard, please save the third brother," said the man at the door.

"Let go!!" the guard shouted directly.

"Don't let it go!!" Summer responded.

"I told you to let go." One of the guards directly touched Xia Xia with the thunder stick in his hand.

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