The Best All-rounder

Chapter 3602: Sergeant's Calculation

military adviser! !

The strategist of the Twin Palace! !

Only the real high-level officials of the Twin Hall understand that although Fairy Tiangong is one of the Ten Great Sages, if there is no military advisor, Fairy Tiangong will not be able to take this seat.

And the strategist is the man who has been silently guarding behind the fairy in Tiangong.


"Nothing to worry about, I have already sent orders to the three generals, they will soon lead the army back to the Twin Cities, and now that the people are almost evacuated, I will also send people to raise public opinion. All of them will think that we let them go on purpose to escape this time, so as not to involve them in the war, so that they will be grateful to the Twin Hall, and as soon as the war is over, they will rush back immediately. The Twin Hall." The strategist said lightly.

He had already arranged everything silently.

"Okay, then you..."

"I'm fine, you go, start before ten o'clock." Said the strategist.

"Yes!!" Zuo Hufa said and turned and left.

After the Zuo Hufa left, the military advisor put on clean clothes, and then he wiped all the ranks in the house and put on a stick of incense: "Father, the child may be unfilial."

After Xia Xia and the old monster Xia Qiankun came to the Twin Cities, they did not act directly, but waited.

Public execution at twelve o'clock.

There is still plenty of time.

"Hey, I just don't know where my mother and father are locked up, otherwise I'll go and rescue them directly." Xia Xia also quietly searched the Twin Hall for a few times in the past few nights, but in the end there was still no evidence. Being able to find it, he guessed that the mother and father must be locked in a very hidden place, or a special place.

"The slaughter of the city will be punished. Although there is no basis for this statement, people who have done this kind of thing generally do not end well." The old monster Xia Qiankun reminded that he killed dozens of people because of the Qiankun seal. Hundreds of millions of people have been condemned by God and have been imprisoned for thousands of years.

Although he was imprisoned by King Yu, he believed that all this was divine punishment.

"Old monster, if you knew that you would be imprisoned for thousands of years for killing people, would you still kill it?" Xia Xia asked the old monster.

"Yes, although I can't remember why I killed people back then, but I don't seem to regret it," said the old monster.

"That's right, I also took Immortal King Crystal. In the Middle Three Realms, almost no one can kill me, unless I am also sealed, but if you want to seal me, I am afraid no one can do it." Xia Tian He said very confidently that he has a golden sword in his hand, so there are very few places that can trap him.

And he himself is the owner of the atmosphere.

He slaughtered the city not because he was afraid of being punished, but because he felt bad about it, so he drove away the people in the city before slaughtering the city, and then dealt with those who wanted to kill him.

In the current Twin Cities, ordinary residents are running outside.

They are all escaping the Twin Cities quickly.

As long as they all escaped, there would be no guilt in the summer.

As for the soldiers who did not leave and those masters.

They didn't leave because they wanted to have a life-and-death collision with Xia Xia, and Xia Xia naturally wouldn't show mercy.

Outside the Twin Cities! !

"Soldiers, keep your troops for a thousand days and use them for a while. Now the Twin Cities are under threat from others, what do you think we should do?" a general shouted loudly.

"Kill him!!"

"Kill him!!"

The soldiers responded.

"Okay, after the people have escaped from the Twin Cities, let's enter the city and kill him!!" the general shouted again.

"kill him!"

The soldiers responded again.

At the same time, more and more soldiers began to come from all directions to the Twin Cities.

The residents who escaped from the Twin Cities are also spreading a topic.

"It turns out that the Immortal Lord deliberately asked us to leave the Twin Cities, just to prevent us from being involved in the war. We all blamed the Immortal Lord."

"Yeah, it's really hard for the Immortal Lord. I've done so much for us, and now I'm going to be wronged by us."

"No, we have to go back to the city and help the Immortal Lord."

Those residents and business people have expressed their desire to return to the city.

But the perimeter of the city has been stopped by the sergeants.

"We can understand everyone's feelings, but fighting is the responsibility of our soldiers, so please wait patiently outside the city. Now the teleportation array is only open to soldiers, but don't worry, we will definitely coexist with the Twin Cities. ." Those officers were outside comforting residents.

Hearing their words, those residents were moved to tears, and they even began to blame themselves, thinking that they should not be so selfish and should not have left the Twin Cities, their hometown for so many years.

It can be said that what happened this time not only failed to break the Twin Cities apart, but instead made those outsiders more loyal to the Twin Cities.

As for what happened before, they had already forgotten about it.

Even if someone wanted to raise the issue of the Twin Halls disregarding the life and death of the seven cities, everyone would go to crusade him.

I think he did it on purpose.

For a time, the Twin Cities had become justice in their minds.

The soldiers guarding the city were also full of enthusiasm.

"Brothers, prepare all the defense weapons, drop the muzzle, and lock the target in the city." Zuo Hufa shouted loudly.


"Remember, your family members have left the Twin Cities safely. In this battle, as long as you survive, everyone will be rewarded. The Twin Palace will also guarantee that all the soldiers who participated in the war will be exempt from tax for ten years." Zuo Hufa shouted again. , He kept cheering on the city wall to make these people more cohesive.

The right guardian law at this time is the same.

She ran among all the senior generals and masters, and brought them all It is not easy for these people to gather together, because they are much more sophisticated than those ordinary residents, and They saw with their own eyes that Xia Xia killed someone and left easily, and it was Commander Hu who killed him.

In the end, however, the Right Protector was still successful.

Because all this is arranged by the military division.

Time passed little by little.

The sergeant also sat in a sedan chair.

The destination of the sedan chair is where Xia Xia is. When the sedan chair arrived in front of Xia Xia, it stopped, and the military advisor came out of the sedan chair.

"Let's meet again." The sergeant smiled slightly.

"You did all of this?" Xia Xia asked, he had already seen the changes in the Twin Cities, and all these changes happened in these few hours.

"Well, some things always have to be done by someone. For example, I don't intend for you to affect her mood."


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